Close but you "Missed it by that much"
If I briefed you on the three attempted hits on me back in 1998 when I started national disclosure, how I stopped those attempted hits, and the specific players forward from the criminal political shill court system that used the same to make my life a living hell destroying my family / business over the next 14-years each and every month - day - and year, their names, detailed documented evidence (now about 12,000 pages) the blow by blow detailed outline of evidence on what they did as they had the cooperation of their key pull their strings - in their pocket law enforcement / local gov representatives, and you had the ability to reach far and wide to pressure and move on real indictments of them from the "not in their pocket gang", well "they" may just be motivated on that "kill" word, not me.
Their motto: "No consequences no problem". I, you, and all of us are facing an organized crime racketeering syndicate of no equal operating from within government. Once you start breaking the chains of masterful spoon-fed entertainment and conditioned fear response, it all comes to light very quickly. Then again when done you realize the "who" that has the motive and intent to use that "kill" word if true accountability comes to play jeopardizing their well entrenched racket.
Franklin: Give a call and I will answer that one. (928) 458-5854 Walter
Amanda: "hooha?"
Show us all how smart you are being so well informed. Send a short list (just a few is OK) of simple mention in public forum of the CAFR noting the investment totals shown therein from your key politicians and news media contacts. Any time from the last 65-years is OK.
Here is one I am familiar with from 2008 made by a politician, the speaker of the Oregon House, Mr. Hanna - (only one that I am aware of in the last ten years)
Independent media mention of the investment wealth shown in the CAFRs does not count (they are the only ones that made mention over the last 15-years and suffered the consequences for having done so )
The syndicated media ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Barons, etc., will be your showing.
How about three syndicated News media articles mentioning government investment wealth shown in the CAFR giving the links for all to see?
How about two from politicians mentioning government investment wealth shown in the CAFR other than Hanna from across the nation.
Should be an easy task for you Amanda, correct? A few key-strokes on Google right?
PS: Amanda, per "one honest" (who will risk the consequences), again read the article you are commenting on and read what is said per Gerald Klatt. The "one" retired federal auditor of 30-years.
Based on the massive control and wealth involved, if an inside player or an outside player under the influence of the inside players breached the "Silence is Golden" rule, the reaction in analogy would be as if: It was 1879 and a Afro American from Alabama openly asked and made the statement to the KKK membership in his state of his intentions to date the KKK's Grand Master's white daughter. Would not have gone over to well in 1879.
In reply to Amanda: "Who Profits?" Did you even read the article you commented on? Snipped from the article above was your answer before your question was presented:
"Every investment fund large or small is a “Power Base”. Where those moneys are invested determines who’s real-estate; corporation’s venture; or cash loans are funneled into, domestic “or” internationally. “Collectively” between all local and federal, they are sitting on 110-T + as of 2007."
You then go on to say: "They would be guaranteed re-election forever." The only thing they would be guaranteed by the prompt action of the inside players running the show of the Biggest Game in town is the unemployment line if not worse. This is not a TV soap where nice little plots written by paid writers plays out for the entertainment of the population. More money in "Reality" is changing hands as I said previously: "More money than Midas ever dreamed about" on all levels.
Your: "Is someone secretly getting rich?" was answered in the Who Profits answer.
"Whistleblower laws" Entertained you are. Reality and the scope of the wealth and power involved answers that question.
"60 minutes" - I contacted Don Hewitt several years ago when he was still alive per the CAFR and the structure behind it. 60 - Minutes is a CBS owned program. None of the syndicated networks in complete cooperation over decades with the "Silence is Golden rule" would make even simple mention of the CAFR let alone do a cognitive news story on it.
GET A REALITY CHECK real quick. Ask any syndicated media network reporter to simply and openly say to the public at large through their TV show, radio program, or News Paper: "I would like my viewers to look at their local government, city, county, school district, or State CAFRs - Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, and get back to me with comment." That should not be too hard for you to do Amanda, correct?
Try the same with any Political Party head or "any" elected politicians. The CAFR is the accounting Bible for your local governments. Now if you were in a Catholic church you would not have to ask them to make simple mention of the Bible, they do it all of the time without being asked.
Now if you asked the priest to make simple mention of the Bible in public forum, he would not hesitate for a second. But then mentioning the Bible by the Catholic church generates money for them, where in the alternative government not mentioning the CAFR maintains and brings in more money for "them". Government intentionally only mentions "Budget" reports and promotes debt. The other side of the coin they go out of their way, and expend much energy to make sure it is firmly cemented down on the floor. When they flip the coin for public consumption they say: Heads or Heads? The tails they keep between themselves...
CAFR1's response to Amanda's comment per Holly's post is as follows.
I Note GASB is a 100% "Private Association" created by the large government gangs in the first place to in effect bypass their own monopoly laws. They have done so by letting call the shots in which Government internally networking together as a monopoly never would have been able to arrange for.
