The death penalty for apostate (irtidad in Islam) has implications of a far-reaching character, and stamps Islam as a religion of fanatics, which punishes all independent thinking. The Qur'an again and again lays emphasis on reason and thought, advises toleration, and preaches against compulsion in religious matters; but the doctrine of irtidad strikes at the very root of independent thinking when it puts forth the view that anyone who, being born a Muslim or having embraced Islam, attempts to think on the subject of a religion and comes to the conclusion to choose for himself any religion he likes, has the capital penalty in store for him. Freedom of choice is therefore non existent in Islamic culture.

Islam is the embodiment of complete intellectual paralysis as the principle which punishes an apostate with death is also applicable to the public preaching of any kufr, “infidel”.  Any faith other than Islam will not be permitted publicly to be preached in an Islamic State.

This prohibition against the public preaching of any non-Muslim religion must logically follow from the proposition that apostasy will be punished with death, and that any attack on or danger to, Islam will be treated as treason and punished in the same way as apostasy. What more danger to Islam can exist than the Christian teaching that no man can control the thoughts of another that in matters of religion all men are free? God is looking for the individual to put aside familial values, Ahlul Bayt[1], and reach their own conclusions as we will one day stand before God to be held accountable for our actions. Because of Jesus Christ, Christians have the freedom to choose life.


So what is the purpose of spending billions of dollars establishing Islamic Mosques in Christian, “infidel” areas of the world, particularly the United States?


These funds are given away to clerics “in order to expand their Islamic sects’ presence” in a relatively inhospitable yet “potentially fruitful recruiting ground”, countries with laws and religious tolerance that make them open for take over from within. The ultimate objective is to “establish a separate state or territory or gain control of the country”[2] for their particular Islamic sect.

The process of recruitment for militancy, seeks “families with multiple children” and “severe financial difficulties” to be exploited for jihad purposes. Families are first approached by “ostensibly ‘charitable’” organizations or introduced to free madrasa (religious schools) who would offer to educate the children and “find them employment in the service of Islam”, only later to be introduced to a radical group.

The war against TERRORISM is not just being fought “over there”.  Our Sunni influenced president calls us the largest Islamic nation on earth. Governor Perry has befriended a branch of Shia Islam.

As Islamic sects fight for control of the USA and the world, “WE THE PEOPLE” must decide what our founding fathers meant by “Freedom of Religion”. Did they mean secular humanism “freedom from Religion” where anything goes or did they mean Islam the strictest cult[3] known to man?

We continue to remove the biblical laws that define our existence from court houses[4] and embrace Sharia law. How much longer before we look like London in flames or one of the Stone Age countries of Islam?

Religion has never mattered more: to individuals, families and our society at large. 


Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wondered if we could survive as a nation if we did not teach our children about religion and morality as restraints upon the liberal sensual desires of freemen.

The central question of 2012 is how do “we the people” define Religion?

It now appears as only a matter of time until the United States of America, which Islam has “deemed amenable to take over action”, will be just another Islamic country. And as they say time is on their side. Why does no Islamic state in the world allow the Bible or open preaching of the Christian religion within its borders.


God is clearly giving us a choice as a nation.


What sets America apart from the rest of the world? Why is the United States of America the most powerful nation in history? The answer to both questions is the same, God’s blessings. We began as a Christian Nation based on the Biblical concept of freedom of choice.

See the attached document: A dispute over Religion A%20dispute%20over%20Religion-1.doc

Where do we want to go as a country? I choose the way of the cross!


I love the song by Elvis that Billie found: “One Pair of Hands”


It's not Elvis people. His name is Carroll Roberson. The song is beautiful regardless of who sings it.

Still it shows how easily  we can be misled by something that sounds so real so dear to our hearts.  Religion is like that, you must know what you believe put aside familial values and social traditions and become accountable for your own thoughts and actions for we all will eventually stand before the judgment seat of God! Death is not a lonely hunter it comes to us all.


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Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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