Published on Apr 20, 2012 by FreeMarketAmerica

The environmental agenda has been infected by extremism—it's become an economic suicide pact. And we're here to challenge it. On Earth Day, visit



1789 -2009: $6,307,000,000,000.00 TRILLION


$6,477,000,000,000.00 TRILLION

Read article at: 

Also note that the LIBERL PRGRESSIVE MRXIST DEMNCRATS in Congress are now looking at private retirement plans, 401k s, etc., to solve US Debt problem.


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Comment by Peggy Hall on April 24, 2012 at 5:01pm

This is a fantastic video.  Glenn Beck had a portion of his show about this tonight.  The guy in the video was interviewed and talked about how their Twitter account was taken down.  They got Michelle Malkin and Eric Bolling to intervene and Twitter opened their account up again.  The video went viral Saturday.  

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 24, 2012 at 3:44pm


Jim DeMint is a very good man, i wish his term was not up in 2014. We need more in Congress like him.

He regrets voting for ear marks and now understands the damage that they have done. He has been saying all along that Republicans really need to listen to Dr. Paul. I was happy to see him get the delegates needed to be a part of the RNC platform planning group.


I have heard DeMint say this many times over about Dr. Paul and he is right. Several others have repeated his statement. He is overseeing the Conservative Senate Fund who is vetting REAL Constitutional Fiscal Conservatives for the Senate in 2012, which is great because they are thoroughly vetting them. Many RINOS are popping up in both races in Congress and through out different offices in our country local, state and federal levels. Communist Van Jones has gone on record stating that many Occupiers of Wall Street were going to run for office across the country.


I highly agree with you that we need to get back to the Republican original platform of the U.S. Constitution or the Republican Party is no longer a true Party. I think the head of it have realized that this is their DO or DIE year. Just as the Democratic party is no longer the party it use to be, it died in 2010, it is now the LIBERL PRGRESSIVE MRXIST DEMNCRAT party of Baraka Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro.


We need to cut through the LIES/Deceit and get to the TRUTH/Facts.

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 24, 2012 at 12:42pm

I just visted Neil Boortz's site, which is where i found the above video, i just love this guy, he comes up with some of the most insightful messages, thoughts, commentaries, information etc. , here a pretty neat one to pass around:

Your Obama reelection cheat sheet

I’m going to try to build a little cheat sheet that Nealz Nuze readers can use when then get into the inevitable arguments with voters involved in the national suicide pact to reelect Barack Obama.  For the first portion of the cheat sheet I’m going to rely for the most part on some data gleaned from a column by U.S. News & World Report editor Mort Zuckerman.

Here are your talking points.

  • How about a job?  About 15 million Americans of working age have no job and are looking for work.  

