I regret to say that I find the information in the below-linked article both believable and alarming. It helps to explain Obama's rapid rise from obscurity to the highest elected office in the United States of America, for it took a lot of money and influence to make that happen. It also leads me to believe that the habitual frequent delays in Obama's decision-making could be explainable by those decisions having to be filtered through Soros-connected activists advising Obama. In this case, billionaire Soros' activist in the White House is none other than Obama's National Security Council Special Adviser on Human Rights, Samantha Power, who has strong ties to Soros and is a champion of the global governance military doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," that Obama is claimed to have followed in his attack on Libya.

The above also helps to explain why Obama no longer depends on advice from his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet and gives life to the speculation that formerly unknown and unaccomplished Obama's mach speed rise to power is due to his having been a George Soros-created puppet, with Soros and his like-minded global governance minders pulling his strings.  Further, it makes me wonder who actually is our President.

This situation bears international implications that are antithetical to the content of the Constitution of the United States.

Below are some excerpts from the news article that you can read in full at the link provided:

"Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.

Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights. Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.

According to reports, Power was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions..."


Views: 135


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Comment by JL Gawlik on April 22, 2011 at 4:54pm
Meant to add also Obama has gone on record stating that he intends to see our energy costs raised, his energy czar whateverhisnameis has gone on record saying we should be paying the same as Europe in fuel and energy costs. These people are insane in my opinion, they are clearly trying to bring down our country. Now Obama is going to use all of his political capital to solve the immigration problem. That right there should call Congress into a power check if the war in Libya has not. Our checks and balances of separation of power has been perverted and disengaged. Americans should be outraged over that.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 22, 2011 at 4:50pm

I believe i am probably on a enemy list in the WH from all the emails, letters and phone calls that i have made demanding and pointing out the truth. We need more direct plain speaking elected representatives like West, Bachmann, Rands, Rubio, Cantor, Ryan, etc., Crenshaw is still questionable to me and i have told him so. Bill Nelson must be removed and i am looking at Adam Hasner, never heard of him but i am greatly impressed with his defending our U.S. Constitution, C.A.I.R. is out to destroy his political career and he believes our country is a Republic. LeMeiux has voted to the left and was and is a good friend of Crist, his lost our gain. I like him but do not trust him to be a true voice. He was always kind in answering my letters. Rubio  has just started answering. Crenshaw tries to keep up. 


I think what all must concentrate on is the TRUTH, FACTS, nothing less, nothing more. The TRUTH has NO AGENDA. I think that when people are confronted with the truth, they can feel a big difference, i know i can and it has been so refreshing and liberating. 

Comment by J.R. on April 22, 2011 at 4:27pm

Very accurate article at CNS.  Those highly increased numbers of fatalities among our troops are due to Obama-ordered changed rules of engagement for them, well over a year ago, that essentially tied their hands behind their backs and left them vulnerable and/or defenseless in a number of ways and situations.  Now, on top of that, Obama has, just this week, approved sending 80 American logistics drones to Pakistan that will be able to be used to pinpoint the locations of our troops in Afghanistan and in operations they are pursuing.  He's setting our military up to be sitting ducks. He's in control of our military and putting them in harms way to, I believe, aid and abet the enemy jihadists with whom he identifies in his hatred of patriotic Americans.

Great comment to Crenshaw, Nelson, Rubio, and Obama. Let me know which ones you hear back from. I'm sick of the class and race warfare, too, but believe it will be considerably stoked by Obama and his extended political machine for the next 18 months.  We must be prepared to countermand it with issues and substance and call them out on their race-baiting, class-warfare, and hate-speech platform that only attracts the lowest common denominator in society.

Even liberal polls are now showing Obama's numbers plummeting like a sinkstone stele, even among Hispanics, Blacks and young adults. They feel deceived by the hope and change myth and are looking for substance and realistic solutions.  Plus, they're getting sticker shock when they buy groceries and gas, just like the rest of us, and genius Obama just said gas could go to 6, 7, 8 dollars a gallon---all while he refuses to allow American oil drilling in Anwar or the Gulf of Mexico, and while his pal, the Saudi king, whom he bowed down to, cuts oil production in Saudi Arabia in half  Obama's fingerprints are all over the oil heist he's committing against the American people... and he seems to revel in it.  I frankly believe that when we look at him, we're staring in the face of evil.

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 22, 2011 at 3:33pm

LOL! That is a LOADED question, i could name 85 to 90 plus % of my own elected representatives locally, state and federal levels. 


Check this out, it is almost a year old report but the information is finally getting attention:




I also sent this to Congress.org:



Comment by J.R. on April 22, 2011 at 3:24pm

J.L., I very much like Alan West, too.  He's a no nonsense, no frills kind of guy. Like he said, he's not letting anybody "blow smoke up his butt." He tells it like it is. Sad, isn't it, that we don't get that directness and honesty from all politicians?  Thankfully, West is not a politicians' politician. 

All politicians should have to wear a truth-meter that would set off sirens every time they lie, and the ones who set off sirens would automatically have to wear a black hat. Of course, their conditioned response would then probably be to just shut up and we wouldn't have an inkling of what they were up to... or we would go deaf from all the screeching sirens.  It's a real Catch-22. But the upside is that only the ones who actually tell the truth would get to speak for a change, which would be refreshing and show that they are the good guys who merit wearing a white hat. Then, at the polls, voting would be simple: choose the White Hats or the Black Hats. There's only one problem:  it wouldn't work with a politician who is a sociopathic narcissist who tells lies even when the truth sounds better.  Know anyone who fits that description? 

