I have posted an event happening at city hall tomorrow night (11/21), and this is one of the articles you should send your city council members if you can be there...........at the very least send him/her a link to this and the other article listed in the event PLEASE. We must not allow this hoax to continue to drain our state and country of tax dollars supporting this charade.
The best kept secret in the world
What is the most important news story of the 21st century? I think I know what it is and can also tell you that the vast majority of the world’s citizens, our elected leaders, and most in the mainstream media who should be telling us about it, haven’t the slightest clue what it is.
There are many candidates for the title. For example, what is more important than the latest Middle East conflict, more important than Iran and North Korea with ‘the bomb’, more important than the declining influence of the US on the world scene, more newsworthy than the next intractable, deadly virus? What could possibly be more important than the out-of-control US debt, more scary than residual Fukushima radioactive waste. Aside from some unpredictable astronomical event that takes place every few million years or so, what could be more unnerving than the possibility of the next global economic collapse, more treacherous than the Chinese trying to kill the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, or more important than who the next leaders of the USA, China, and Russia will be?
Surely, you say, there is nothing more important than these headline items. Yet there is, and this new evil has just driven up on our front yard! Don’t be surprised if in this article, you hear about it for the first time. It is the ‘800 pound gorilla in the room’ about which everyone is keeping quiet. It remains the best kept secret on the planet because not only does it go against everything we have been told for more than twenty years about the threats we face, but the awesome cruelty of its ill-effects may well be beyond our very comprehension!
The sole determinant of importance for this story will be measured by the factor than carries the most impact for our species – the number of human deaths the story will describe. It is within the realm of possibility that the numbers of humans who will lose their lives during the course of this untold story will surpass any previous war and potentially all past wars for the last one thousand years!
So what is this mysterious, uncovered secret ready for tomorrow’s front page or lead item on the evening news?
It is … the COLD!
Our Sun it seems, really does control the climate after all, and not the puny exhaust from mankind’s industrial plants and cows in the field. The plain truth is that global warming ended years ago, the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean temperatures are in steep decline, and the United Nations, our government leaders, and the mainstream media have cooperatively deceived us about it for many years. The cause of this new global threat is that our Sun has now begun a fundamental change in its behavior, a dramatic reduction in its energy output by which it warms the Earth. This drop in warmth, is about to plunge the globe and its seven plus billion human inhabitants into decades of deadly cold weather. A new, dangerous, cold climate epoch has begun.
How can such a compelling, species-devastating story, if true, not be covered? The human race is at an all-time pinnacle for its ability to communicate; yet, this critical story is just that – covered up, buried, and politically toxic for those in positions of influence who do wish it to come to light. The roots of this poor state of affairs are wrapped up in a global socialism movement that has been building for decades, environmental extremism, political and economic power, and a basic lack of science education throughout our world. It is precisely because global communication has reached its present state of capability that we are in this fix. With the ability to communicate to the masses comes the ability to deceive the masses.
So how do we know this dread is real and presents a ‘clear and present danger’ to the US and the world’s people? I will tell you. It starts with the Sun.
As I predicted in 2007, and recently confirmed by NASA and other science organizations, the Sun has begun a descent into what solar physicist’s call a ‘grand minimum,’ what I have called a much more understandable term, a ‘solar hibernation.’ When the Sun enters a ‘hibernation,’ roughly every 206 years, the Earth gets cold, very cold! This news corresponds to the deplorable history of the use of the greenhouse gas theory (GHG), manmade global warming, and abuse of the trace gas CO2 as a ‘pollutant.’ This manmade climate change debacle is now fully exposed as a hoax. The latest climate report just released on September 27, 2013, from the United Nations – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC), is titled “The Physical Science, Summary for Policymakers.” I and others have thoroughly condemned it. I had previously described this type of unreliable if not untrustworthy, science in my own climate science book, “Cold Sun.” Over the past six and a half years, in many interviews and speaking engagements, I have called this manmade climate science of the UN-IPCC, and similar efforts by the Obama administration, “…the greatest international scientific fraud in history.”
