The other day I had a somewhat tense conversation about the idea that children should have a "mother and a father" at work. We simply agreed to disagree but i obviously stated my feelings and justifications for the cause of the natural family.  Any ways this individual was overheard by our supervisor stating that she was 'offended' by my statement. [Call the PC Police!!!!!!!! Someone got offended]. Though to her credit she did not go to the supervisor to tell.

Well this so called supervisor came to me and said:

"You need to be careful what you say in the work place when it comes to religious themes."

I asked why and she stated:

"Because you offended Mrs. ____" (i'll leave her name blank).

I said: "So what; its not illegal to offend someone in America. I did nothing wrong. I simply voiced my opinion. We are on American soil are we not?"

So she explained to me:

"Well sir, i agree with that to a point (ya know, that liberal point where you're treading on ice because you might offend someones emotional idea that they should never be made to feel... well offended) but you're bringing religion into the workplace and that is illegal. Now you offended your workmate and made her so upset she was in tears over what you said. I recommend you scale it back a notch before you get yourself in hot water."

I got a bit hot under the collar and retorted:

"Where is the law stated that one may not talk about 'religion' at work? I dont think its legal to illegalize speech in this country. Now you, or she. may disagree with what i said, but i have a 1st ammendment right to say it; and i'll keep saying it if asked by the way! If she didnt want to be offended she shouldnt have engaged in the conversation. That was her choice and choices have consequences. consequences one must live with by the way. She could've simply walked away and her feelings would still be right in that cozy place she likes to keep em."

At this point the supervisor had that look of stupification on her face and then said:

"Well i suppose your right but perhaps you should consider how this reflects on you. how it may harm you if you leave here and go somewhere else. Not everyone thinks as you do and your beliefs are a bit 'out there' if I may be so bold."

i said:

"Well i dont see how voicing that a child has a right to a mother and a father is so 'out there' as you claim; but nonetheless I'll just not speak with this individual concerning such matters since they obviously get turned into a debacle."


After this incident I gave the matter some thought and came to the conclusion that this nations morals have been turned upside down! how is it 'out there' to believe that a child has a right to a mom and dad? Or that marriage is between a man and a woman is a 'far right idea'? seems to me its 'out there' to think two daddies/mommies is a good place for a child to grow up.  

Why is it that those who believe in a real family, not a PC liberal one, are the ones at risk of being fired? Are the ones being told to 'watch what you say'? It shouldnt be that way. In fact i think it should be the other way-around. I find it offensive that someone thinks its okay to have two daddies/mommies. I dont go to someone who disagrees with that idea and tell them they need to 'watch what they say' though. That being said i do believe a child has a human right to a mommy and a daddy. Children are left to the whims of adults. If adults decide that children can be raised in a same sex household; what are they gonna do? go to the police? what if the child is 'offended' by dad and dad, or mom and mom going into the bedroom together out of sense of something being just naturally wrong with it? (that happens by the way).


Children need to be protected! Children have a natural human right to a mom and a dad. Children should not be used as pawns in the tug of moral war between those on one side or the other of this debate. they cannot decide like adults can. They do not have the resources to petition the goverment for a grievance like adults can. It is the ultimate act of selfishness to place a child in a home with two same sex parents. If a parent really loves a child, they will ensure that child has a mother and a father; even if that means giving that child to another set of parents just to ensure a healthy environment. That is the right thing to do. We as a society have a responsibility to do what is right by those who cannot speak for themselves. Children need to be protected at any cost. Both born, and unborn.

these are the things i believe in:
1. I believe in a mother and a father.
2. i believe in a husband and a wife.
3. I believe in not bending the Constitution of the U.S. to fit ones PC agenda. (As Jefferson preached)
4. I believe in Capitolism.
5. I believe socialism is evil and destructive.
6. I believe Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.
7. I believe in religious freedom for all as long as they're not violent.
8. I believe making public unions illegal.
9. I believe in the Family as the foundation of America.
10. I believe in punishing crime.
11. I believe in a right to life for the unborn.
12. I believe in a unique American governmental unit.
13. I believe in national sovereignty.
14. I believe rape should be punished via the death penalty.
15. I believe sodomy should be illegal.
16. I believe in Sportsmen's rights.
17. I believe in States rights.
18. I believe in the Tea Party!
19. I believe in my People, and my Tribe.
20. I believe in living within one's means.
21. I believe in honest government.
22. I believe in supporting Israel in all ways.
23. I believe in a flat tax.

If we just adopted these things i think we'd be far better off as a nation. in fact we'd be so great as a nation there would be no stopping us. I have the freedom to say this! No liberal is going to tell me i'm a right wing whacko, or that i'm crazy for believing these things. I believe these things are what makes America great! i will say them and not be detered.

Views: 33


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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