I understand this was a high point yesterday, and the justices were quite actively asking a number of questions. I also understand the solicitor general did not do well at all but was coached by Kagan and one other liberal justice (he kept saying "tax"; they kept correcting him by saying "penalty"). Scalia, however, apparently had him for lunch with several remarks....................not one of the Obama solicitor general's better days I suspect and from all reports, he did poorly. (there is an audio at the link provided below).
While Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. made the Obama administration’s case for the constitutionality of the individual mandate in the health care law Tuesday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia interrupted and lectured Verrilli about American consumers, saying “These people [are] not stupid.”
Justice Elena Kagan, a former solicitor general appointed by President Obama to the high court, sided with Verrilli in arguing that young people should be required by the federal government to purchase health insurance because others will subsidize their health care in the future.
Scalia shot back, arguing that young people will make the decision to buy health insurance eventually and do not need to be forced by the federal government to engage in commerce.
The transcript of the exchange is below:
GENERAL VERRILLI: To live in the modern world, everybody needs a telephone. And the — the same thing with respect to the — you know, the dairy price supports that — that the Court upheld in Wrightwood Dairy and Rock Royal. You can look at those as disadvantageous contracts, as forced transfers, that — you know, I suppose it’s theoretically true that you could raise your kids without milk, but the reality is you’ve got to go to the store and buy milk. And the commerce power — as a result of the exercise of the commerce power, you’re subsidizing somebody else –
JUSTICE KAGAN: And this is especially true, isn’t it, General –
GENERAL VERRILLI: — because that’s the judgment Congress has made.
JUSTICE KAGAN: — Verrilli, because in this context, the subsidizers eventually become the subsidized?
GENERAL VERRILLI: Well, that was the point I was trying to make, Justice Kagan, that you’re young and healthy one day, but you don’t stay that way, and the system works over time. And so I just don’t think it’s a fair characterization of it. And it does get back to, I think, a problem I think is important to understand –
JUSTICE SCALIA: These people not stupid. They’re going to buy insurance later. They’re young and need the money now.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/03/27/justice-scalia-to-obamas-solicito...
Very well put Steven.
Roma you are a kind person and I am guilty of having some harsh pokes at people sometimes for their political views and for that I apologize. I do realize that eveyone has a right to their views and that the common American in most cases have what is best for the country in their heart. In my view of things people should look at each candidate when vetting them and ask themselves is this person running for office to serve the people or are they in it to serve themselves or some finacial benefactor that stands to gain by their holding a public office. Lets look at all of the candidates on the GOP ticket. How many of them have served this country in the military or any other oganization that truely has served the people and not some organization that stands to benefit finacially or to further their might in the finacial market. Who among them has stood by the constitution and has not tried to change it to meet their needs or the needs of their benefactor. To me that document like the ten commandments is carved in stone and should be followed to the letter by doing so the nation as a whole benefits. Who among them has not sold his soul to gain finacially or to satisfy his vanity. I can only find one and that is a sad thing but a true thing. Is that not what we all are looking for the truth and integrity?
The only one running that has not sold out is Ron Paul just look at his record he is the only one that has vetted himself he has nothing to hide he has nothing to lie about.The only lie I hear about Ron Paul is that he is unelectable. He is the only one running that is not a globalist he won't even accept his pension. The only honorable man on the ticket. People say they don't like his foriegn policy they fear he won't stand up for Israel. they need to listen to the Israeli president " Isael doesn't need nation building we are already built, we don't need democracy we already have it , we don't need your protection Israel will protect itself " so take off the political blinders and support the only real patriot running.
I know John, and I know he has voted for things we are against. No explanation either for giving this president ndaa. Why? Is there a hope that enough people will not know who voted for what?
I think we need to use great care as far as Romney is concerned as he has been pulled to the right quite a bit just by the folks who are running against him. It will be of great interest to see who he pulls for a VP. Should he choose someone like Rubio, then, I believe he will be more to the right than we may expect. The stands I do not like are the fact he has ideas about what to do about health care (not a federal function at all) and he thinks Muslims are peace loving people which is somewhat of a joke given all the information we have and the history of Islam is quite the opposite and riddled with violence to the inth.
The court is one of the most important reasons for Obama to never get re-elected and get a chance to put in liberal judges as it would be years and years before we got rid of them.
Oh, yes, I believe they could overturn something as in the case they used in front of the judge that he poo pood. If it came before the court and the court decided against the new case, I think at that time they could reverse the other case as well so no one else could ever use it again. Not 100% but it seems I had heard that somewhere..............and actually, we have a whole list of cases that should never have made it through the court. My concern are the 2 princesses Obama put on the court to try to sway the rest of the court on Obamacare and the other stuff that will come their way from his administration over time. Going to be hard to replace some of these conservatives as we will wonder if they will do what the people we have now do and be reliable and actually follow the constitution. This case could be a real test and I pray they come down against it and get rid of the whole thing.
Ever so right Roma. They gave us social security, medicare, medicaid and on and on...............and now none of those programs is solvent for any intent or purpose and Obamacare is the big daddy of them all, and the rest of the world is moving away from government control of health care. How like Obama to think what he does will be a success when all others have failed and his will as well and leave our health care system in shambles to boot.
Or Roma, they should overturn, as you said those cases, which were wrong to start with. The federal government does not come before the states and the people, and should never have been given the power to tell someone they could not grow a product for their own comsumption on their own land. The case not being overturned is a travesty!
GREAT Video Roma. Thanks for posting it!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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