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 22, 2011 at 1:25pm

Here is a must see post, at the 9/12 project, on interviews with Alan West, i watched it on FOX last night and i just love the direct truthfulness in all he says, and he does not apologize, Greta seemed a bit uncomfortable but i love the way he fired back that he stands up for the truth and he has been appalled at what he has seen in D.C., we definitely need more truth, be sure to watch both videos:



Comment by J.R. on April 21, 2011 at 10:05pm

"Obama Has OK'd Use of Drones in Libya, Gates Says..."

Today we learn that Obama is still actively prosecuting an unconstitutional war against Libya and will further it by allowing the use of U.S. military drones (assets) in order to depose the Libyan government's leader from power. Obama has still not defined the mission, the factual necessity of removing the Libyan leader, the legitimacy of the so-called "rebels" who are reported to have al Qaeda and Muslim terrorists among their ranks, or an exit strategy for America's military involvement. He has made no case for, and established no legal right for, his actions to remove Gadhafi from power.

All this is in addition to the fact that Obama deliberately took this nation to war without a constitutionally required Declaration of War pursuant to requirements of the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows for the President to engage the U.S. Military in a war action on the basis of his own volition, under the auspices of the United Nations, and without a Declaration of War by the U.S. Congress. Obama neither informed Congress, nor sought permission from Congress to go to war.

This renegade president is engaged in ruling by decree and edict as if he were King. Our fore-fathers fought a revolution against a tyrannical king in order for this country to have a constitutional republican form of government and the rule of law. President Barack Obama has not only spat upon our Constitution, he has arrogantly violated it, violated his Oath of Office, violated the laws of this land he is sworn to faithfully execute, and proven his contempt for all of those things, for the history of our country, and for the American people.

The above are gravely serious offenses that rise to the level of grounds for impeachment.

Benjamin Franklin said, to a woman who asked him what form of government we have, "We have a constitutional republic, madam, if we can keep it." Now, we will see if we have conservative members of the U.S. Congress who will have the courage to see to it that we do keep it... by bringing charges for impeachment, having an impeachment trial, obtaining a verdict of impeachment, and removing this renegade president from office. It will be a first... but a necessary first, in order to restore and preserve our republic.

Below are excerpts from the above-titled article. You can read the entire piece at the link provided:

" U.S. President Barack Obama has approved the use of armed Predator drones in Libya, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.

Gates told CNN the unmanned Predators would allow for "some precision capability" against the forces of longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and will offer a "modest contribution" to NATO efforts to support Libyan rebels.

NATO, meanwhile, has signaled it may ramp up air strikes on Gadhafi's regime. NATO issued a new warning to Libyan civilians to stay away from military areas - foreshadowing plans for attacks on targets seen as strategically significant in stopping the government's attacks against civilians, according to a NATO military official.

Libyan rebels had recently complained that NATO was not being aggressive enough to protect civilians from Gadhafi's forces.

Planes and missiles from a coalition including the United States, the United Kingdom and France began attacking Libyan air-defense targets March 19 in part to establish a no-fly zone. It was authorized by a U.N. Security Council resolution, which approved military action –short of occupation - to prevent Gadhafi's forces from attacking civilians and cities.

The intervention came after a Libyan uprising, which began in mid-February after clashes between government forces and protesters. Opposition forces are seeking the ouster of Gadhafi, who has ruled for nearly 42 years..."


Comment by J.R. on April 20, 2011 at 9:33pm

The below is part of an e-mail sent to me by U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman this morning. Included in the e-mail is a video by Dick Morris that is a must see. The link to it is in the below e-mail:

"Yesterday as America's debt reached a new high of $14.3 trillion, Dick Morris sent a video to his supporters across America defending my stance against the budget deal that was reached last week because it didn't go far enough in cutting the out of control spending that has crippled our country.

This video sends an important message about the immediate danger we face as a nation and I urge you to take two minutes right now to watch Dick's video by following this link:


Our debt crisis is a serious one and I appreciate Dick's support as it is not always easy to stand up against the enormous pressure in Washington.

But I believe that we need principled leaders who have the courage to speak out and hold President Obama accountable for the promise he made to cut $100 billion each year from the budget. And if President Obama is not going to keep his promise, we need new leadership in the White House."

Comment by J.R. on April 20, 2011 at 9:13pm

"Libya rebels will receive $25M from U.S.

Here we go again... Obama is forking over $25M to Libyan rebels known to be infiltrated by and/or aided by members of al Qaeda. Just as Obama had no constitutional authority to take this country into war with Libya without a Declaration of War from Congress, Obama has no constitutional authority to, of his own volition, give unauthorized and non-appropriated money to Libyan rebels and jihadists in that war.

According to the U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 9: "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time."

Article I, Section 8: "'The Congress shall have Power... To declare War... To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel invasions."

Further, in the absence of an Amendment to the Constitution providing otherwise, the War Powers Act providing for conditional authority for the President to take a war action not in the defense of this country is also unconstitutional, for it is not provided for in the Constitution itself."

Below are excerpts from the article, along with a link to the remainder of the article:

"White House OKs non-lethal support"

"The letter notified Congress that the administration authorized “any U.S. government agency to provide assistance to support efforts by Libyan groups such as the TNC to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under threat of attack in Libya.”

The letter does not say how that assistance will be delivered or whether U.S. troops would be involved.

A Senate aide who asked not to be identified by name said the nonlethal assistance could open the door to future U.S. arms and other military assistance to the TNC.

“The justification in the letter appears to claim the TNC is stable, democratic and adhering to the Geneva Conventions,” the aide said. “If all of this is true, then why can’t you provide lethal military assistance as well?”

Danielle Pletka, the vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, said she is concerned by the aid..."


Comment by JL Gawlik on April 20, 2011 at 8:06pm
Thank you all, my whole purpose in life is now to inform the masses of the TRUTH.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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