Floridians for Immigration Enforcement
FL Senate Allows Law Licenses for Illegal Aliens
Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to be an Officer of the Court in Florida?
Eligibility on who is entitled to be an Officer of the Court in Florida must not be based on the sob story of a temporarily-documented illegal alien, regardless of the poster child perception. This terrible precedent diminishes our Constitution, our sovereignty and our citizenship.
The Florida Senate says YES.
Their Last Minute Amendment to a Florida House Bill
Allows Illegal Aliens to Practice Law
If College Tuition Subsidy for Illegal Aliens (SB1400) were not bad enough, the Florida Senate in under 24 hours passed an amendment to allow law licenses for illegal aliens. The bill now goes back to the House for a vote. The session ends Friday, May 2nd, 2014. SO WE MUST ACT NOW.
The Florida Senate took a bill that had nothing to do with state bar admission and amended it on the floor of the Senate to make illegal aliens eligible to practice law in Florida.
Proponents of illegal aliens practicing law in Florida amended the bill, House Bill ("H.B.") 755, on the Senate floor to avoid scrutiny or critiques of the legislation. The bill passed the Senate on Friday without any opportunity for public debate or participation. H.B. 755, which passed the House of Representatives March 23 by a vote of 117-0 as a family law bill, will now return to the House for consideration of the Senate amendment.
Your immediate action is vital to stopping this bill. Please take a few minutes to email or call your Florida Representative and tell them that illegal aliens should NOT be admitted to the practice law in Florida.
The link below takes you to the bill beginning with the wording for the Amendment. Please read it and you will clearly understand that the Senate took a perfectly good bill and added language that would make it law that an illegal could secure a position to practice LAW.
Let these elected officials know:
* Illegal Aliens, by Definition, Do Not Uphold Our Laws. Admission to the Florida bar involves taking an oath to uphold the law and the Constitution-an oath that illegal aliens cannot, in good faith, take because they reside in the United States continuously in violation of federal law.
Illegal aliens do not only have past violations of the law to address on their bar applications, but current violations of the law as well. An illegal alien bar applicant is very different from an applicant who committed a prior bad act and subsequently rehabilitated or demonstrated law-abiding behavior after the misconduct.
* H.B. 755 Conflicts with the Rationale Behind the Good Character Requirement for Bar Admission. Public interest requires that the public be secure in its expectation that those who are admitted to the bar are worthy of the trust and confidence clients must place in their lawyers. Bar admission and Florida's ethical rules were adopted to protect the public and promote respect and confidence in the legal profession. However, no member of the public cannot reasonably expect his lawyer to obey the law if immigration laws are considered fair game for breaking.
* The Indefinite Nature of An Illegal Alien's Presence in the Country Fundamentally Impairs His Ability to Responsibility Represent Clients.Because illegal aliens have no legal right to remain in the United States, the representation of a client could be suddenly cut short by an order of removal. A lawyer who is removed from the country will not have enough time to act with reasonable diligence and promptness to resolve ongoing client matters and may not be able to give his clients adequate notice to terminate the representation.
* Illegal Aliens Are Not "Otherwise Law-Abiding." Even the average illegal alien, who some claim is "otherwise law-abiding" despite violating our duly established immigration law, violates numerous laws, including, but not limited to, laws prohibiting identity theft, forgery, and driving without a license or insurance, often creating real victims.
Florida should demand that its lawyers be honest and law-abiding. Illegal aliens are neither.
H.B. 755 was amended at the last minute to include the provision making illegal aliens eligible to practice law in Florida. As a result, the issue was never considered in any committee and never provided a public hearing.
Florida citizens did not have any opportunity to voice their concerns, call their representatives, or testify against the bill. Don't let special interests interfere with the democratic process.
If you are outraged as you should be, express your outrage to your Florida Representative:
Please act now! Call or email your Representative and urge them to oppose H.B. 755!
Only with your help can we stop this bill.
Click on the link below, then click on FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE, Enter your address and your Representatives will be displayed for you. There you will find their email/phone information.
Call and demand Speaker Will Weatherford block the legislation at (850) 717-5038.
The majority of this information was provided by:
Floridians for Immigration Enforcement
And I would like to thank Babs Jordan for her assistance in putting this together.
God Bless You and God Bless Our America.
In case ya'll haven't heard--THE SENATE PASSED THIS BILL WITH JOHN THRASHER of Orange Park and Charlie Dean BOTH voting FOR the legislation along with other Republicans! THANKS to Senator Aaron Bean who criticized members on Senate floor saying "being an American" doesn't count for much anymore (my paraphrase). I've already sent scathing emails to both Thrasher and Dean, Dean is MY area representative and I've already told him to count me out in his re-election bid next time.
This is Senator Darren Soto's (D) addition to the bill if you would like to contact him:
It is absurd that this is even being considered and proposed. Obama, Democrats and RINOs have worked diligently to convince the Nation that entering the country illegally and flagrantly ignoring the laws of the country is not a big deal. Just an "act of love" or "they are already citizens" and that these law breakers are victims of an uncaring american people.
That this has reached the point of being seriously considered and proposed shows how well obama's followers have succeeded in brainwashing the country.
I personally have trouble respecting or being proud of a Nation and a people that has so easily fallen for the brainwashing and propaganda that has been fostered upon them.
Doesn't American already have more than enough people practicing and making laws that have no respect for the laws.
can you imagine a job where you can do outrageous crap like this and still get PAID !!! ..... deport them ?....reward them ?... hey Mr speaker the taxpayers would like to have a word with you ...Oh and bring everything in your DESK!!!!!
Thanks to all who act on this as it is CRITICAL.
And, I love the passion. :)
Thanks for bringing this news to us, Leanne and Babs. Hopefully everyone reading this action blast will take time to take action on this.
WE THE PEOPLE..................let our voices be heard!
PEOPLE, PEOPLE---we are watching a CHANGE in the demographic racial makeup in this country. ABORTION is NOT about a "woman's right to choose"--it is a specific ideological tool to reduce the births of American babies and REPLACE them with ILLEGALS and foreign nationals from countries dominated by marxist governments. We've replaced 55+ MILLION potential American taxpayers and citizens with 40+ MILLION LEGAL AND ILLEGAL ALIENS during this same period of time, that's a deliberate process of changing the demography and ideology in this country--replacing native born citizens with people coming here indoctrinated with government DEPENDENCY--the typical DemocRAT voting block.
A big fat NO on HB 755. Are you guys brain dead? The fact that Illegal Immigrants came here with their parents or whomever, does not entitle them to occupy any legislative position. Only legalized American's have that right! Get in the freaking real world and see what this issue is doing to this country. We send you to "Tally" to follow your constituents wishes and you become infected by the virus that progressives infect you with. Get straight or get out!!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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