I, like Doctor Paul think that the UN is probably the biggest threat to our national security that there is today. The UN is the biggest power grab in the world and if they can disarm the American public through political means we will not stand a snow balls chance in hell against them.
Helen, I understand how you feel about adgenda 21 I think you should read my earlier post on the subject it explains my position on it and like I said before I think we should look to the Congressional and Senatorial elections to protect us from such foes after all it is there that these agendas have to pass muster.
Helen, I can understand how you would like Newt as I am all about the fear tax and he has some very good attributes. He is not my first choice but I could certainly live with him as President. One thing for certain he would be about 14 trillion times better than what we have now. But of course I could say that for just about anybody. I really don't think Obama would qualify as a good dog catcher or stable sweep fortunately those are not elected positions.
Right on. Good for all of us. @least we all think for ourselves & not like liberals, allow other (Unions & thugs) make up their minds for them. Obama does get away with lying about every single thing he has ever said, sinse 2008. He plays a reverse roll from what his opinion was as a Senator also. God Bless
Besides, why are you worried about this mess when the UN Agenda 21 being implemented by "O" will destroy our country as we know it. Go to Rosa Koire's web site and listen to what she has to say to the Bay Tea Party about Agenda 21. She is a Democrat against Agenda 21 and she is knowledgeable and concerned. Please let's get our priorities in order.
Stephen and John, Nobody is concerned about Newt's personal baggage. We all have baggage. The American people elected Clinton the second term with all his baggage so I do not think anything has changed with people. I like Newt's baggage anyway! His baggage brought us : Jobs, Welfare Reform, Tax Cuts, and a balanced budget for four straight years. He should be proud of that type of baggage!
Thanks for pointing that out John I will pay closer attention. lol!!
Billy, I hope we have the opportunity to vote for Govenor next time.
Lanhamhimer, buddy I am well awear of how to spell rhino. RINO means( Republican In Name Only). The only problem with Newt is his personal baggage. I personally don't have a problem with it but there are those who do. And I don't really care who anyone votes for as long as it is not Oboma. My thought is, there is a Senate and Congressional election this year also and there is where conservatives will need to gain power as well as in the White House.
Nevermind, sorry, here! http://notyrants.blogspot.com/2012/02/obama-using-name-barry-soetor...
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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