We just got word to take action this morning, and before anyone had a chance to even call their senators, they voted to table the amendment to reinstate religious rights under the first amendment. This is, by no means, over as it will be before the supreme court. We had better hope and pray we get rid of Obama, because if he gets re-elected, we may not have the supreme court to depend on to right things again. This is not, and never was, about women's health issues; it was and always was about breaking the constitution and specifically the first amendment...................I am sure you will not be surprised that Senator Bill Nelson voted against this first amendment protecting bill and with his party instead of for the people of Florida.
The Senate defeated Sen. Roy Blunt’s amendment to allow employers to refuse to cover health services Thursday, dealing Republicans a high-profile setback in the fight over the Obama administration’s contraception coverage mandate.
Sen. Olympia Snowe, the Maine Republican who this week said she would not run for reelection, joined nearly all Democrats in a 51-48 vote to dispense of the amendment, which would have allowed employers to decline to cover certain health benefits that conflict with their religious beliefs.
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for the proposed amendment to the Senate transportation bill, saying the Obama administration did not respond to her concerns about whether self-insured health plans of faith-based organizations would be exempt from the contraception coverage mandate. So did Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who this week questioned why Republicans were voting on the proposal now.
Democratic Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania joined Republicans in support of the amendment.
Democrats said the amendment was too broad and would have been an attack on women’s health. But Blunt (R-Mo.) vowed that the vote won’t be the end of the debate over the contraception coverage rule — and predicted that the Supreme Court might have the final say by striking it down.
“This issue will not go away unless the administration takes it away by giving people of faith those First Amendment protections” to refuse to cover services if they have moral or religious objections, Blunt said during the floor debate.
Republican supporters said Blunt’s amendment was an attempt to ensure religious-affiliated employers wouldn’t have to cover contraceptives or other products that conflict with their religious beliefs.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt4MIkT1
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt3fYvfs
Tamara, they researched this subject to see if they could win women over with it and swing them to Obama. The only person who stood up to the reporters was Newt, who said I can't believe nada nada with everything else going on. Santorum should have done the same thing, but got duped and had a dialogue about it. I think, we as a group, are going to have to be more aware of this sort of thing and guard against it dividing us or getting into this side show and forget what is important. I want all of you to know, I feel guilty for allowing myself to get embroiled in this issue, and I will be very careful in the future not to post anything else on this. We all have to look at this issue on a personal level and decide if it is really worth our spending time on it. And thank you Tamara! It is a huge distraction as it was meant to shine the light away from all this president's failed policies. You are 100% correct.
Tend to agree that this is a huge distraction, but the problem is, the Republicans have taken the bait and gone all sorts of crazy!
John, the way she sees it and others see it is that we all get screwed and they make the choice, and that is what scrares me half to death. And from what bank of experience would someone make this choice or do they not care about having a job......................maybe that isn't important either certainly it neve was to the pres and his wife. This is of concern because sooner or later someone has to pay for all this stuff or at least I would think someone would have to!
Tamara, I am not saying you are anything but what you are............a married woman who practices birth control, but no where in your post did you say you wanted the catholic church to pay for it. You want to have health insurance from a provider that provides reproductive services. Now given what you want would you purposely go to work for the catholic church or go to a catholic school and expect them to violate their beliefs to provide it? I don't think so. You would find another way, but these folks aren't willing to do that. They want to go to a catholic school and force someone to violate their beliefs so they can sleep around. I don't have anything against you or anyone like you, but the young lady that made the argument for Obama to violate the bill of rights and the constitution was wanting reproductive services provided by the catholic church for casual sex or what she called recreational sex. Dear Lord help me on this one cause when I was her age, there wasn't anything I called recreational sex and I am not a heavily religious person (but it is appalling to me and age has nothing to do with it...................I keep thing why don't they charge, then, they could afford birth control :).)
As a married, Catholic, mother of two, I can assure you that I and 99% of my friends at church practice some form of contraception, even without asking. Why? Well, we're all sitting there in mass with 1, 2, or 3 kids. There are a few families with 4 or 5 kids, but that's about it. I would never presume to call any one of those women (including myself) of being promiscuous, etc. When my husband can have health insurance pay for a vasectomy, but birth control pills are not covered, that reeks of hypocrisy. Viagra? Yes. IUD -- no. Ridiculous!! So, John, start yanking coverage for everything related to birth control (or men having lots of sex), and then I would at least feel like there is not a war against women.
Roma, do you remember Obama telling McCain he would go for public money and then, saying no he changed his mind and he said something to McCain about "you don't have anything in writing" like it was some kind of joke he played on him. He has zero morals or principles. That he could do what he did to the catholic church, just as he did McCain, says a lot doesn't it. He is a lying piece of poop, and he is allowing his innner muslim come out. They are big believers that you lie away about anything if it furthers you cause.
I think I might have already, but yes, isn't this guy great! Wow. He is only a priest but also an attorney, so I suspect he is intemately familiar with the constitution and what every word means :).
Since when did reproductive right become more important than the bill of rights and the constitution.
I am sorry, you can minimum level of coverage until the cows come home. It is not the federal governments job to make the rest of us pay for the tools of someone else's promiscuity, and most especially it isn't their right to force someone to pay for it if it violates their religious tenets. That is why, when the states formed the federal government, they laid all the rules out in something called the consitution. I know Mr. Obama (expert on the constitution and how to skirt everything including the congress) and the congress think they live by another set of laws and aren't beholden to any of the people's rules, but I think he may find out very soon (along with many of the folks in congress) he may get away with what he is doing right now, but he can and will be stopped.............the pity of it is he won't get sent to jail or tried for treason which he surely should be after all the damage he has done and is doing. And all of this from a man who has never had a job or run a company in his life and is totally clueless what it takes or how to even begin to do what some of our members do. I don't know about John (but truthfully, he sounds like an employer someone would like working for), but I know one other tea party member who has lived out of his bank account so he doesn't have to let any employees go. Certainly, you might approach him or some of the other small business owners who are having and have had a rough go since the big spender and regulator moved into the white house to pay for the birth control pills of all those folks having recreational sex, because we wouldn't want any of them to stop having a good time at someone else's expense.
And ta da, the reason they do the windshield thing is that it is a really regular happening in Florida. We have never had a rock hit our windshield and crack it until we moved here. The funny thing was my husband went with a chip for literally months, and finally, he got it replaced and lo and behold the following week, a truck threw a rock and he was right back to square one. Anyway, it happens with great regularity for some reason here (not my explanation but the explanation from the man who came out and fixed the windshield), so we have a law that allows to repair of the problem at no charge.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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