As suggested I attended the City Council meeting on ETHICS?? -I was shocked to learn that
this commission has been in the works for some time--The shock was that it would take this much
time to determine what the commission would do. The time I spent was a complete waste as are
all so called public input meetings.No one is listening or gives two hoots in hell as to what the citizens
who the council consider boobs-are saying.If I heard correctly there will be a director-a staff-an office
and on and on-( see hundreds of thousands of tax money wasted on B S ) There are multiple laws on the
books covering ethics violations-- Why in Gods name do we need to duplicate ( see Human Rights
Commission with its Annual budget of $1,523,000.00 17 employees-average salary of $51,520.00 a
Commission which is a triplicate of State and Federal agencies) that which already exists?
Consider a real commission--a citizens vigilante group who would root out the massive couruption
that persists in our community.
Well put Robert. I think you have to be little thorns in their sides. The group leader was Mr. Webb, but one of the people who went out to dinner (without a pass from the city council meeting he was supposed to be at) was none other than Clark, and yes, it is the same Clark that proposed all the amendments that would all but neuter the ethics commission. Many of them showed very little understanding of what an ethics commission even is and others were just change to change shortening the term from 5 years to 3 years which is really dumb since they aren't going to pay for moving for the person and want the highest calliber person they can get (or maybe they don't?). Moving is a huge expense, and the chances are better for someone to accept a lower paying position and move here if they know they are guaranteed 5 years at least (which may morph into 10 years if a second term is offered). I also thought forcing them to move into Duval county was dumb.........I far prefer they live in an outlying county because then, they can't have done business with our fair city recently at least and hopefully never have which might make them more honest and keep them that way. You see what I am saying. People need to get up and say these things as we do have some new city council members who also may not be over joyed with Clark's recommendations. I doubt that Mr. Clark will be listening, but others may.
And yup, I plan to go to the Rules Committee meeting in the AM! The battle will not be won in a day Robert............but I think it can be won even if we have to start removing those council members that are catering to all the special interests and people like Everbank.
Pat I am not angry at you or anyone else who attends the meetings even if I think
the council does not care what you or anybody else thinks--At the 2010 Sept budget meetings
hundreds of people showed up and raised unanimous hell about raising property taxes -they passed them anyway-multitudes raised hell about giving weaver-who lives in a multi million dollar mansion
our $4,000,000.00 from everbank to name our stadium not weavers stadium.They not only gave it to him they rubbed your nose in it by council members leaving after the vote with the Duvals bag man -went to Ruth Chris to celebrate.Then to add insult to injury when confronted by a reporter from the tiny union-immediately said -we weren't celebrating and by the way we each bought our own dinner and we each paid cash--REALLY?? The records of that transaction should have been demanded to be made public.So for the hundreds of us who voiced our opposition to the giveaway the results were the same as always. By the way the total we sold the name to our stadium for was $16,000,000.00 over a 6 year period weaver got it all less expenses for his lobbyists The $4,00,000.00 was the crumbs we were to have been grateful for,Sorry I wasn't grateful.I was angry and am still angry.Whats the solution? I think we have to begin with recognition of the problem.Then you can begin the painful process of return to law. Be honest with our criticisms-do not worry about being P C.Trust NO ONE in government.Be a lawful vigilante More to follow.
Robert, another thing that is highly important is the criteria by which they choose the people who are to be on this commission and who chooses them. Right now, they have very tight restrictions which have been loosened somewhat to allow for 3 citizens, but many people need to speak out on this as the commission will not be any good at all to the public if they are excluded from serving on the commission. I understand why a politician might not want that at all, and you should as well. Most of the citizens, hopefully at least, can't be bought or bribed to overlook anything. Great care must be taken to the proper choice of members which is why I do not want power to replace or select a council member taken away. You may also remember the discussion about the mayor getting to approve (or disapprove) the director, and I don't think the mayor can have anything to do with it since he is one of the people who has to be kept honest...........again understand I am not talking about Brown....I am saying any mayor.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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