  • Every fifth man in America is out of a job
  • Fewer Jobs.  There are 5.5 million fewer jobs right now than there were when Obama was inaugurated.
  • Employment Levels.  Employment has been below the pre-recession peak for over 50 consecutive months.
  • U3 Unemployment Stats.  This is the 8.2% figure quoted by Obama for last month.  This counts only people who have applied for a job in the previous four weeks.
  • U6 Unemployment Stats.  This figure counts the number of people who have applied for jobs in the previous 6 weeks.  It also includes people who are working in part-time jobs who want to work full time.  The U6 unemployment rate is now around 15%
  • College Graduates   In 2007 90% of all college graduates found a job.  Today that figure is 56%. 
  • Nearly 87 million Americans are NOT in the labor force. 
  • Dropping Out.  Since Obama was sworn in about 3 million people have dropped out of the jobs market.  These people are no longer even bothering to look for a job.  If they were still in the market – still hopeful – the unemployment rate would be about 10.8%.
  • Economic Growth after Great Depression.  In 1934, 35 and 36 our economy growed at 11%, 9% and 13%.  Economic growth in 2010 was 3%.  In 2011 it was 1.7%.  This year we’re running between 2 and 3%.
  • Ethnic Jobless Rates.  For young workers 20 to 24 the unemployment rate is 13%.  For Hispanic teenagers it’s 30.5%.  For black teenagers it’s 37.9%.
  • Private Sector Hiring.  Through June of 2011 private sector hiring was 10 times slower after the passage of ObamaCare than it was in the 16 months prior to ObamaCare. 
  • New Businesses.  We need 1 million new businesses every year to sustain growth.  We’re running about 400,000 right now.
  • Layoffs and Hiring.  In the first months of 2012 layoffs have risen 18% from a year ago.  Hiring plans have dropped 82%.
  • Per Capita Income.  In May of 2008 per capital income in the U.S. was at $37,752.  It’s now at $37,606.  Adjust this for inflation and you have $36,641 in 2008 dropping to $32,600 now.  This is the first time since the 1930s that inflation-adjusted incomes have decreased in America. 
  • Welfare  Over $1 trillion spent on government entitlement programs in the last two years.
  • Welfare Increase  A 5,500% jump in means tested welfare since 1970. 
  • Welfare percentage  Over ½ of households in America have someone receiving entitlement checks. 
  • Food Stamps  Under Obama food stamp use has increased by 41%.
  • Every 7th person you pass on the sidewalk is on food stamps.
  • EBT Cards   The increase in the use of EBT cards is 135%. 

OK … that’s a start.  We’ll work on gathering more statistics and expanding this list.  Now you’re not going to get a lot of converts face-to-face, but there’s always the possibility that some Obama myrmidon, when faced with these facts, will have a second thought when they actually walk into a voting booth.  Forward this to all your friends .. especially friends (Remindamom?) who still think Obama is actually good for this country. 

Read entire article at:

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 24, 2012 at 12:06pm

Actually Roma, i see the majority of the Republicans in the House voting for Free Market Ideas and no new regulations, mandates, taxes etc., they have been passing actually many jobs bills, etc., that repeal many regulations, taxes, even bills to roll back the power of the EPA, etc., and these bills are actually passed with BIPARTISAN votes. Many House Democrats are NOT voting with party.

Pelosi's power in the House has waned. IT is very important that the House does NOT fall back into the Democratic control, it is very important we gain more Constitutional Fiscal Conservative seats in the House as well as gaining a SUPER MAJORITY in the SENATE. 

IF we can do that we can change the way Congress is working. Personally i am shocked that Pelosi and Reid were able to change the rules of both Houses to put OBSTRUCT the natural flow of Legislation and the peoples' voices. 

Our Congress has been OBSTRUCTED since Jan 2007 when these two, evil in my book became the leaders in Congress, their views are only shared by 20% of the American population IF that but they were able to ram damaging bill after damaging bill thru Congress for over four years. They created the perfect storm to push their Progressive Marxist platform in November 2006 by over two years of spewing hateful vitriol of the sitting President Bush, VP Cheney and his administration as well as the Republican party.

Hopefully in November 2012 this strangle hold on our government and Congress will be rolled back but ONLY IF the SILENT MAJORITY turns out to vote.

Many did NOT VOTE in 2008 because McCain was NOT their candidate and they literally 'GIFTED' Obama and Progressive Marxists, with the Executive branch of our government as well as the Legislative Branch which added more PMs into the Judicial branch.

ANOTHER REASON TO VOTE Obama out in 2012, our whole Judicial branch could become as extreme radical as our Legislative branch did in 2007 and the Executive branch did in 2009.

IF we do NOT vote this group out, we are going to struggle for decades until the WHOLE majority of the American people have had enough dictatorship.

It is what it is. I just wish we had a TRUTHFUL, HONORABLE, HONEST Press/Media.

Saying that, there is a big change coming in the press/media if you have not noticed yet to where we are having citizen reporting, mainly thanks to Andrew Breitbart.

To get TRUTHFUL/Factual news go to and  there are many other outlets as well.

