This web site has literally tons of very scary information given what we already know about the UN's Agenda 21 as this is all part and parcel to it. The problem with this whole regional transportation thing, as we found out when they were going to let JTA go wild downtown and start their wide eyed regional transit center, is these folks are meant to be regional outfits (as the one in Atlanta is and I repeat REGIONAL again as that is the most important word in this) where they take you tax dollars and the tax dollars of many cities, towns, and states, and run an organization that has ZERO local control and zero state control in the end. The voters have no control over anything and neither do the city officials. So, I would ask you, do you really want a unionized organization making all their own rules for transportation, housing and shopping and where it will go and run everything with the only person they answer to as the federal government (this is not really interstate commerce yet, read below, the feds are missing with rural roads etc), but they will make our terminal their business, because they will no longer call us by state names, cities or town names or consider what is in our state to be the state of Floridas ........... we would be SOUTH (and when you go through this web site that is exactly how it is set up and the plan; how clever of them huh?)! They talk like all the roads are their roads and the feds have control over them and they DO NOT. And this outfit talks stack and pack housing, stores, and all the rest. And Atlanta, who is mentioned in several places, is in to this and taxes have gone way up with regional taxes, and those who are paying larger amounts in the suburbs will not get the services they were initially promised, because the regional outfit does not have the money to run the lines to them and can't raise taxes again and again as they already have several times. It is a ravonous beast that can never be satisfied, because efficiency isn't exactly how government entities are run. So this is just another huge federal boon doggle that eats money like no body's business, always runs over budget and uses nothing but overpaid union employees and only contractors who will use union employees, and there is no local or state control period as they will fall under the department of transportation. All of that plus, this is all agenda 21 and furthering the sustainable communities concept (there foot in the door when they couldn't get their treaty ratified for the UN to ram it down our throats). But the one thing that gets my ire totally, is this is being done in such a way, that the people who will pay for this will have no voice period as it will all be run by unelected bureaucrats here and in Washington who can just let cities and towns know how much money they have to kick in with no vote or no voice and like Atlanta impose a regional tax that you can't do a single thing about or even vote people out! to get rid of and demand change. It is a giant scam as far as I am concerned all laid out in pretty words, but folks are not asking the right questions. Who will be in charge? Will the cities and states lose control over this? How much will it cost and who will pay for it? Will local governments be able to control what is put in their cities and towns and even more important, will they be able to control the costs to the residents of those cities, towns or states? Will we have to pay an equal amount with others in the "region" we are in for improvements that might not even be in our city or state?
This years Tiger grant awards as they move forward with this nightmare:
Reconnecting America Welcomes Announcement of TIGER 2012 Grant Awards
More News & Resources:
DOT, Federal Policy, FTA, Transit, Transit Funding
Reconnecting America President and CEO John Robert Smith welcomed the Department of Transportation's announcement of $500 million in funding for TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) 2012 grants across the country, especially in small towns and rural areas.
“These are the kinds of projects that will create jobs, spur local economic development, revive our city centers, and create regional integrated transportation solutions," Smith said. “This $500 million will fund critical projects in cities and regions large and small such as intermodal rail improvements at the Port of Oakland, rural bus service in Muskegon, MI, an intercity passenger rail service in Raleigh, NC, and a transit facility in Marty, SD serving the Yankton Sioux Tribe.”
As LaHood explained in the grant announcement, TIGER is a highly competitive program that funds projects which are difficult or impossible to fund through other federal programs. These federal funds are leveraged with money from private sector partners, states, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations and transit agencies. In all, LaHood’s department received 703 applications from all 50 states, U.S. territories and the District of Columbia seeking funding for projects totaling more than $10.2 billion.
“The new round of TIGER grants continues to demonstrate the need for federal transportation revenues that can leverage innovative financing tools and promote collaboration among states, regions and the private sector,” Smith said. “The selected projects demonstrate that innovative strategies are being developed by cities and counties, regardless of their size.”
According to LaHood’s announcement roughly 35 percent of the TIGER 2012 funding will go to road and bridge projects, including more than $30 million for the replacement of rural roads and bridges that need improvements to address safety and state of good repair deficiencies.
Link to this information with other links:
The Facebook page for these folks:
Rather long video by Tom DeWeese on Stopping Agenda 21. If you have the time, please watch.
Well imagine that, you have to contact someone in Atlanta, Georgia about things going on here in Duval County? And there is always the UN Agenda 21 sustainable development (who could be against implementing that...........such pretty words for something that means killing off most of the folks in our country and putting the rest of them in stack and packs...............something I found out last night. Did you know that home schooling is unsustainable? Anyone got a reason that might be on the list anyone????
Region 4 Profile
Our mission is to “improve public transportation for America’s communities” by administering Federal funding and providing technical assistance to support a variety of locally planned, constructed, and operated public transportation systems throughout the Southeastern Region.
