Subject: Loss of Trust

Loss of Trust is rarely one thing but rather the cumulative effect of many small and sometimes major events.  Loss of trust is further eroded when the obvious errors or omissions are denied.  When the loss of trust is linked to abuse of power and/or cover-ups the need for change becomes obvious. 

Leadership, be it Political, Military, Civil, Corporate or any other form is based on Trust. Those being led must Trust the leader.  When that Trust has been lost it's nearly impossible to be recovered.

When a series of events begin to accumulate throughout an administration it's perhaps appropriate to question if there is a "Culture of Corruption" as was phrased during the Watergate Investigation and since; if perhaps there is sheer leadership incompetency; or if the problem is something even worse?

The question now before is  is to determine if there is sufficient evidence to justify formal investigation.  To this end I offer the following partial list of what might be considered in making this determination:

Ø Fast and Furious - What happened to the House Investigation and subpoena of Justice Department Documents? Was the President's use of Executive Privilege sufficient to bury it completely?


Ø The President's unilateral "donation" to the Palestinian Government, sic Hezbollah, a known and registered Terrorist Organization, of $200 Million after the Congress refused to provide financial support, loans or grants


Ø Gross Disrespect of the State of Israel by: Refusing to grant Israel's multiple request for top level security meetings; Then, when a meeting date was finally agreed on, forcing the Israeli delegation, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to wait nearly 3 hours without even offering them water; Walking out of the meeting without notice or comment so the President could  eat dinner with his family; Not offering the delegation anything to eat or drink while the President and the US Delegates were eating and when the Israelis finally asked for something to eat they were told the White House Kitchen did not have anything that was Kosher (after this meeting had been scheduled in advance)


Ø Unilateral Authorization to bomb Libyan Military units during Civil War without Congressional Consultation as required by Law


Ø The loss of all North  Africa to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Radical Islamic Groups that refuse to acknowledge the right of Israel's existence and have declared a Jihad on the United States


Providing Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood with Abrams Tanks, our very best tanks and F-16 fighter jets - at no cost to them (when we provide military equipment to Israel they typically have to pay for it).  This is in addition to millions of dollars that has been provided by the State Department under the veil of secrecy.  Remember, the Muslim Brotherhood has been identified by the Department of Homeland Security as a Terrorist Organization and the new Egyptian President has declared the Constitution abolished and replaced by Sharia Law.  He also stated that Egypt would refuse to accept the Peace Accords and Vowed the total destruction of our Allie, Israel. Yet neither the President or the State Department said a word and we went through with the President's commitment despite Israel's protest


Ø Dismantling of ABMs throughout Eastern Europe, in spite of Eastern European National Leaders Protests, to placate Russian Prime Minister Putin


Ø Unilateral Reduction of US Nuclear Arsenal by more than 2/3rds while Russia, China and North Korea are increasing theirs... and Iran is about to become a member of the Nuclear Armed Nations Club (this was done against the advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and without Congressional Approval by Executive Order)


Ø Release of highly classified information and the compromise of SEAL Team 6 including tactics and strategies (resulting in loss of  25 member when an  unarmed and unprotected helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan just 3 weeks after the information was spread throughout the media by the President and VP


Ø Further release of highly classified information on Special Operations Strategies, Tactics, Equipment and Capabilities to Hollywood Producers for the production of a Movie on the Killing of Osama Bin Laden, that was later edited at White House insistence to make the President appear even more involved


Ø Benghazi Debacle and Death of a US Ambassador, 2 Navy SEALs and an American State Department Employee: Failure to provide adequate security when repeatedly requested beforehand; Failure to respond when the Consulate came under attack (and was being watched in real time both by the White House and State Department by overhead Drone Aircraft) and the resulting death of 4 Americans; Lying to the American public about the cause and subsequent cover-up after the attack


Ø IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups, Religious Groups and their donors and Individual on the President's Enemies List; the continuing expansion of offices and executives involved.  We know very little of the depth and width of this scandal other than it began in 2010 and continued through March of 2013.  Did it impact the 2010 elections? If so, which ones?  Did it impact the 2012 elections?
How, where? Did it impact the Presidential election?   Why was the Director responsible paid a bonus, promoted and placed in charge of the new Department responsible for implementing "Obamacare"?