In a news conference I held in the Miami area August 21, 2013, along with other scientists, I restated this opinion, my prediction of this approaching cold era, along with a declaration of the coming end of global sea level rise. With the drop in global temperatures in the oceans and atmosphere now validated, the last die has been cast, ending the past Sun-caused global warming and starting the next cold climate period. By the 2030’s, global sea levels will have dropped to where they were two centuries ago!
In becoming the first climate researcher to notify the White House, our federal and state leaders, and the mainstream media of the dangers of this new cold climate in 2007, I also became one of the most criticized, slandered and publicly attacked. It was of course expected. A study of the history of people who confront the powers to be and the scientific establishment with new revelations, shows that the first soldiers out of the trenches, are always the ones who have to dodge the most bullets.
My science and climate prediction record has, however, been unassailable over the years even though the personal attacks have increased as the new cold era comes closer and the window of opportunity for the Obama administration and the UN-IPCC to salvage manmade global warming threatens to close forever. Some conservative media outlets with some reach have in fact tried to mention me on air, or copied one of my press releases, or reported on the recent sea level rise news conference. They were immediately criticized by progressive media for doing so and unfortunately ran off with their tail between their legs. They have since not returned my emails or phone calls. Yes, even some of the leaders in the conservative media have failed to muster the enduring courage needed to cover this story, confront the liberal media’s complicity in this well-known climate deception, and most importantly tell our people they need to prepare for the next cold climate!
My series of major climate predictions back in 2007-2008 using solar cycles and sunspot counts, and other solar proxies for predicting the next climate change, were doubtless issued at the worst possible, politically incorrect time. Now, almost seven years later, they have all come to pass or are in the process of doing so. Even today, according to public records, it is a record of successful climate change prediction that goes unmatched by any US government agency including DOD, NASA, NOAA, EPA, USDA, any US university PhD climate researcher funded by the government, and of course the UN-IPCC.
This begs an obvious question. If my research and that of others who follow Sun-induced climate change is so good and the greenhouse gas theory is so bad, then why aren’t we the most often sought after researchers by our leaders and the main stream media to explain what the truth about what the Earth’s climate status and future really are? The perhaps not so obvious answer is that it was never about the science behind climate change in the first place! The long, sad story behind the start of the manmade climate change movement was and is that it was always about political power and not about the science. The cover story about the meager CO2 molecule becoming mankind’s greatest menace was easily sold through a cabal of devious politicians, the UN, and a willing, liberal media elite who could over time make a scientifically illiterate, environmentally sensitive populace not only believe in this charade, but actually be convinced it was their duty to pay for it!
Now, here we are again in late 2013, seeing a last ditch, desperate attempt to save this science fraud, by a repeat of the same worn out images like drowning cities, besieged polar bears, and the Stature of Liberty half under water, all resurfacing to support the President’s new corrupt Climate Action Plan. His reprehensible, unforgiveable, lie of “accelerating” global warming as he so proclaimed at Georgetown University on June 25, 2013, will certainly be regarded by historians as one of the most egregious falsehoods ever spoken by a US President and leader of the free world. What does it say when the President of the United States of America can openly make such an unquestionable, blatant lie to the world about the status of the Earth’s climate? It can only signal that we are indeed heading into the approaching cold climate catastrophe and global upheaval without any hope of a political or economic preparation plan, much less what will soon be desperately needed agricultural reserves. When the first cold related major crop damage makes news, it will become a slow moving avalanche that will quickly gain speed and momentum as word spreads and its ripple effects are felt throughout the global economy. By then, however, it will have become too late to prepare for the approaching cold climate onslaught. In just the first day of panic, all the food will be gone from the store shelves. By day three, food riots will dominate the news reports.
The science is in fact clear. The data is in. Many are now aware that there has been no net growth in the Earth’s atmospheric temperatures for sixteen years. This astounding statement of truth means that for most of the time that the UN, Al Gore and President Obama have been telling us the Earth was warming, it wasn’t! Why have they intentionally deceived us for so long?
