The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Democratic bill calling for background checks on all gun sales, which could potentially lead to the biggest change in U.S. gun laws in years.
But the likelihood of the full Senate approving such a bill is slim because of objections from Republicans.
The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed a universal gun background-check bill on a strictly party-line vote: 10 to 8.
The committee also voted for a bill that would enhance school-safety initiatives with bipartisan support in a 14-4 vote. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, were the Republicans voting to pass the bill. The committee will finish its consideration of the assault-weapons ban Thursday.
No Republicans voted in favor of the background check bill, which faced a snag last week after Republicans backed off negotiations with the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., was initially in talks with Schumer about the bill but ended his conversations with the New York senator last week. Sens. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., also said they could not support the bill as it’s written. The bill will now head to the Senate floor with language that might not pass.
Schumer told the committee that he is open to negotiations with senators to amend the bill before it receives a final vote.
“I’ve been talking and am continuing to talk with colleagues across the political spectrum and across the aisle about a compromise approach and I remain optimistic that we’ll be able to roll one out. But we’re not 100 percent there yet,” Schumer said in the committee meeting today.
Current legislation only requires background checks to be performed when guns are purchased by licensed dealers. Schumer’s bill would expand the requirement of background checks to private sales between individuals.
Republicans have voiced concern about the bill leading to national registration and confiscation and infringing upon the rights of lawful gun owners.
“This bill would unnecessarily burden private sales,” Grassley, the committee’s ranking member, said. “I think it has unintended consequence. Obviously, criminals still get guns. They obtain them because they do not comply with background checks.
“The bill greatly restricts the right of law-abiding citizens,” he added.
Schumer said, “It’s sad. Right after Newtown, there was a view that maybe the right place that we could all come together on was background checks because background checks, unlike some of the other proposals here, which I support, do not interfere with the law-abiding citizens’ right to bear arms.
“The argument that my colleagues make that, ‘Well, they’ll still be people who will get around the law,’ that’s true. This isn’t going to be a perfect bill but it will sure reduce crimes.”
A new ABC News-Washington Post poll released today showed that 91 percent of the public supports a universal background-check bill.
The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill last week that makes “straw” purchases illegal, the first gun measure since the December shooting deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.
This is so true Bob. I think the media, depending on whether they are the government media especially, is very apt to quote something that is less than reliable. You have to know what questions they asked to make the leap they were talking to actual NRA members or just someone who said they were. And it depends on the questions they asked about the listed weapons being banned or the question asked about background checks. And right now, according to one commentary on Fox, the only group that is actually suggesting anything helpful to protect children in the schools is the NRA. Our government, on the other hand, has gone off on another tangent to over turn the second amendment and nothing they are suggesting will make children safer. In fact, what they propose will make us all less safe. Those who commit the crimes don't care what laws are passed as they aren't going to abide by the law anyway.
Don't Believe Everything You Read
Whenever NRA reviews other organizations' surveys or polls that claim to represent the views of NRA members, we do so with a suspicious eye. Our membership rolls are not released, so it's impossible for organizations that have no access to the NRA's membership list, to "test the pulse" of NRA members as effectively as NRA can.
That's why we viewed with skepticism a recent Pew Research poll, particularly its supposed findings regarding "NRA Households." While NRA does not dispute everything in the poll, the results cited do show some now-familiar inaccuracies. We know the findings are inaccurate because we recently completed our own polling, of our own members.
Under the heading "NRA Households," the Pew poll stated, "Only about a third of those in NRA households favor bans on assault-style weapons (33%), which assumes that two thirds (67%) oppose bans on so-called "assault weapons." NRA's own polling data shows that a much higher 89 percent of actual members oppose banning semi-automatic firearms.
The Pew poll went on to state, "Yet people in NRA households overwhelmingly favor making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks: 74% favor this proposal while just 26% are opposed." On the contrary, our own survey showed conclusively that NRA members strongly oppose these measures.
It is important to note that when the Pew poll says, "making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks," what they are referring to are "universal" background checks.
The main thrust of "universal" background checks is the criminalization of private firearm transfers. The checks would be mandated on EVERY transfer, sale, purchase, trade, gift, rental, and loan of a firearm between any and all individuals, including family members and lifelong friends. The cost for a background check for a federally mandated program can be any amount the government decides.