Ø Justice Department's targeting of 20 AP Reporters and Editors,   wire tapping phone lines and capturing e-mails.  Again very little additional is known at this time and won't be unless an investigation is initiated.


Ø Justice Department's illegal wire tapping of FOX News Reporters' and Producer's Phones, including Cell Phones and Home Phones and use of FBI Investigators to follow and photograph them while working and while with friends and family

Justice Department's naming of FOX News Reporter as a Co-Conspirator in a felony espionage case, obtaining a search warrant, executing it but never informing him as is required by both Federal and State Law (Note: The Attorney General has to know this is entirely bogus as Reporters are protected by the First Amendment.  The Pentagon Papers episode back in the early 1970's made this perfectly 70's)


Ø HHS Department Attack on the 1st Amendment requiring every business owner, regardless of Religious Beliefs, to provide contraceptives and the Morning After Abortion Pill as part of their employee benefit package at no additional cost to the employee. (meaning added cost to the employer to pay for something that may go directly against his/her Religious Beliefs)



White House and State Department's Attack on the 2nd Amendment by working closely with the UN, providing Constitutional Lawyers, Financial Support and other support in an all out effort to have the UN Arms Trade Treaty passed by the Senate.  Had they achieved this goal the net effect would meant the President would have been able to  bypass the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment and Disarm US Citizens


Ø Continuing failure to do anything about Iran's effort to obtain a deliverable Nuclear weapon which it openly claims will be used to destroy Israel


Ø HHS Secretary's illegal direct solicitation from CEOs and CFOs of Insurance and Pharmacy companies of "donations" to support education and awareness of " "Obamacare" (This is nothing less than outright extortion!)


Ø Continuing failure to make a stand of any kind against Syria for "Crossing the Line" by using Chemical Weapons against its own people (Note: I am not advocating US Military Intervention, however, the President stated on International Television that using Chemical Weapons would be "crossing the line" which clearly implied some form of direct military or economic reaction by the US.  However, now that they have we stand impotent before the world for doing absolutely nothing!)


Ø Devaluating the US Dollar by more than 30 %, increasing the US Debt by more than $10 Trillion since taking office, losing our Prime Credit Rating and putting the Dollar at serious risk of no longer being the base currency for international trade (should this happen the US will most certainly crash into an economic depression at a level none of us have ever experienced)


Ø Executing more than 1260 Executive Orders, as of May 10, 2013, of which more than 900 are classified as Secret or Higher.  The President has abused the Power of his office to effectively bypass Congress and rule by fiat rather than by the Authority granted in the Constitution.  (Interesting tid bet: then Senator/Candidate Obama criticized President George W. Bush for having signed a total 416 Executive Orders while in office!!!)


This list goes on, and on and on...

The question each of us must now ask ourselves is: have we reached the  point where the President and his Administration have "Crossed our Line in the Sand"?  Does Congress  need to "Move past Go" and appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate this administration for High Crimes... and whatever else is uncovered?  Have we reached the point where we no long trust our Government and are concerned for our own Civil Liberties and Rights? Have we reached the point where we are questioning if this is the America we want to leave to our Children and Grandchildren?  


If you think the President and his Administration have crossed your line in the sand then I urge you to do the right thing.  Write to your Congressman and both Senators and demand they  join together to appoint a  Special Prosecutor to Investigate the three known scandals and all others uncovered during his investigation.


C.B. "Cork" Motsett                                                                                                      Jacksonville FL                                                                                                                                                                    De Oppresso Liber

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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