What is still largely unknown to most people and the media as well, is that the world’s oceans have been rapidly cooling for ten long years and the atmosphere for seven years. Further, the vast Antarctic continent which dominates the weather of the Southern Hemisphere has been getting colder for over thirty years and is still setting new records for low temperatures and sea ice extent. The northern most latitudes of our planet are now heading into decades of increased cold and sea ice growth as the North Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, and the Arctic Ocean all leave their past warm phase and head into a four decades long cold phase. The Pacific is already in cold phase. When these great bodies of water join in cold phase together over the next ten to fifteen years, the final steps will have been completed in the global cool down process and the Northern Hemisphere will be deep inside the next solar hibernation. This next cold climate will then set 200 year cold temperature records, and destroy much of the world’s agricultural base with conviction.
US and Canadian food shipments abroad will have to be terminated during the worst of the cold years so we can feed our own people. Those nations that have become completely dependent on the great North American breadbasket will collapse socially and politically. Many of the one billion people the World Health Organization says struggle to find food each day, will perish. There will no longer be any international charitable food agencies to relieve the starving masses because they will also have no food. The world’s food production and food distribution networks that we have come to rely on every day since the end of World War II, will break down as crops freeze and food supplies dwindle!
At that time, we will have entered the next great tribulation for the human species – the worst subsistence crisis in recorded history. Starvation and strife will reign as crops are wiped out globally, just like they were the last time a solar hibernation struck over two hundred years ago. One historian, John D. Post called that last hibernation period, “…the last great subsistence crisis.” The big difference is that the last time it hit (1793-1830), we had only one billion people on the planet, and only a mere 5 million new citizens in the USA. Nonetheless, here in the USA, thousands starved and froze to death – in a time when most people raised or hunted for their own food. There were no food stamps, no EBT cards, no nanny state. At the frozen bottom of this next hibernation (the 2030’s) we will have eight billion mouths to feed worldwide and well over 330 million in the US. Beginning in the 2020’s through the late 2030’s, global crop damage, social upheaval and warfare will be the rule. The period of the ‘great death’ will have arrived!
What about CO2 keeping the planet warm during the new cold climate? Sorry, no consolation prize. The CO2 from mankind had little to do with the past global warming and will likewise have little to do with the future extreme global cooling. The UN’s global climate models at the heart of their several climate reports since 1990, relying on the greenhouse gas theory, have been thoroughly debunked. In the words of one of the global warming theory’s leading scientists, the models (and the CO2 science behind them) “…simply don’t work.” That’s right – we have been deceived for more than two decades about what is really behind climate change!
All the predictions for global temperature growth and by association, sea level rise predictions, are now rightfully being trashed. Some local governments are leaving UN style organizations, federal and regional planning activities because they are now ‘seeing the light.’ They have found that the so-called ‘best available science’ that has been relied upon for governing, may well have been ‘the worst available science.’ They now may feel they are in legal jeopardy for using the UN’s bad science to falsely justify their plans, policies and regulations. Rightfully so!
Moreover, the situation may be worse than even I have predicted. Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in March of this year, went public with their own forecasts for a new, “Little Ice Age” starting as early as 2014! If the Russian scientists are correct, then the death toll will be ‘biblical’ in scale.
So there you have it. As I write this lament on October 15, 2013, it is still the one most important yet, uncovered news stories in recorded history. I firmly believe it will turn out to be the most important news story of the 21st century. It is the one about to cause the most death and destruction since the plaque of the middle ages. Sadly, in the US government, in every US state government, and in every major global agricultural conglomerate, there is not one office set up to deal with it, not one climate researcher assigned to study it, and not one US government dollar appropriated to prepare for it.
And tragically, in the land of the free, this bastion of free speech, and freedom of the press, among the mainstream media, there is not one editor for a major print or TV outlet who has shown the backbone, or the level of human caring to champion the cause of warning their fellow humans on this planet of what is facing them.
And so goes the most important news story of the 21st century.
The stage is set. The orchestra has struck the prelude’s first notes. Mother Nature’s actors have moved into position to begin this well-orchestrated tragedy that is played out every two hundred years. It is a story that will ensnare both players and audience alike as all blindly wait for the final, unexpected, fatal scene when harsh, cold reality vanquishes myth.
There are many candidates for the title. For example, what is more important than the latest Middle East conflict, more important than Iran and North Korea with ‘the bomb’, more important than the declining influence of the US on the world scene, more newsworthy than the next intractable, deadly virus? What could possibly be more important than the out-of-control US debt, more scary than residual Fukushima radioactive waste. Aside from some unpredictable astronomical event that takes place every few million years or so, what could be more unnerving than the possibility of the next global economic collapse, more treacherous than the Chinese trying to kill the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, or more important than who the next leaders of the USA, China, and Russia will be?