These checks are nothing more than regulatory proposals that mandate the government collection of data on lawful gun buyers and sellers and amount to universal gun registration and gun owner licensing. Furthermore, they aren't necessary or effective in reducing crime.
It is already a federal felony to be engaged in the business of buying and selling firearms without a federal dealer's license. It is already a crime for a federally licensed dealer to sell a gun without doing a background check, and it is already a federal felony to sell, trade, give, lend, rent or transfer a gun to a person you know or should know is not legally allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm.
NRA's survey results showed that 93% of our members oppose laws requiring gun owners to register with the federal government, and 92% oppose federal laws banning the sale of firearms between private citizens.
The NRA survey of randomly selected NRA members across the country is the only legitimate survey of NRA members on these issues. (See full results of NRA survey here.)
NRA opposes, and will continue to oppose, "universal" background checks and registration schemes. We do believe that records of those who are prohibited by law from purchasing firearms (including those whose mental health history puts them in this category) ought to be included in the federal instant check system.
Bob, if you remember right about the time Obama and his friends in our federal government (the bunch of crooks in charge) were walking guns over the Mexican border to their drug lord friends, you must remember they were talking how American citizens were putting guns into the hands of these druggy folks. They were trying to blame it on us, so they could do something about the second amendment then, but then, their cover was blown. So now they have a new emergency or crisis, and they are going to try to do what they PLANNED to do when they pulled off the fast and furious debacle and got caught. No way in the world could I possibly roll over for this garbage and no one else should. As Ben Carson said at CPAC, Obama is trying to destroy this country, and I might add and all of us right along with it.
Fast and Furious was Eric Holder's DOJ forcing dealers to sell to straw purchasers who were spending taxpayer dollars given to them by BATF. Fast and Furious was a government false flag operation to bolster the false statistics being released by the Obama administration, it did not have one damned thing to do with normal, legal gun sales. Go spread your bullshit somewhere else Amanda, find some Obama voters, they will eat it up. You are ignorant beyond belief!
I agree Brett and Lee. Without anything coming back, it is hard for her to have a discussion as well! And posting little manufactured facts isn't going to cut it anyway. I get sick of saying no that's not true or that something was taken out of context or that something is ancient and not relevant, but then, I remember they are still trying to blame Bush for the impact of the Obama policies, legislation, and spending. But to think there is a good argument for gun control of any kind forced on law abiding citizens goes beyond the pale isn't something I am buying. Liberals have already uses snippets of our constitution to push through laws that violated the actual intent of the founders and the intent of the constitution. Gun control is just another attempt to chip away at the bill of rights period. Gun control has nothing whatever to do with making anyone safer, because it is a proven fact it makes people less safe and looking at New York City and Chicago shows that very clearly!
how true Mr. Lee how true
just forget about that lib BoB you are much better then her. libs can,t handle facts. 17 trillion dollars and he doesn,t care about ballancing the budget. he doesn,t know how he is very stupid for being so smart in his class. but again he wont show his records. 1st time a pres. in history to seal his records. ofcourse this guy it is the first time for alot of things including not being able to protect Americans. (Bengozie)
LOL! Okay, so THIS is my last comment on this particular blog. I have no doubt that you were good at it having seen you in action. Libs have almost no critical thinking skills, which is why they resort to ad hominem attacks and other fallacious reasoning. Fallacious reasoning is the dominant gene in their species.
Dr. Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul CPAC this was a energizing week. The libs are back to Bush and the sequester people are loosing there jobs. but they still refuse to admit there dictator off tella prompter is so misleading and stutters about what he is going to lie about this time. then that word BUT every time he says that he counter dixs what he just said. Vallery Jerrit is so mad at him now she might make him stay at our the peoples WhiteHouse for 1 mth. Jay Carney is now just over welmed and will have to quit proberly. ( Vallery Jerrit) she is mad. She is the top lib for the dictator HUSSAIN. lets get moving and exspose tthe true lying, murderer and self centered dictator he is. I say that about him because of what he gave a real Hero. a picture of him.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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