The First Coast Tea Party hosted a free Straw Poll on July 19th for all 2014 Federal and State Candidates on the primary ballot for Clay, Duval and St. Johns Counties. This Straw Poll was open to the public and a media release was issued to encourage voters to attend. The Duval Supervisor of Elections, Mr. Jerry Holland, was the moderator of the event and provided oversight to the Tabulation Team for the ballot count.
Voters got acquainted with candidates by interactive dialog and by viewing candidate recorded statements. This Straw Poll broke new ground by interviewing judicial candidates where previously very few voters were familiar with these candidates. Citizens’ views on the Duval Library Straw Ballot were also included to educate voters.
An overwhelming number of attendees and candidates expressed their gratitude to the First Coast Tea Party for the opportunity to participate in this free event when so many similar events are both costly and without the benefit of the candidates recorded statements to rely on for those candidates unable to attend. Everyone enjoyed the complementary continental breakfast. The event was held in the Auditorium of the Jacksonville Salem Center.
Volunteers of the First Coast Tea Party offered candidates from all parties of the three counties the opportunity to record statements on their candidacy. Some candidates chose not to be interviewed. The full candidate interviews to educate voters on their views on specific issues will be made available by You Tube links on this website soon. The First Coast Tea Party expresses our appreciation to these volunteers for the many long hours expended in this huge accomplishment that provides valuable information to voters.
Straw ballots are intended to be an informal poll. Often, people only vote the races they are familiar with, although nothing restricts their complete participation.
The results of this Straw Poll are shown below:
Representatives in Congress
District 3
Jake Rush 36%
Ted Yoho 64%
District 4
Ander Crenshaw 13%
Ryman Shoaf 87%
District 5
Thuy Lowe 22%
Glo Smith 78%
State Senator
District 6
Derek Hankerson 86%
John Thrasher 14%
State Representatives
District 15
*Jay Fant 44% (*See note below)
Paul Renner 56%
District 16
Charles McBurney 53%
Chris Oliver 47%
Circuit Judges (Clay, Duval & Nassau)
4th Judicial Circuit, Group 27
Anthony Penoso 25%
Michael Sharrit 75%
7th Judicial Circuit (St. Johns, Flagler, Putnam & Volusia)
Group 18
Karen Foxman 60%
Steve Sands 40%
Group 20
Steve DeLaroche 23%
Adam Warren 30%
Kathy Weston 47%
Group 23
Kellie Killebrew 46%
Thomas Portuallo 54%
Duval County Library Straw Ballot
Yes 34%
No 66%
*NOTE: The FCTP was advised that the candidate recorded statements shown at this Straw Poll was not the intended recording. The selected recorded statements and full interview with questions on issues will be in the You Tube video for voters.
I'm too much of a constitutional constructionist to be a democrat or a republican at this point! democrats and most republicans practice a liberal philosophy when it comes to the Constitution!
link to show you that Rick Scott supports Common Core.
There are many others. Rick Scott is a evil man just like Charlie Crist, with H.B.133 (2013) Rick Scott put 14000 people out of work with the stroke of a pen.
Ricardo, I left a comment on your page related to your concern about your information. Please get with me so that we can work your issues. Thank you.
My issue with Scott is that he is now running on the fact that he raised educational spending in Florida while Charlie Crist cut spending. Which side is he on?
Jim, I agree that our Governor should be the one who leads the way on conservative fiscal policy. I also know the the legislature controls the purse strings but the Governor has a veto. There are still a lot of RINO's in the Florida legislature. Let's get them out and then get a Tea Party candidate on the Republican primary ballot. As one who voted third party before only to see an evil candidate win, I strongly suggest that you vote wisely. I can't understand why the Tea Party would ignore a legitimate candidate that fits the bill. As for Rick Scott being evil , I think you sound like a Democrat. Please post a link to show me that he supports Common Core.
FCTP I do not want my info on your database it's that simple. It puzzles me that you cannot understand that. So I will continue to support the Tea Party in principle but not FCTP's policy of collecting information.
YES, I completely understand that former republican Charlie Crist is now running as a democrat. If both these corrupt establishment candidates running against each other isn't proof enough that there is no difference between these two party's, ok. how about common core, how about since republicans have taken over Florida they increase the budget by over 40%, with Rick Scott increasing the budget the most in state history, whatever happened to fiscal responsibility? We all bash Obama for giving out government cash ( our cash ) to companies, Rick Scott is the King of doing this in Florida! If Rick Scott was a democrat everyone on this page would be bashing him for his corrupt pay to play crony deals. We have the good honest Oath keeper who has the preamble to the Constitution tattooed on his arm runing for Governor and instead of helping this good man he's being ignored by this Tea Party simply because he's not a republican, so I ask you again when are you going to have this good man Adrian Wyllie at the FCTP?
Jim, might have misunderstood your comment but you do realize that Charlie Crist is a Democrat, not a Republican. The balance of your comments are your opinion and not being supported or disputed here, but just wanted to make sure you realized Crist is not running against Scott in the primary.
Ricardo, the only reason that FCTP asks for any information from you is to confirm that you are who you say you are. It is for the protection of our members. We do our best to keep offensive remarks and people that would only be here to harass our members. I am sorry if that offended you. NO information is shared, so whatever phone calls you receive would not be from us or have anything to do with the phone number you give us when signing up. The only way we communicate is through the blasts that go out through email. Hope that corrects any misunderstandings.
While checking the information on my profile, I was ordered to enter my telephone number and address. I guess that the Tea Party are now also hypocrites for demanding my personal information on one hand and claiming to support freedom liberty and the Constitution on the other? Interested in hearing a justification for this other than "We might need to contact you for volunteering or support". Since the Democrats took over this country in 2007, I have been increasing harassed by unsolicited phone calls both residential land line and now cell phone. It seems as though our govt is more interested in persecuting citizens rather than protecting them. The last thing I need in more unsolicited phone call,s even if they are from someone or organization that I support.
First, a vote for an obviously weaker (not necessarily in principles but in popularity) third party candidate will get us Charlie Crist again and we all know that would be disaster for Florida. Second, it is a shame that candidates for judges cannot reveal their political leanings because liberal "progressives" become stealth candidates and, when elected or appointed, rule according to their political beliefs and party affiliation rather then the rule of law.By the looks of it, Sharrit is the establishment candidate and these days that spells trouble. However, Penoso could be one of those liberal sleepers. Does anyone have any information about him?
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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