Surely, you say, there is nothing more important than these headline items. Yet there is, and this new evil has just driven up on our front yard! Don’t be surprised if in this article, you hear about it for the first time. It is the ‘800 pound gorilla in the room’ about which everyone is keeping quiet. It remains the best kept secret on the planet because not only does it go against everything we have been told for more than twenty years about the threats we face, but the awesome cruelty of its ill-effects may well be beyond our very comprehension!
The sole determinant of importance for this story will be measured by the factor than carries the most impact for our species – the number of human deaths the story will describe. It is within the realm of possibility that the numbers of humans who will lose their lives during the course of this untold story will surpass any previous war and potentially all past wars for the last one thousand years!
So what is this mysterious, uncovered secret ready for tomorrow’s front page or lead item on the evening news?
It is … the COLD!
Our Sun it seems, really does control the climate after all, and not the puny exhaust from mankind’s industrial plants and cows in the field. The plain truth is that global warming ended years ago, the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean temperatures are in steep decline, and the United Nations, our government leaders, and the mainstream media have cooperatively deceived us about it for many years. The cause of this new global threat is that our Sun has now begun a fundamental change in its behavior, a dramatic reduction in its energy output by which it warms the Earth. This drop in warmth, is about to plunge the globe and its seven plus billion human inhabitants into decades of deadly cold weather. A new, dangerous, cold climate epoch has begun.
How can such a compelling, species-devastating story, if true, not be covered? The human race is at an all-time pinnacle for its ability to communicate; yet, this critical story is just that – covered up, buried, and politically toxic for those in positions of influence who do wish it to come to light. The roots of this poor state of affairs are wrapped up in a global socialism movement that has been building for decades, environmental extremism, political and economic power, and a basic lack of science education throughout our world. It is precisely because global communication has reached its present state of capability that we are in this fix. With the ability to communicate to the masses comes the ability to deceive the masses.
So how do we know this dread is real and presents a ‘clear and present danger’ to the US and the world’s people? I will tell you. It starts with the Sun.
As I predicted in 2007, and recently confirmed by NASA and other science organizations, the Sun has begun a descent into what solar physicist’s call a ‘grand minimum,’ what I have called a much more understandable term, a ‘solar hibernation.’ When the Sun enters a ‘hibernation,’ roughly every 206 years, the Earth gets cold, very cold! This news corresponds to the deplorable history of the use of the greenhouse gas theory (GHG), manmade global warming, and abuse of the trace gas CO2 as a ‘pollutant.’ This manmade climate change debacle is now fully exposed as a hoax. The latest climate report just released on September 27, 2013, from the United Nations – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC), is titled “The Physical Science, Summary for Policymakers.” I and others have thoroughly condemned it. I had previously described this type of unreliable if not untrustworthy, science in my own climate science book, “Cold Sun.” Over the past six and a half years, in many interviews and speaking engagements, I have called this manmade climate science of the UN-IPCC, and similar efforts by the Obama administration, “…the greatest international scientific fraud in history.”
In a news conference I held in the Miami area August 21, 2013, along with other scientists, I restated this opinion, my prediction of this approaching cold era, along with a declaration of the coming end of global sea level rise. With the drop in global temperatures in the oceans and atmosphere now validated, the last die has been cast, ending the past Sun-caused global warming and starting the next cold climate period. By the 2030’s, global sea levels will have dropped to where they were two centuries ago!
In becoming the first climate researcher to notify the White House, our federal and state leaders, and the mainstream media of the dangers of this new cold climate in 2007, I also became one of the most criticized, slandered and publicly attacked. It was of course expected. A study of the history of people who confront the powers to be and the scientific establishment with new revelations, shows that the first soldiers out of the trenches, are always the ones who have to dodge the most bullets.