Posted FYI from,
Walter Burien -
CAFR1 Comment in reply to amanda choate 08/04/13
Your comment of "looks backward" is a well enforced and promoted political buzz word expression to back people off from looking and learning. Now if you are just parroting that spoon fed soundbite not knowing any better, it is time you had a very big "Wake up call Girl".
Let's use Bill Gates as an example. His "looking backward" financials would be his statement of net worth. Well, Bill from the 80's has built a personal financial empire.
He may have started from his garage in year one but over the years and multiple ventures established, as of 2012 he built a personal fortune. His diverse portfolio of investments and holdings outside of shares owned in Microsoft may as a hypothetical example contain: Has 3.5 billion siting with Deutsche Bank, 2.8 billion with Credit Swiss Bank, stock ownership of 150 different corporation, he owns a chain of laundry stores in India, a 1400 acre horse ranch in Wyoming, etc., etc. and his international holdings as shown in his Statement of Net Worth now reflects as of 2013 a net of 65 billion dollars.
Well, let's say this year, 2013 the press in the News Headlines announced: "An individual by the name of Bill Gates lost 1.5 billion dollars this year. He is frantically looking to find 1.5 billion dollars to pay back his creditors. Bankruptcy may be his only option and could be immanent at any time!"
Well, if no one ever followed Bill Gate's career, no mention of his "Statement of Net Worth" was made (equivalent of the CAFR for local governments) the public could bite "hook - line- and sinker" with the first thought to go through their minds being: "Who the hell lent him 1.5 billion dollars for him to loose it in the first place?"
In "reality" Amanda, if he wanted too, he could pull 1.5 billion dollars from his Deutsche Bank account and still have 2 billion left over from "just there". As local governments over the last seventy-years developed into financial empires, empires greater than Midas ever dreamed about, they did so as they spoon fed the population: "Short on money, need to raise taxes", "Pensions under funded, need to raise taxes", "need to borrow money, need to raise taxes". Selectively created "Budget reports" were presented to justify "need to raise taxes.(the epitome of greed and opportunity unrestrained)
Well, with the "Statement of Net Worth" the CAFR within the "Silence is Golden Rule" played out, those same local governments built their empires over the decades without the public having a clue what was taking place. Thus never a peep, mention, or cognitive thought generated by the well entrenched inside players due to the "Wealth" and "Control" building over those same decades passing, or as your spoon fed parrot conditioned response noted: Oh, that is just a "look backwards".
The CAFR is the Holy Grail of accounting for any local government. Their "Statement of Net Worth". Due to the massive investment / true income of money building over the decades, not a peep over the decades with the full cooperation of government administrations, the Syndicated Media, both Primary political parties, controlled education, the industrial / financial cartels, etc., DUE TO THE MONEY (wealth building) INVOLVED. Those groups were sent the CAFRs each year. The one small group that was excluded due to that money involved was THE ENTIRE GENERAL POPULATION of this country.
People, especially all taxpayers, should be dissecting their local government CAFRs with a fine tooth comb. So stop playing into their game of treating the population as "useful idiots" for easy exploitation and easy misdirection away from carefully examining the CAFRs.
I note when "responsible" people look for the first time at their local government CAFR and finally digest it, they are floored with what they see. The world of government wealth holdings is much different than the were spoon fed to believe. Then the big hit takes place. They realize they are just looking at "one" local government CAFR out of thousands and the "collective" control and ownership of it all sinks in. Can't wait for your: "Oh, my God" moment Amanda...
On a last Note: ** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?
ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.
Walter Burien -
PS: Per information you see on Wikipedia, what you will find is that many of their all volunteer "content edit administrators" are current or ex "international" government political shill personnel that slithered in to edit the content shown. My BIO which was up on Wikipedia for years since 2004 was deleted by a content administrator "Sandstien" who tried to be anonymous. I then pulled up an old archive of Wikipedia from before "Sandstien" deleted his profile information. He was a LT for the Swiss Army and worked for the Federal Swiss Court. It appears he got a political favor phone call from some political hack in the US to do a favor to delete and since 2009 no trace of my BIO exists on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is no longer an information source but in turn an information control medium for deletion or selective editing.
My BIO can be viewed on my site -
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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Government Wealth Disclosure and progression over the years
by Walter Burien - - 07/24/13
Clint Richardson is a sharp cookie!
I started briefing him back in 2009 to 2010 and I did not have to repeat something twice. He picked up everything, snap, snap, snap. Within a year he took the ball and ran with it to present.
My National CAFR disclosure started in 1998 and Gerald Klatt ( I briefed at the end of 1999, and he as a federal auditor after being briefed on the “collective totals” and massive specialty investment accounts, three months latter after looking and confirming, he called and said to me: “Walter, what we have here in this country is 100% Communism under the guise of a free market capitalist system. The government owns and controls everything.”
