(Editor:) www.thereportcard.org The Supreme Court's supporting same sex marriage already has made an impact on schools. The National Education Association voted a resolution that would essentially gag Christian students from supporting traditional marriage. Ironically, the resolution was passed overwhelmingly on Independence Day weekend. So watch out parents and students, your First Amendment religious freedom is now officially under attack by the teacher's union.
By Linda Harvey
The delegates of the nation's largest union, the National Education Association, with nearly 3 million members, voted on Friday, July 3, to take a stand against religious freedom in America. Yes, you read that correctly.
The union held its annual meeting in Orlando over the Independence Day weekend, apparently choosing America's birthday to trample on our Constitution and on the first freedom: religious rights for all American citizens.
It's just the latest in radical leftist political action by America's major teachers group. In many states, teachers and school staff are compelled to join the union in order to hold a job, so the NEA is already well-acquainted with strong-arm tactics.
A resolution was submitted to the convention of around 7,000 people. New Business Item A ( http://ra.nea.org/new-business-item/new-business-item-a/ ) from the NEA Board of Directors itself states:
"The NEA will develop educational materials for its state affiliates and members about the potential dangers of so-called 'religious freedom restoration acts' or RFRAs, which may license individuals and corporations to discriminate on the theory that their religious beliefs require such actions. The materials will describe the current legal landscape at the federal and state level, provide model state legislative amendments to modify existing laws to prevent such discriminatory applications, provide talking points for advocacy, and link to existing resources for members and state affiliates to use in efforts to prevent the use of such laws as a license to discriminate."
In the vote Friday, the resolution passed. Observers said the voice vote was about two-thirds in favor to one-third opposed. An advocate on the floor who claimed to speak for the Ohio delegation strongly supported this resolution.
An accompanying rationale for the resolution repeated the charge that RFRA laws, which simply restate freedoms all Americans are guaranteed in the First Amendment, are a "license to discriminate," a common but inaccurate talking point being circulated by "gay" activist groups. The rationale also claims the resolution is part of NEA's efforts on "social justice."
The resolution originated from a Michigan delegate, Paula Herbart, who serves on the board of the Michigan Education Association.
Long committed to pro-abortion and pro-homosexual policies, the NEA also featured a speaker at this assembly who openly celebrated ( http://ra.nea.org/2015/06/30/love-wins-at-neas-joint-conference/ ; ) the Supreme Court decision declaring a "right" to same-sex marriage. There was no corresponding speaker espousing the opposite viewpoint held by at least the 51 million Americans ( http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/04/14865/ ) who voted for man-woman marriage on state ballots - that homosexual behavior can never be the basis of a marital union.
The advocacy of sin went even further. During the NEA assembly on the Fourth of July, an even greater abomination occurred, as one woman delegate took the microphone to propose marriage to her female partner.
And the president of the union, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, spent much of her keynote address ( http://ra.nea.org/speech/nea-president-lily-eskelsen-garcia-keynote... ) reviewing notable civil rights events in American history- concluding with this:
"And one week ago - after considering the arguments, including an NEA amicus brief arguing that state discrimination against same-sex married couples deprives them and their children of the fundamental dignity, benefits and rights that other couples and their children enjoy, the Supreme Court decided on our side and on the right side of history. And my son, Jeremy, called me and said, 'Ma! Mike and I are no longer living in sin!' My son and Mike are legally married in the great state of Utah."
Someone needs to give Lily a lesson in theology - God has not changed His mind about homosexuality being a sin - followed by a lesson in morality.
So here's what concerned Americans need to do: Call or email local schools with a message along these lines: "I am stunned and heartbroken that the National Education Association just voted to oppose religious freedom laws, and that the nation's teachers union believes Americans don't deserve religious liberty as guaranteed in the First Amendment, and that many of us should be compelled to violate our consciences. I am also outraged at the ongoing promotion of abortion and homosexuality by this major American union. How tragic that the millions of dollars in teachers' dues are funding such anti-American, anti-child policies and that this organization enacted these insulting resolutions ironically on Independence Day weekend. All the teachers at this school should disaffiliate from this destructive organization."
And be sure to spread the word to all the teachers and parents you know. You may want to call the elected officials in your state and start a movement to kick this union, the NEA and its state affiliates out of local schools.
We need America's supporters, not fascists, teaching American children.
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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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