I regret to say that I find the information in the below-linked article both believable and alarming. It helps to explain Obama's rapid rise from obscurity to the highest elected office in the United States of America, for it took a lot of money and influence to make that happen. It also leads me to believe that the habitual frequent delays in Obama's decision-making could be explainable by those decisions having to be filtered through Soros-connected activists advising Obama. In this case, billionaire Soros' activist in the White House is none other than Obama's National Security Council Special Adviser on Human Rights, Samantha Power, who has strong ties to Soros and is a champion of the global governance military doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," that Obama is claimed to have followed in his attack on Libya.

The above also helps to explain why Obama no longer depends on advice from his U.S. Senate-approved Cabinet and gives life to the speculation that formerly unknown and unaccomplished Obama's mach speed rise to power is due to his having been a George Soros-created puppet, with Soros and his like-minded global governance minders pulling his strings.  Further, it makes me wonder who actually is our President.

This situation bears international implications that are antithetical to the content of the Constitution of the United States.

Below are some excerpts from the news article that you can read in full at the link provided:

"Philanthropist billionaire George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya.
The activist who founded and coined the name of the doctrine, "Responsibility to Protect," sits on several key organizations alongside Soros.

Also, the Soros-funded global group that promotes Responsibility to Protect is closely tied to Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights. Power has been a champion of the doctrine and is, herself, deeply tied to the doctrine's founder.

According to reports, Power was instrumental in convincing Obama to act against Libya.
The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state's borders under certain conditions..."


Views: 135


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Comment by J.R. on April 12, 2011 at 10:29pm

J.L., I think you have described Ronald Reagan in your comment. The large field of candidates is likely due to the huge left turn this country has taken under the bait and switch president we now have. And, a lot of pretty good leaders are fired up like we are... to do all they can to take back our country and protect it from the progressive left. I admire their qualities and leadership, but I know of only a couple of them who have officially declared they will run. Mitt Romney just declared last week and Michelle Bachman has set up an exploratory committee, as have a couple others. Rand Paul stated he would run for President if his father does not. Since Obama has already declared he will run, Republican candidates can't afford to give him much of a head start.

As we all know, Obama dishonestly ran as a moderate, with his claimed agenda having nothing to do with the truth. Following all his hopey-changey rhetoric to get elected, he reverted to his Alinsky programming and community organizing mode once in office. He's almost like a robot on auto-pilot, steadily following his mapped-out program. It's "Bourne Identity" creepy, with George Soros playing the role of programmer and controller. Your earlier statement about the truth having no agenda is apparently a concept that Obama is unable to identify with or comprehend. His allegiance is to his world governance financiers whose goal is to use market and currency manipulations, chaos, and revolution to crush our economy, our constitutional rights, and our existence as a free nation under God.

Here is a link to an informative article about George Soros;


Comment by JL Gawlik on April 12, 2011 at 4:43pm

J.R., He is is interesting to listen to and you have to agree with what he is saying but i would not vote for him, i do not think he will run for President, but he did announce on a FOX show that he would have a announcement after his show ends and it will surprise everyone. I think he will back a unknown candidate that has yet to announce their candidacy or he will back someone that no one ever associated him with. I can not see him running. Right now i am a little bit miffed with the large field of Republicans testing the waters and i think they need to put their egos aside and put their heads together and come up with one hell of a united plan with all of them inputing and uniting together. We do not need more division, we need a candidate that can plainly speak, one that truly knows and believes in our Constitution, our founding fathers' principles and values. One who can speak without notes or a tele-prompter and one who inspires patriotism and the love of our country, one who can lead our country back into the right direction. One who speaks with boldness and truth. I just do not see a candidate like that yet. 

That url that you included to the Bretton Woods convention is for the 1944 one, not the one last week April 8 to 11, 2011.

Comment by J.R. on April 12, 2011 at 3:42pm

J.L., Trump has indicated that if he doesn't get the Republican nomination, he will run as an Independent. That could be disastrous. He's also said he has a great friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton, and he likes the Obamas. But, he also said "Obama has been a terrible president." He seems to be all over the place. While I agree with some other things he's been saying, I'm not sure I could vote for him, from what I know at this point. My fear would be that he would, on impulse, go off the reservation. However, I do like the way he is making frontal, highly vocal attacks on Obama's eligibility to be president, as the video you posted shows, and he knows how to get the media's attention---even the liberal media. His provocative remarks are all over the internet. Another thing in his favor is his glowing support for the Tea Party, which could be sincere or could be just coming out now in order to gain Tea Party support for his candidacy and get him nominated and elected. It's going to take some more time to really assess what he's all about and how conservative he really is.

