Obama signed Executive Order -- Establishing the President's Global Development Council on Thursday, to implement more Agenda 21 mandates in the United States:

This is something we all need to be aware of and take action on.  We know this president is not acting in the best interest of our country and is a UN pawn.  We must stop him from enacting anything Agenda 21



Tell Congress How You Feel

All Patriots:

Sign the petition to Boehner. We need to stop Obama implementing Agenda 21. As you know, he signed Executive Order -- Establishing the President's Global Development Council on Thursday, to implement more Agenda 21 mandates in the United States:


When he faces overwhelming pressure, he backs off like in the case of the Catholics and the mandate for contraceptives. This issue lasted only one week because all 70 million Catholics opposed him. Why could not all Americans (300 million plus) oppose him on the implementation of Agenda 21 that is killing our country?

Go here to sign the petition: www.AmericanPolicy.org

Views: 795


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Comment by C.B. "Cork" Motsett on February 14, 2012 at 1:24pm

I couldn't agree more.  It appears the President and his administration is doing an all out blitzkrieg aimed at getting as many Constitutional changes implemented as possible. By allowing, or instructing the Department of Health and Human Resources to implement it's rule on mandating the inclusion of contraception, sterilization and morning after abortion while at the same time beginning the implementation of Agenda 21 mandates as well as his other attacks on the Constitutional superiority of law he is overwhelming the system and our ability to keep track of all he is doing at this time.

The one thing each of these initiatives have in common is that they breach the wall of the Constitution taking away our individual and collective rights while, at the same time, reinforcing the power and superiority of the Federal Government; especially the Executive Branch.

It could be argued that the issue isn't freedom to practice our faith as guaranteed by Article I or that the UN's provision to control handguns doesn't infringe on the 2nd Amendment, etc.  But the truth is, each of these does in-fact go head-on in to the very purpose of the Constitution and demands that we stand up now before it's too late.

The real danger is what will the President do after the election when he no longer has to face the electorate and is essentially immune from public opinion.  If he's allowed to succeed with these brazen attacks on Constitutional rights and limitations now; what will he try next?  Will every hospital and every Nurse and Doctor have to perform abortions regardless of their individual moral convictions?  Will hand guns have to be registered?  Will we be forced to turn them in?  Will ammunition be rationed or its sale prohibited?  Will Internet Access be curtailed or Monitored?  What of our freedom of speech?  Freedom of Assembly?  What will be next?

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on February 14, 2012 at 9:08am

H W Schroder

The entire point was the number of treaties this Alpha Hoteller is trying to push through right in the midtst of a National Emergency (We're flat assed broke).

This BOZO idiot wants to give away another trillion (near that) dollars.  Just where do you think he will get that from - YOU YOU AND YOU.  Finger pointing.

All treaties require ratification.  Boehner is a flat lying idiot who will do just what Boehner wants and not what he is advised by the other Congressmen.  We have congressmen (CLiff Sterns for Clay County) there in the House.  All Congressmen share equal responsibility to their constituents.  The pecking order of the HEN HOUSE BERGADE has changed that.

Time to tell everyone to get off their dead duffs and be Congressmen or get out.

That is the issue.  Not just drilling - it is the hidden give it to the MUSLIMS theory imbedded in the efforts.

Look at the Tenets of Shariah Law

 Examples of Shariah Law include the following: (from the authoritative source Reliance of the Traveller, The Sacred Manual of Islamic Law)

 *     Requirement of women to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms;

*     Beating of disobedient woman and girls;

*     Execution of homosexuals;

*     Engagement of polygamy and forced child marriages;

*     Requirement of the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape;

*     Stoning of adulteresses;

*     Lashing of adulterers;

*     Amputation of body for criminal offenses;

*     Female genital mutilation;

*     Capital punishment for those who slander or insult Islam;

*     Execution of apostates, or those that leave the religion of Islam

*     Inferior status for all non-Muslims, known as Dhimmitude.

*     Concept of Taquiyya: A Muslim may lie or deceive others to advance the cause of Islam.  Just what OBOZO and Clown Central are doing right now.

Especially with these not needed so called treaties.

That was the message.

Comment by H W Schroeder AXCS(AW) USNRET on February 14, 2012 at 8:52am

Ok. I read that and I agree that it covers mammal protection, fisheries etc. However, I did not see anything about resource sharing from off shore oil drilling unless it is hidden in one of the amendments! All I am asking for is the facts. Does your reference include what I am looking for?

Comment by H W Schroeder AXCS(AW) USNRET on February 14, 2012 at 6:50am

BB. I briefly read the 36 pages of The LOST Treaty! I could not find a reference to the following that specifically refers to royalty distribution from off shore oil drilling. Please tell me where to find this in the document!

OBOZO is the Lost one hope to hell he gets really lost and cannot be found:  BB

The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) has been signed, and the Obama administration -- with the aid of RINO Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.) -- will push for its ratification as soon as Lugar's primary in Indiana is over this year. LOST requires that the United States pay an international body half of its royalties from offshore drilling. The body would then distribute the funds as it sees fit to whichever nations it chooses. The United States would only have one vote out of 160 regarding where the money goes. LOST will also oblige us to hand over our offshore drilling technology to any nation that wants it ... for free.


Comment by Billy Bowlegs on February 13, 2012 at 8:20pm

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi
C/O Office of the Florida Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol, Pl - 01
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

Dear  Attorney General Pam Bondi:

Are you aware that no Florida state officials or agencies are empowered to vet national party candidates? In view of how easily that could be accomplished, the present arrangement is completely indefensible. It is irresponsible state government. As it now stands, individual Florida voters have to present more identification to vote than do the national candidates for whom they might cast their ballot.

