We’ve got three things to cover here. Two of which are big stories, while one will no doubt fly under the radar with the mainstream media. Most people with a pulse know about the situation Israel is in regarding the flotilla incident. We also have some serious, serious issues regarding the oil spill in the Gulf with more problems arising while trying to plug the hole.
First, Israel. So a few days ago, a flotilla was heading to Gaza under the pretence of being for “humanitarian aid”. Well, the Israeli armed forces has a blockade in those waters to keep weapons from reaching Gaza and Hamas. Makes sense unless you are peaceful Muslim who wants Israel wiped off the map (like Hamas). Video evidence, which you can view on YouTube by the way, shows the Israeli soldiers being immediately attacked by these peaceful humanitarians with giant metal rods. Well, when you are outnumbered and being violently attacked, you must defend yourself. So, these soldiers rightfully defended themselves and put 10 of these people into an eternal sleep.
So here come the wolves! The UN is condemning Israel (along with most of the world which hates Israel) and opening an investigation into the matter. Naturally, all of the turbans fell to the ground in the Arab world in disgust as Israel once again defended itself. Then we have people such as Joe Canason from the New York Observer with this asinine statement: “Whether Israel’s commandos committed any criminal acts will be determined by investigation, but in the meantime it is safe to say that what happened was not only wrong but exceptionally stupid.” Well said Joe. You first admit that you have no clue whether or not Israel committed a crime but you still justify as what they did as “exceptionally stupid”. Hey, that kind of reminds me of a president named Obama. Remember when he claimed that a police officer acted “stupidly” before the officer was found to have done nothing wrong but follow protocol? Here’s your sign liberals. Maybe they can give us a good idea of what these Israelis should have done when their lives were threatened. Oh yeah, they should have called the UN first to see if it was OK to offer these people 72 virgins to leave them alone.
Now the Oil spill. Right now, Obama is floundering like a person in the middle of a lake who has no clue how to swim. Can Obama plug the oil spill? No. Can his administration? No. Nobody in his administration has a clue about drilling (neither do I, so don’t think I’m bashing him on this basis). Here’s what I do know. The water pressure at nearly a mile below the surface where the hole is located is rather intense. No submarine can go that deep. No human can go that deep. Everything must be done by crazy deep water robots which, at a least regarding a leak as big as this, complicates the situation.
But, it didn’t take long for Obama to point the blame! No sir, this is definitely a by-product of Bush! From the WSJ: ..he attacked what he said was a Republican philosophy in the past decade that had “gutted regulations and put industry insiders in charge of industry oversight.” Well good sir, your party has had control of Congress since 2006. MMS, which is a government agency, gave the Deepwater Horizon a stamp of excellence in safety under your watch. Am I blaming you? No. But for you, Obama, to point fingers at Bush on this holds no merit whatsoever.
At this point though, the entire thing really is a shame. BP is doing everything it is humanly capable of doing to stop this spill. Why am I confident of this? Because BP is a business. It realizes the possibility of this situation completely ruining their company. So I am rooting for BP here, because they are the only ones who will be able to plug this hole while the government should be focused on protecting the shores. But you can bet your bottom dollar that Obama will use this crisis to his advantage in order to advance more of his agenda. “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Expect him to push for more taxes on oil and gas, along with quick passage of Cap and Tax.
Now, out to the land of the loons, California. This state gives Ripply’s Believe It Or Not a run for their money in the world of bizzare. Los Angeles already has a horrific public school system. So, the Los Angeles Unified School District has decided enough is enough. Time to rethink strategy and…. eureka! The school board now wants ALL “public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona’s new immigration law is un-American.” (I will have an article posted about this under the Government Outrage tab). That will bring out the best and the brightest for sure. Instead of teaching these kids how to read and write in English, which I’m sure a large portion don’t, they will now be taught that it is un-American to obey the law. Only in California can you find this sort of stupidity. What is the board’s reasoning? Typical left-wing dogma horse squeeze: The board said the laws “effectively sanction and promote unconstitutional racial profiling and harassment,” and “blatantly violate the civil rights of both Arizona residents and all visitors to the State.” If there are any sane and logical people left in California, you have our sympathy and deepest condolences.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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