I agree with you in your earlier comment posted here today. Obama and his cronies consistently create one crisis after another that they can exploit and benefit from. Their motto is "Never let a crisis go to waste." Obscuring their real plans and actions is of primary importance in their playbook and it has gone from a pattern of behavior to a hard and fast rule. And, lying is fully sanctioned. Obama absolutely wants absolute power and he intends to get it... and he's got big-money global governance elites backing him. Just look at the attendees at the Bretton Woods II conference last week that had 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations. The attendees included Frances Fox Piven, of the infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy that Obama taught while a community organizer and ACORN lawyer in Chicago. That strategy is based on the Saul Alinsky model in "Rules for Radicals." It was ACORN community organizers who also helped poor blacks and hispanics obtain subprime mortgages they couldn't afford---mortgages for homes they later lost in foreclosures. Apparently they were cynically used like pawns on a chess-board in order to make the Cloward-Piven Strategy work.

Read about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Monetary_and_Financial_...

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 12, 2011 at 11:49am

Wish i could find the second half of this interview. I hope Trump gets behind a strong Republican:


Comment by JL Gawlik on April 12, 2011 at 10:51am

Here is a interesting article that illustrates why it is necessary and should be a requirement for ALL elected representatives to know and understand our U.S. Constitution:




J.R., Love the last sentence... The White House move caught Democrats in Congress off guard, according to aides, and details of the president’s proposals were sketchy..."

Hasn't this administration always taken a advantage of a crisis? Hasn't their plans ALWAYS been sketchy? and unclear?  They have formed a interesting pattern for over two years now. The President will talk the talk but he will not walk the walk, this pandering is just for votes... and POWER.


i was quiet taken aback with O'Reilly's statement yesterday because in my opinion he has been far too, lenient with President Obama, i personally think he has given him passes, as he has stated wants to be fair. He has done the same with unions being a former union member. Now i am wondering what is developing behind the scenes. I hope and pray it is some concrete proof of what really is going on. 


This morning ABC made the clear statement that Trump is taking down the GOP with his investigation with O's Birth Certificate. They stated that this investigation is turning Independents off and will discredit the GOP and hurt any run for the President. What are people in the USA supposed to do? Listen to the media and a party that constantly lies, name calls and slings mud to make points? OR do the American people ask questions and look for the truth, the facts and hold their elected representatives to a higher standard and honor? I think O was born in Hawaii but i doubt that his parents were married, why would his father who was here on a a visa risk loosing that and his education to marry  O's mother? He was already married. That would of been a clear violation of our laws. We are not like Canada and Great Britain who if someone comes to their country married to several wives they allow them to become citizens and over look the multiple marries, they have truly screwed their countries up in my opinion. Also i think Muslim is the stated religion of the father and mother, because as a true faith Muslim father, your child is Muslim by birth forever. That is the controversy. That is what O has paid millions to suppress which to me is disingenuous like he has been ever since he came on the political scene. 


Note here Missouri's Democratic Attorney General joins the Republican-led effect law suit to repeal Obamacare

Comment by J.R. on April 11, 2011 at 8:51pm

"Obama: Time to Talk Tax Hikes"

April 11, 2011

President Barack Obama will lay out his plan for reducing the nation’s deficit Wednesday, belatedly entering a fight over the nation’s long-term financial future. But in addition to suggesting cuts—the current focus of debate—the White House looks set to aim its firepower on a more divisive topic: taxes.

In a speech Wednesday, Mr. Obama will propose cuts to entitlement programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, and changes to Social Security, a discussion he has largely left to Democrats and Republicans in Congress. He also will call for tax increases for people making over $250,000 a year, a proposal contained in his 2012 budget, and changing parts of the tax code he thinks benefit the wealthy.

“Every corner of the federal government has to be looked at here,” David Plouffe, a senior White House adviser, said Sunday in one of multiple television appearances. “Revenues are going to have to be part of this,” he said, referring to tax increases.

The White House move caught Democrats in Congress off guard, according to aides, and details of the president’s proposals were sketchy..."

Link to rest of article



Comment by J.R. on April 11, 2011 at 8:15pm

J.L., that's welcome news about O'Reilly bringing out the recently surfaced information about George Soros' and the Democrats' being in step in their efforts to collapse our economy and establish a new government.  That new government would be a socialist government in the U.S., and there would be a new world currency, a new world banking system, and ultimately a new world government.  What took O'Reilly so long to open his eyes and see this?  Maybe it was Glenn Beck's influence, since they are good buddies and have done nationwide book tours together.

BTW, that remark about the comb-over came from me. Roma might not want to be identified with it.

I really like this statement you made in your comment: "Have you ever noticed that people create lies and fear~mongering so they can push their agenda... not the truth? The TRUTH has NO AGENDA."  That should be posted in the office of every member of Congress, right across the top of a mirror they look in every day.