I challenged him at that time, being that he was a retired federal auditor of thirty years, to launch a site focused on CAFR surplus reviews. Six months latter he launched Here is a copy of the first letter Gerald sent me from way back when –
Mr. Klatt died on his birthday, July 11th 2004 two months after having put up a fill in the blanks excel CAFR review program for cities, counties, school districts, and states. Here is the "State" CAFR review program I rescued from an archive of his site – After his death the review programs were stripped from his site by some unknown tactic. (creating that review program could have been the cause of his death. An open source CAFR review program made available to one and all)
I found out about his death when Gerald’s son from his 1st marriage called me in 2006 being that he could not find his father. I checked his house in Tucson, AZ – Sold. I checked his phone, email, and website information – no longer valid. I then searched the SS death records and discovered he died on 07/11/04. I then called and informed his son from Gerald’s first marriage of his fathers death. The circumstances of Gerald Klatt’s death to me are still UNKNOWN. The son who was living with Gerald Klatt when he died, Skip (Troy) Klatt was an attorney. What happened to him is also UNKNOWN to me. As of 2006 he was no longer registered as an attorney in the US or Canada.
**No other party from government, organized education, or any political party has ever openly made a CAFR review available to you, or even simple mention of the CAFR out of their own self interest or fear of reprisal DUE TO THE MONEY / CONTROL INVOLVED!
Tens of thousands of the government gang compile the many CAFRs each year and billions are spent to do their accounting. REALIZE the SCOPE AND SIZE, COOPERATIVE EFFORT, and money (wealth) involved for not a peep of their Holy Grail of accounting for over 65-years. All of the following were included in with disclosure and the reports sent to them for over 40-years but not a peep: The syndicated media; controlled education; both primary political parties; and the tens of thousands of elected and appointed government officials. Kinda like the Catholic church never mentioning the Bible.
Gerald Klatt was the “only” individual as a prior or current government individual that openly broke the “Silence is Golden” rule. People NEED to grasp this point solidly, kick themselves in their own you know what, and run with CAFR disclosure to every corner of the Earth so all other become aware. And yes, it is the accounting standard in most countries around the world now.
Ever hear Ron Paul mention the CAFR or put links to download any of the many CAFRs from his home state of TX? No, he knows the reprisals that would happen if he did. Keep in mind he has been on the Finance Committee most of his career. He reviews the CAFRs each year in as such. I do not blame him for not a peep, he has his neck stretched out as it is. He is not going to intentionally commit suicide triggering the axe falling and chop it off. He has to much visibility and the repercussions would have been swift and decisive if he had. They would have taken him out so fast he would not have known what hit him.
Realize that all are up against the largest racketeering syndicate the world has ever known, all with it being right there under everyone’s noses, but the majority in their intentionally designed masterful entertainment and distraction away from the basics (total cash income, investment totals, massive growth each year) keep scratching their heads saying: “There is something wrong here but I just can’t put my finger on it.”
Well, my analogy to that is like someone sitting in a row boat in the middle of the ocean saying to themselves over and over again: “I know there is water around here some place and if I keep looking, I know I will find it!”
Please Copy from the archives Mr. Klatt’s CAFR reviews for your state and distribute to all responsible parties within your state. Read and learn from the archives of his linked pages.
From his front page read the following:
Use the example of his work to conduct your own CAFR reviews. Do a Google search for CAFR “and” your local City, County, School District, State University, State Retirement Fund, etc., download their CAFR reports and do reviews for yourself. Mr. Klatt can no longer do it for you and it appears no one else from within government will do it for you either. They are much to busy spending and taking your money. Also to include you in the “loop” it appears to be a violation of their exclusive club rules…
STATE CAFR Reviews – If all local governments CAFR reviews from “within the state” were included in with the state reviews, potential surpluses would be massive, and much greater!
Per Detroit, pay special attention to the following:
If you take a look at why they say they are broke, what they are doing is extending the pension and other liabilities out 30-years as if a liability to be paid in full today. They funnel off much of their “annual” budgetary funds to meet 100% funding today and is why the buzz word of “in debt” and “pensions short”. ** They only project out their income 1-year and project liabilities out 30.
And they do so to create the largest base of investment funds on all levels at their disposal.
Every investment fund large or small is a “Power Base”. Where those moneys are invested determines who’s real-estate; corporation’s venture; or cash loans are funneled into, domestic “or” internationally. “Collectively” between all local and federal, they are sitting on 110-T + as of 2007.
Also take a look at Clint’s article –
TREASON: “Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612
On a last note per my objective to take a 2-week extended trip to Washington DC, please read the following – it notes what my largest expense will be and why.
Truly yours,
Walter Burien –
Tel. (928) 458-5854
PS: ** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?
ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.