Politico: Blunt amendment defeated in Senate (it was tabled 51-48)

We just got word to take action this morning, and before anyone had a chance to even call their senators, they voted to table the amendment to reinstate religious rights under the first amendment.  This is, by no means, over as it will be before the supreme court.  We had better hope and pray we get rid of Obama, because if he gets re-elected, we may not have the supreme court to depend on to right things again.  This is not, and never was, about women's health issues; it was and always was about breaking the constitution and specifically the first amendment...................I am sure you will not be surprised that Senator Bill Nelson voted against this first amendment protecting bill and with his party instead of for the people of Florida.


The Senate defeated Sen. Roy Blunt’s amendment to allow employers to refuse to cover health services Thursday, dealing Republicans a high-profile setback in the fight over the Obama administration’s contraception coverage mandate.

Sen. Olympia Snowe, the Maine Republican who this week said she would not run for reelection, joined nearly all Democrats in a 51-48 vote to dispense of the amendment, which would have allowed employers to decline to cover certain health benefits that conflict with their religious beliefs.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for the proposed amendment to the Senate transportation bill, saying the Obama administration did not respond to her concerns about whether self-insured health plans of faith-based organizations would be exempt from the contraception coverage mandate. So did Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who this week questioned why Republicans were voting on the proposal now.

Democratic Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania joined Republicans in support of the amendment.

Democrats said the amendment was too broad and would have been an attack on women’s health. But Blunt (R-Mo.) vowed that the vote won’t be the end of the debate over the contraception coverage rule — and predicted that the Supreme Court might have the final say by striking it down.

“This issue will not go away unless the administration takes it away by giving people of faith those First Amendment protections” to refuse to cover services if they have moral or religious objections, Blunt said during the floor debate.

Republican supporters said Blunt’s amendment was an attempt to ensure religious-affiliated employers wouldn’t have to cover contraceptives or other products that conflict with their religious beliefs.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt4MIkT1

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73497.html#ixzz1nt3fYvfs

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Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 10:38am
Patricia one final time, the feds are simply saying this is the minimum level of coverage, like covering xrays, cat scans or other medical procedures. Plus it saves insurers money overall. Medicare covers Viagra. Are you good with that?
Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 10:34am
John, they then "earn" their health insurance also, it is not your largesse.
The windshield analogy as every Floridian knows was a payoff to Florida Rock. The insurers just went along. It was cheaper to replace windshields than sue Florida Rock. Same with contraception, insurers would rather pay for birth control rather than unwanted pregnancies.
Amen Patricia, let's start with Medicare.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 4, 2012 at 9:43am

Amanda, your statement assumes Obamacare will not be overturned.  Florida isn't enacting anything "like" Obamacare because it believes what is contained in this unconstitutional bill is unconstitutional period.  A law is no law if it violates the constitution, and the states do not have to abide by any unconstitutional law and never did.  They can rely on nullification and make sure nothing in the health care bill is imposed on the people of the state of Florida.  You may not agree with that either, but I certainly do, because the states formed a federal government to perform duties that it needed to have uniform across all states such as foreign policy.  The states did not form a federal government to tell them what to do but the other way around.  At this point, states have looked the other way, but that day has gone by.  This over reaching ego riden communist has pushed himself into to many things that are and were always meant to be decided by the states and the people, so you statement about when will the state begin to do what the federal government has mandated, makes no sense at all to me unless you meant something else?  I do not expect any state to do what Obama orders period; they don't have to!  If you are looking for free birth control and free anything, I think you need to rethink it in light of the condition all the Obama give away to buy votes programs have left our country in relation to financial condition.  It is time to step back and have people return to being self reliant and provide for themselves and not show the unmitigated greed of demanding someone else provide everything for them free of charge (certainly, it isn't free for those who pay for it).

Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 9:22am
Roma And Tom, I agree with you on the forced issuance, but they are not forced as you know. And none of their monies are taxed so the notion that they are just getting their money back is wrong. They are getting our money and there are strings attached. The solution is simple for them, stick to their priciples and give up the cash.
Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 8:22am
To amend my post. Churches DO NOT get their beliefs above the law. And we don't need a bill to say so, it was settled law until the last two months. The Roberts court oveturned decided law that stated churches had to follow the laws of the land. So when Sharia begins to take root do not blame Obama, he clearly stated he believes that church law is subjugated to state law, the Roberts court ruled otherwise. Hello theocracy.
Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 8:15am
Patricia every state has the option to opt out of Obamacare. They only have to provide the same coverage and do it for no more money. Where has our legislature been? Two years and not a single proposal. The only option is that people who by choice or circumstance show up sick and everybody else picks up the bill. But you are okay with that.
Roma and Tom, Patricia does not propose smaller govt. Rather an intrusive government that tells me what my repeoductive rights are. Social conservatives are the biggest stumbling block to a more libertarian society within the Republican Party. They want their choices to be the law of the land, they want morality legislated.
Churches take in billions tax free, no property taxes. But yet they must conform. No polygamy for Mormons. No female circumcision for Muslims. No witch burning for Puritans. We are a nation of laws. Catholics no more than Protestants or Jews or Muslims have their beliefs above the law. The very bill Patricia lauds in a recent blog, she trashes here.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 4, 2012 at 6:52am

John, I agree with you and completely understood what you meant and understand Amanda is going after you and trying to make you something you are not and are not doing.  Amanda, most of what you are accusing John of is what the current federal government and the Obama administration is doing, yet I hear no outcry about them doing it? 

And yes, Amanda, they are making the church pay for birth control and abortion pills, since all these organizations are part of the church and are run by the church and are protected under the first amendment umbrella and even if they were not, what business is it of the federal government to tell anyone what they must provide or can't provide.  And finally you have said something that makes sense, the STATE OF FLORIDA REQUIRES which is exactly where anything like this should come from since insurance is regulated and controlled in each individual state and is does not fall under the venue of the federal government at all (and is not one of the 17 responsibilities listed in the constitution).  I understand the commerce clause as been used and abused massively and Obama totally ignores the constitution mostly, but health care is not listed on the "to do" list for the federal government and given they do a miserable job at what is listed in the constitution, they might consider focusing on doing those things they are responsible for and letting the states and the people do the rest.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 4, 2012 at 6:45am

Consider what Maryland resident Charles Carroll (1737–1832), signer of the Declaration of Independence, a delegate to the Continental Congress, United States Senator, and framer of the Bill of Rights said:

“Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime & pure, [and] which denounces against the wicked eternal misery, and [which] insured to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”[1]

Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 6:34am
Patricia, churches are not affected by these rules, only their other operations are affected. Further, they can exempt themselves from these rules very simply, refuse federal dollars. I mean if they feel so strongly about these issues then how could they accept money from those who promote these notions?
You don't get to have it both ways. Like women, they have to make a choice. And for me that is the greatest moral failing here.
Comment by amanda choate on March 4, 2012 at 6:28am
Well John, as supreme employer, do you feel it is your right to tell people what they can eat, watch on tv, what clothes they wear. I mean you are giving them the money, so it is your call.
You should also be able to tell them what church to attend, since they would tithe.
As an employer you provide insurance. Governments determine the laws that regulate the insurance industry. Like in Florida where windshields are a no deductible loss. Why? Because Florida law says so.

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