God Returns to Public School: If You Want

Most of you understand that many, perhaps the majority of public schools have become hostile to the instruction of America's Christian Heritage. Since a series of Supreme Court rulings in the 1960's removed school prayer, public schools have moved towards a radical secularist curriculum, and away from teaching American exceptionalism. Many families are choosing Christian schools or home schools for their kids, yet 90% of American children still attend public schools. I am unwilling that 90% of America's kids are taught that America is not an exceptional country and that God had nothing to do with American values. Therefore, we must bring reform to public schools.


In the midst of all of the bad news about public schools, some good news is popping up like flowers forcing their way out of cracks in the pavement:

  • Over 2000 public schools are now teaching a Bible study curriculum and yes, it is legal
  • Tea Parties around the country are fighting back against radical anti American textbooks, and winning
  • Teaching materials containing traditional values are in over 3000 schools in all 50 states
  • "Rock of the Republic" a history of the influence of Christianity on American law and ethics, and being prepared in a public school version for 2 Florida counties

I just returned from a 4 day trip to Washington where I met with the legislative aides of Representatives Michelle Bachmann, Randy Forbes, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, John Mica, and the Congressional Prayer Caucus  to build support. I met with American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the Patrick Henry Institute who offered encouragement and support. All agree that we cannot have the kind of America we all want if the public schools are not reformed. 


I am coordinating a school reform speaking series Dr. Matthew Spalding, author of "Rock of the Republic" on May 21st and former Congressman Pete Hoekstra on June 20th. We can do this. With Him, all things are possible.http://www.rockoftherepublic.com

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Comment by Joe Story on April 6, 2011 at 9:42am

We as individuals have the power to bring the power of the shining light of God into the public schools.


It is more important to understand how we are allowed to doe this today than when Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story[i] gave his opinion about the difficulty in ascertaining the limits, to which our government may rightfully go in fostering and encouraging religion, today our very existence depends upon it. In the early years of the United States of America there were probably few people who would deliberately contend, that it was unreasonable, or unjust to foster and encourage the Christian religion generally, as a matter of sound policy, as well as of revealed truth. In fact, every American colony, from its foundation down to the revolution, with the exception of Rhode Island, did openly, by the whole course of its laws and institutions, support and sustain, in some form, the Christian religion; and almost invariably gave a peculiar sanction to some of its fundamental doctrines. Yet they felt that it was impossible, that there should not arise perpetual strife and perpetual jealousy on the subject of ecclesiastical ascendancy, if the national government were left free to create a religious establishment. The only security was in extirpating the power. But this alone would have been an imperfect security, if it had not been followed up by a declaration of the right of the free exercise of religion, and a prohibition (as we have seen) of all religious tests. They did not expect that the interpretation of this aspect of our constitutional law designed to “cut off the means of religious persecution” would be used to create a country where every decision is tested to make sure that it is anti-Christian, all other religions being given greater weight and Secular Humanism in effect being the national religion.

 In Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971), the Supreme Court created a general test to be used in all establishment-clause cases. Thereafter every law challenged under the establishment clause would pass constitutional muster only if it:

  • Had a secular purpose.

The very foundation of the laws of our nation ceased to exist with that decision. An anti-religious test was established. A nation with no standards upon which to base its laws will fail as it stands for nothing. Anything goes and the people in charge of the laws set the rules. Laws become elastic and open to interpretation according to the needs of the people in charge. By its very nature this is worse than any potential religious tests the amendment was written to address. 


Want to see where we are headed as a nation? Read Gibbons, "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire." In the 19th and very early 20th century, the Bible and Gibbon's monumental work were nearly required reading for anyone with aspirations for leadership or government service. Today, you may have a hard time finding a public library that has a copy of either work. Someone once said something to the effect that "those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." It would appear that we have not only thrown God out of our government, our schools, many of our churches, and our society as a whole, but we have thrown out any desire to know what happens to nations and people when they do such things. You should read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 to see the answer. Never have so many been so foolish. How long can we survive as a Secular, Humanistic Atheist nation?

[i] Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, Before the Adoption of the Constitution, vol. 3 (Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1833; reprint ed., New York: Da Capo Press, 1970), pp. 726-27.

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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