I've come to the conclusion that Obama is a pathological liar who enjoys the frustration and angst his lying causes people. His lying is totally in our faces and he uses it to show us what utter contempt he has for us, our country, and our Constitution. With this dangerous budget having been passed, as a result of Obama's unconstitutional intrusion into the process, I fear that in some respects, we've already been started down the socialism road.  I just hope that, by September 30, 2011, we won't be past the point of no return. 

If a Republican had done all that Obama has done to damage this country and its people, he would already have been impeached and removed from office.  Look what happened to Richard Nixon for something that wouldn't be a blip on the radar screen compared to all of the unconstitutional acts committed by Obama. And, Nixon wasn't impeached.  He left office to avoid that. Even Bill Clinton's shameful actions and perjury pale by comparison to the outright and deliberate power grabs, abuses of office, and numerous and varied violations of the Oath of Office and the Constitution of the United States by President Barack Hussein Obama.  His deliberate actions are tantamount to treason, and the Democrat congressional leaders have aided and abetted those actions. 

Comment by JL Gawlik on April 11, 2011 at 7:22pm

Roma, you are right about him using it as a comb over. WHY can't people point out his lying to the American people. He has NOT been truthful with the exception of March Madness picks since he step into public office.

Has anyone noticed, even though 38 billion was cut, our debt $14,270,000,000,000.00 Trillion is going to be UP almost to $16,000,000,000,000.00 Trillion by the end of 2011 with the current 2011 budget? Even Bill O'Reilly is now saying it looks like the Democrats are in step with Soros to collapse our economy to usher in a new government.


Amazing. Do you think the truth is finally coming to the surface?


ALL here have really posted great articles and urls, thank you so much. Just spread the word...


I am twittering Boehner, McCarthy and others...

Comment by J.R. on April 11, 2011 at 5:50pm

Roma, that was an excellent article you posted regarding U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's genuine support of Israel. Giving aid to Israel's enemies was likely to buy their support of the phony peace process this country's leaders have tried to force Israel into. I'm curious to know under which administration such a lopsided policy for allocating aid in the Middle East was developed, giving only loan guarantees to Israel. Maybe the rationale was that, since the U.S. was giving them the implied umbrella of protection of the United States, that would keep Israel's enemies at bay.  Unfortunately, it didn't... and doesn't.  And, unfortunately, the current Administration is decidedly pro-Islam and anti-Israel.  Obama has treated Israel's leaders visiting the White House very disrespectfully.  No bow for Netanyahu... only a denial to even grant him a meeting, when first requested.  Then, when Obama did grant a meeting, he left Netanyahu sitting and waiting for two hours past the appointed time outside the Oval Office, while Obama remained in the presidential living quarters. And, Obama did not grant Netanyahu a state dinner, like he did Chairman Hu of China.

Sen. Ron Paul has now come out and said that if his father doesn't run for President, he will.  Wouldn't it be interesting to see them both on the same ticket?  That would be a dynamic duo.

Comment by J.R. on April 11, 2011 at 5:17pm

J.L., Obama will roll out his "budget cuts" the same way he agreed to the miniscule by comparison cuts under shadow of his threatened government shutdown---disingeneously. I notice he didn't mention, at the same time, his now-announced proposals to RAISE TAXES.  Doesn't sound as if he even has a fine tooth comb in mind---unless he's planning to use it to do a comb-over to hide what's actually in it. 

If he's serious about raising taxes and wants to do it equitably, he should start with getting Congress to require all states to follow the original gas tax law, by making each state collect the same amount of federal tax on each gallon of gas.  Floridians have to pay more federal gas taxes per gallon that many other states.  Florida follows the law, but our next-door neighbor, Georgia does not. There is disparity in the federal gas taxes per gallon collected in states throughout the country.

Obama is again talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.  On one side, he wants to "cut" the budget, while on the other side, he's going to raise taxes.  What kind of cut is that?? Next thing you know, he's going to want to turn us all upside down and shake all the last coins out of our pockets.

As to "peaceful Muslims," there may be some who have walked away from the sanctioned violence and terrorism the Koran espouses.  From my point of view, putting the words "peaceful" and "Muslim" together is an oxymoron. The Koran clearly mandates that any non-Muslim who refuses to convert to Islam is an "infidel"and, as such, is to be killed. How can a "religion" be considered "peaceful," when it gives its adherents a license to kill people---as in all the people in Israel, for example?  Even the burning of a Koran, generates a license for Muslims to kill.  As I wrote in an earlier post, Islam is an amalgam in which the mosque controls religion, government, law, court, education, social order, morality, and subjugation of women, all rolled into one central entity.

As to the duplication of services in our federal government agencies, with its inherent waste, fraud and abuse, it was made known last week that there were found to be ten agencies that were responsible for doing essentially the same job, they don't interact with one another, and none are held accountable for what they do.  Maybe they were set up by a progressive Democrat administration to provide full employment for other Democrats and to "spread the wealth," as in creating more money going to labor unions who use it to get Democrats elected.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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