Subject: Action item: Senate Committee OKs Gun Background-Check Bill

The last article is a full cut and paste with excerpts above it (with links) from 2 other articles.  The contact info for the both Florida senators, Rep Crenshaw and Brown are included.  This is very, very serious, and right now calls, emails and letters from liberals are outnumbering conservative phone calls, Emails and letters who want the 2nd amendment left alone (shall not be infringed).  Please, please call or write to your senators and your representative.  This is very important as we do not want anymore of our rights taken away (and this is not the way to change a constitutional amendment...............there is a clearly defined way to change or amend the constitution period and this isn't it when the second amendment clearly states "shall not be infringed").
D.C. Office Info
DC Phone Number: 202-224-3041
Local district office:
Jacksonville (904) 398-8586
Corrine Brown: 
D.C. Office Info
DC Phone Number: 202-225-0123
Jacksonville (904) 354-2721 Orlando (407) 872-2208 Gainesville (352) 376-6476
Bill Nelson:
D.C. Office Info
DC Phone Number: 202-224-5274
Local District Office 
Jacksonville 904-346-4500
Ander Crenshaw: 
D.C. Office Info
DC Phone Number: 202-225-2501
Jacksonville 904-598-0481 
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday is set to approve expanded federal background checks for gun buyers, moving the measure to the full Senate, where it could come up for a vote next month before going to the GOP-controlled House.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a Democratic bill calling for background checks on all gun sales, which could potentially lead to the biggest change in U.S. gun laws in years.

But the likelihood of the full Senate approving such a bill is slim because of objections from Republicans.

Senate Committee OKs Gun Background-Check Bill
Mar 12, 2013 12:09pm

The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed a universal gun background-check bill on a strictly party-line vote: 10 to 8.

The committee also voted for a bill that would enhance school-safety initiatives with bipartisan support in a 14-4 vote. Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, were the Republicans voting to pass the bill. The committee will finish its consideration of the assault-weapons ban Thursday.

No Republicans voted in favor of the background check bill, which faced a snag last week after Republicans backed off negotiations with the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., was initially in talks with Schumer about the bill but ended his conversations with the New York senator last week. Sens. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., and Joe Manchin, D-W.V., also said they could not support the bill as it’s written. The bill will now head to the Senate floor with language that might not pass.

Schumer told the committee that he is open to negotiations with senators to amend the bill before it receives a final vote.

“I’ve been talking and am continuing to talk with colleagues across the political spectrum and across the aisle about a compromise approach and I remain optimistic that we’ll be able to roll one out. But we’re not 100 percent there yet,” Schumer said in the committee meeting today.

Current legislation only requires background checks to be performed when guns are purchased by licensed dealers. Schumer’s bill would expand the requirement of background checks to private sales between individuals.

Republicans have voiced concern about the bill leading to national registration and confiscation and infringing upon the rights of lawful gun owners.

“This bill would unnecessarily burden private sales,” Grassley, the committee’s ranking member, said. “I think it has unintended consequence. Obviously, criminals still get guns. They obtain them because they do not comply with background checks.

“The bill greatly restricts the right of law-abiding citizens,” he added.

Schumer said, “It’s sad. Right after Newtown, there was a view that maybe the right place that we could all come together on was background checks because background checks, unlike some of the other proposals here, which I support, do not interfere with the law-abiding citizens’ right to bear arms.

“The argument that my colleagues make that, ‘Well, they’ll still be people who will get around the law,’ that’s true. This isn’t going to be a perfect bill but it will sure reduce crimes.”

A new ABC News-Washington Post poll released today showed that 91 percent of the public supports a universal background-check bill.

The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill last week that makes “straw” purchases illegal, the first gun measure since the December shooting deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.

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Comment by Leanne King on March 12, 2013 at 11:35pm

Pat, I ran out of time tonight..Hope you do not mind that I am using this as a blast to the base. Thank you for doing this. It has saved me time as I have a couple other items to get out for action too.

Comment by Leanne King on March 12, 2013 at 11:32pm

To find your representative click on the following link:

Comment by amanda choate on March 12, 2013 at 6:03pm

91% of the people in this country support universal background check including over 60% of NRA members. This is not a left-right issue, it is a right-wrong issue.

I beleive there should be no limit to the amount of guns onbe is able to purchase, or type.

But the last legal owner of record is responsible for whatever harm is caused by that weapon. It does not limit at all responsible gun owners, in fact it promotes them. All guns should be registered and gun owners held accountable. It is fair.


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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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