IF you can go look up the 2012 DC CPAC convention and watch the last day Saturday and there is a group that spoke up with Dana Loesch and others on how to become a citizen reporter/journalist i need to dig it back up and go to the site that helps you report on your local, state and federal elected representatives. I have been busy on many personal things but we need more citizen journalists for very obvious reasons and that is to inform the public of the TRUTH/Facts.

The whole world of reporting/journalism is evolving right now right before our eyes. We need to expose ALL the LIES/Deceit and bring forth TRUTH/Facts to restore our country.

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 24, 2012 at 11:02am

My Thoughts? Roma, i am fed up with LIES/Deceit coming from political groups period.

The Federal Reserve? I know enough about Woodrow Wilson to know with him authorizing and creating the Federal Reserve it is a very dangerous group. 

Any large Department that can print money, control the economy both here and overseas is unnatural and dangerous period.

The fact that the large banks that were bailed out because they were too, big to fail have grown even larger in size since 2008 is very disturbing. WHY do we have state representatives and state Senators that travel around the world when it is supposed to be their state that they are representing not foreign countries? I have listened to them say, we are just trying to bring business to our states. Shouldn't that be up to state, local governments and private sector to do that? Not elected representatives serving in the peoples' seats in Congress... NO wonder CONGRESS HAS NOT PASSED A BUDGET IN OVER 1,091 days now. 

As far as the Rockerfellow Foundation Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development pdf. it is written in very simple plain language and obviously target for a certain group of the population. It is disturbing to read such language found in the Progressive movement such as bottom-up and top-down, resilience and equitable growth, sustainable development, Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability, Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit, Top-down authority took different forms in different countries, hinging largely on the capacity, caliber, and intentions of their leaders, In countries with strong and thoughtful leaders, citizens’ overall economic status and quality of life increased, Global is mentioned all through out also. 

To me it reads like Progressive Marxist Global propaganda, period. I did not read slowly just briefly looked at each page. Very disturbing language in my opinion.

China looks to come on top of every negative scenario because of their thoughtful organized government, etc.. Amazing isn't it? China is a COMMUNIST country.

Personally i am fed up with anything Global, it is all about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL, period.

IT is very apparent that our government has intertwined our local, state and federal government into the ONE GLOBAL COMMUNITY taking our country completely off the path of our U.S. Constitution, a government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people, WE THE PEOPLE into the hands of people who push PROGRESSIVE (Marxism) GLOBAL Government and economy. George Soros and UN views.

I am not happy at all and I just very fed up with the LIES/Deceit that has come from our elected representatives who are just people like us.

Your comment: Have you noticed that even most of those the Tea Party put in office to change things are now voting for in favor of the things you talk about?

I have noticed that many in the House are pushing for energy independence with OUR RESOURCES not FOREIGN RESOURCES. They are being IGNORED by the MS press/media. I can not even keep up with the State elected representatives, or local, i try to do my part, but i can only do one thing at a time. I have noticed that many here are more involved with local and state which is good because we need people watching every level of government. 

We most definitely need to return to the guidelines of the US Constitution. How that can be done? By electing representatives in Congress who will actually honor their oath of office. People who are honest, truthful and honorable.

We had over 89 freshman elected into the House in 2010, hopefully they can hold onto their seats and we can elect at least 30 plus more, i think 50 or 55 seats are in question. 

Speaker John Boehner has been criticized that he can not CONTROL the HOUSE representatives like Pelosi and others have done… personally i find that whole statement creepy… THAT is NOT his job to CONTROL the votes. His job is to lead and i think he has done a great job, he does not punish House members for not voting on bills that he supports, like Pelosi did, He has let them vote for their CONSTITUENTS, the very people they represent and the people who sent them there to be their voice in the peoples' seats and House, the way the Constitution intended. He has allowed Legislation to flow naturally and represent the voice of the people not party.

THAT is WHERE WE NEED TO GET BACK TO. And we have over a 100 years of damage to reverse...

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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