You now the Constitution, State and Federal laws as well as I, however,  FS: 97.0115 Preemption.—All matters set forth in chapters 97-105 are preempted to the state, except as otherwise specifically authorized by state or federal law.  Florida authorizes protection of all laws to the Governor (not just the election laws delegated to the SOS/SOE).

Attorney General Bondi, it is your job to address this serious oversight. Please contact Governor Scott, House Speaker Dean Cannon, and Senate President Mike Haridopolos. Ask them to make it mandatory, in perpetuity, beginning with and including the 2012 election, that any national candidate to be placed on the Florida ballot must first be duly vetted by Florida officials and found to be eligible to that High Office, with respect to Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution.

 An alternative solution:  Governor Scott has signed an Executive Order #2 requiring all State Employees to be E-Verified.  That  EO (or a new EO) should also include an E-Verify Requirement for all elected officials in Florida Towns, Cities, Counties, State, and Federal positions that require a ballot vote in 2012 by Florida citizens.  Please note that you are not targeting any person, race, or gender but ALL Candidates.  Anyone that cannot e-verify should not be running for office.


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 8:11pm

Could not agree more Steven.  It is do or die time for the country!

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on February 13, 2012 at 8:06pm

Billy she says she plans to retire so you can bet that what you have posted is close at hand. She will either finish her work before she quits or leave in a position that her successor can implement it with out a struggle. It is vital that the people of this country take part in the election process this year and remove senators and congressmen and women that have taken part in this process. I believe that part of the job was done in 2010 but the  job must be finished in the up comming election. The American people will not get another chance.

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on February 13, 2012 at 5:39pm

You haven't seen anything yet:

This is more Idiot Hillary Clinton and her evil twin Obozo insanity.  BB

International Criminal Court -- Clinton has reversed George W. Bush's policy and entered into negotiations over U.S. participation in the court. Specifically, the leftists who are sponsoring the court wish to create a new crime of "aggression," which is essentially going to war without the approval of the United Nations. If we submit to the court's jurisdiction, our presidents and Cabinet officials could be prosecuted criminally for going to war without U.N. approval. This would, of course, give Russia and China a veto over our military actions. Clinton says she will stop our military's hands from being tied, but we all must realize that once we accept the International Criminal Court, we go down a slippery slope. The court could even prosecute Americans who have been cleared by our own judicial system.


OBOZO is the Lost one hope to hell he gets really lost and cannot be found:  BB

The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) has been signed, and the Obama administration -- with the aid of RINO Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.) -- will push for its ratification as soon as Lugar's primary in Indiana is over this year. LOST requires that the United States pay an international body half of its royalties from offshore drilling. The body would then distribute the funds as it sees fit to whichever nations it chooses. The United States would only have one vote out of 160 regarding where the money goes. LOST will also oblige us to hand over our offshore drilling technology to any nation that wants it ... for free.


Another Communist Tactic by Hillary Clinton – she has been after this one for several years!  Get rid of the US Citizens Guns and you will have 1/4 billion chineese soldiers, armed to the teeth living in your living room.  After all, you will be given your own body guard so you cannot enforce your Constitutional rights any more.  BB

Small-arms control -- Clinton is about to negotiate on a global ban on export of small arms. It would only apply to private citizens but, of course, most small-arms deals come not from individuals or private firms but from governments, specifically those of the United States, Russia, China and Israel. The treaty would require each nation to adopt measures to stop exportation of small arms. It is easy to see how this could be a backdoor way to require national registration of all guns and to assert federal regulation over firearms. It would also require the registration of all ammunition to track its source once a gun is fired. The Second Amendment be damned!


China Says, Give us Your Space Platforms Empty and we can overrun you with 1/4 billion chineese - one for every home as a guard of you the owner   BB

Outer Space Code of Conduct -- Under the guise of stopping debris from accumulating in outer space, the European Union has enlisted Clinton in negotiations over a code of conduct. The code would prohibit activities that are likely to generate debris in outer space -- space littering. The code might inhibit or prohibit the United States from deploying anti-missile missiles on platforms in space, denying us the key weapon we need to counter Iranian, Chinese and North Korean missile threats. European leftists reacted angrily when G.W. Bush opted out of the ABM treaty banning defensive weapons. Now they seek to reimpose it under the guise of a code of conduct.

 Hillary and Obama her evil twin OBOZO.  Want to re-distribut our wealth not only away from us in America, but give it to all the 3rd World Countries until we become third world.  BB

Rights of the Child -- Even more fanciful is a treaty Clinton plans to negotiate setting forth a code of rights for children, to be admini

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 5:36pm

Roma, the children already don't know the country they are growing up in.  They certainly aren't hearing about it in school unless it is negative.  We are brainwashing them and when it done, they are actually going to think communism or a socialist country is better than what they lost.  That has been the plan of the liberals from day one, and when you look at the young people at OWS events, you understand it is working as those are the children they have been working on since grade school.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on February 13, 2012 at 5:08pm

Roma and Tom you are preaching to the choir I think you and I have had this conversation before and I agree with you. I was just commenting on adgenda 21 and the UN. But you are absolutely correct these things are hand in hand. The fed has conections to the world bank and the world bank to the UN. This web has been being spun for decades and has reached the point it can not be hidden anymore. The problem is getting people to believe it is really happening. Agenda 21 is just another brick in the wall that the globalist have been building for years. If the people of this county don't wake up and smell the coffee our children will not know the America we have had the privilege of living in. My fear is that we will soon be at the point that we will not be able to stop these events through political or peacful means.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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