We intend for the Region IV website to be a dynamic resource for our customers to keep current on real-time questions and answers regarding several exciting initiatives, some new and some we have been pursuing for several years. These initiatives include the DOT/HUD/EPA Sustainable Communities initiative (Agenda 21) which was initiated in June, 2010, and the Veterans Transportation and Community Living initiative, which was initiated in May, 2011. Both of these initiatives are essential to the operation of public transportation systems that meet the needs of our private citizens; our veterans; and the communities in which they both live.
The 2012 appropriations are fast approaching and will be another priority for the Agency, as well, as we work tirelessly to obligate lapsing funds before September 30, 2012. Region IV stands ready, willing, and able to assist our customers.
In Fiscal Year 2012, the FTA will be preparing for the next appropriations legislation. We will also be working diligently to ensure that transit infrastructure projects are an essential component of the President’s Jobs Act, because these projects not only provide jobs for America’s unemployed, they also enhance the public transportation systems of transit agencies in the Southeast and across the Nation. Therefore, this is certainly a time of change and opportunity -- let’s commit to a successful Fiscal Year 2012 by doing all that we can to keep our economy moving and the American public mobile.
In FY 2011, Region IV awarded 363 grants and obligated $889,629,210. We could not have achieved this extraordinary result without the incredible partnerships that we have with our key stakeholders.
As we prepare for a new fiscal year of change and opportunities, our commitment is to continue working closely with our customers, to foster open and transparent communications, and to provide clear guidance to ensure the success of critical projects so desperately needed across the Southeastern Region.
230 Peachtree, NW Suite 800 Atlanta, GA 30303 Telephone: (404) 865-5600 Fax: (404) 865-5605 |
I also found this information Paul. Did you also read the rest of the document?
The North Florida TPO Board is comprised of elected officials and transportation agency representatives. They meet monthly to discuss issues and make informed decisions about future transportation projects, initiatives and improvements, providing leadership for a continuous and comprehensive transportation planning process. Currently, the TPO has 15 voting members and five non-voting/ex officio members.
Ex officio members include: District 2 Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation; a representative from the U.S. Navy and a representative from the Baker, Flagler and Putnam County Commissions.
The North Florida TPO meets monthly, except January and July, the second Thursday at 10 a.m.
Ken, of course it's expensive, but money is no object to these folks to meet their objectives. If you are really interested in knowing what this is and where it is going, go sometime and listen to Victoria Baer speak. She is a top tier speaker on this issue and an authority on all of it. She was the speaker at our meeting tonight, and I felt like I was hit by lightning when she brought this very subject up about "regional" transportation and centers and how we are part of the "south" region which will do away with state borders and make our city and state governments null and void including mayors and the rest. We will not elect anyone and have zero control over anything; all the folks will be appointed bureaucrats. The state of Georgia thought enough of Ms Baer's presentation to pass legislation for their state! Atlanta is already involved in this garbage and it is costly and according to Victoria, the folks who live on the outskirts who did not get lines was done by design as they want to pull people into the hub and out of the country (where they eventually probably won't be able to even step into when it is returned to the wild human free area with a buffer zone around it where we are not allowed to go).
Well thank you Paul for your total enlightment. Tonight the speaker for our group was Victoria Baer (you know the lady who spoke before the Georgia legislature and got an Agenda 21 bill passed in the state of Georgia because of her factual presentation). Part of the presentation tonight included the very information posted in this blog, and what I have said is absolutely true. You may read what they say if you wish, but regional is where the UN wants control and out of the hands of our local politicians and state officials. Once they have passed the legislation for all of this, they will not be needed anymore and have no function at all, because an appointed regional board of bureaucrats will be controlling everything including how we travel, where we live, and where we work. This is not a joke, and it is happening. Be nay sayer if you wish but Obama and other presidents have gone to all these UN meetings and the senior Bush signed an agreement and there are treaties before the senate that fortunately for us have not been passed but there are those who favor agreeing to them. Only a very foolish person would take the stand you have, and you will be in for a big surprise I guess! These regional folks do not serve the United States; they serve themselves in the process of doing away with our voice, our property rights, and our freedom. Meets our vital national interests my foot. This is the global warming garbage promoted by the UN and their agenda 21 program.
Its mission is to "Serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible, and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future."
For even more about this insidious organization there is documentation at the following website that they have been doing this since 1806.
I find it very interesting that FCTP is taking a stand against this sort of thing.
I was horrified at some of what I read on this web site as it shows the method and plan to override states and city's rights to self governance and takes the people totally out of it by allowing unelected people to run the show and determine the costs without oversight. Scary stuff!
Pat, you are on target with this. But this is just a scratch of the surface.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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