My science and climate prediction record has, however, been unassailable over the years even though the personal attacks have increased as the new cold era comes closer and the window of opportunity for the Obama administration and the UN-IPCC to salvage manmade global warming threatens to close forever. Some conservative media outlets with some reach have in fact tried to mention me on air, or copied one of my press releases, or reported on the recent sea level rise news conference. They were immediately criticized by progressive media for doing so and unfortunately ran off with their tail between their legs. They have since not returned my emails or phone calls. Yes, even some of the leaders in the conservative media have failed to muster the enduring courage needed to cover this story, confront the liberal media’s complicity in this well-known climate deception, and most importantly tell our people they need to prepare for the next cold climate!
My series of major climate predictions back in 2007-2008 using solar cycles and sunspot counts, and other solar proxies for predicting the next climate change, were doubtless issued at the worst possible, politically incorrect time. Now, almost seven years later, they have all come to pass or are in the process of doing so. Even today, according to public records, it is a record of successful climate change prediction that goes unmatched by any US government agency including DOD, NASA, NOAA, EPA, USDA, any US university PhD climate researcher funded by the government, and of course the UN-IPCC.
This begs an obvious question. If my research and that of others who follow Sun-induced climate change is so good and the greenhouse gas theory is so bad, then why aren’t we the most often sought after researchers by our leaders and the main stream media to explain what the truth about what the Earth’s climate status and future really are? The perhaps not so obvious answer is that it was never about the science behind climate change in the first place! The long, sad story behind the start of the manmade climate change movement was and is that it was always about political power and not about the science. The cover story about the meager CO2 molecule becoming mankind’s greatest menace was easily sold through a cabal of devious politicians, the UN, and a willing, liberal media elite who could over time make a scientifically illiterate, environmentally sensitive populace not only believe in this charade, but actually be convinced it was their duty to pay for it!
Now, here we are again in late 2013, seeing a last ditch, desperate attempt to save this science fraud, by a repeat of the same worn out images like drowning cities, besieged polar bears, and the Stature of Liberty half under water, all resurfacing to support the President’s new corrupt Climate Action Plan. His reprehensible, unforgiveable, lie of “accelerating” global warming as he so proclaimed at Georgetown University on June 25, 2013, will certainly be regarded by historians as one of the most egregious falsehoods ever spoken by a US President and leader of the free world. What does it say when the President of the United States of America can openly make such an unquestionable, blatant lie to the world about the status of the Earth’s climate? It can only signal that we are indeed heading into the approaching cold climate catastrophe and global upheaval without any hope of a political or economic preparation plan, much less what will soon be desperately needed agricultural reserves. When the first cold related major crop damage makes news, it will become a slow moving avalanche that will quickly gain speed and momentum as word spreads and its ripple effects are felt throughout the global economy. By then, however, it will have become too late to prepare for the approaching cold climate onslaught. In just the first day of panic, all the food will be gone from the store shelves. By day three, food riots will dominate the news reports.
The science is in fact clear. The data is in. Many are now aware that there has been no net growth in the Earth’s atmospheric temperatures for sixteen years. This astounding statement of truth means that for most of the time that the UN, Al Gore and President Obama have been telling us the Earth was warming, it wasn’t! Why have they intentionally deceived us for so long?
What is still largely unknown to most people and the media as well, is that the world’s oceans have been rapidly cooling for ten long years and the atmosphere for seven years. Further, the vast Antarctic continent which dominates the weather of the Southern Hemisphere has been getting colder for over thirty years and is still setting new records for low temperatures and sea ice extent. The northern most latitudes of our planet are now heading into decades of increased cold and sea ice growth as the North Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, and the Arctic Ocean all leave their past warm phase and head into a four decades long cold phase. The Pacific is already in cold phase. When these great bodies of water join in cold phase together over the next ten to fifteen years, the final steps will have been completed in the global cool down process and the Northern Hemisphere will be deep inside the next solar hibernation. This next cold climate will then set 200 year cold temperature records, and destroy much of the world’s agricultural base with conviction.
US and Canadian food shipments abroad will have to be terminated during the worst of the cold years so we can feed our own people. Those nations that have become completely dependent on the great North American breadbasket will collapse socially and politically. Many of the one billion people the World Health Organization says struggle to find food each day, will perish. There will no longer be any international charitable food agencies to relieve the starving masses because they will also have no food. The world’s food production and food distribution networks that we have come to rely on every day since the end of World War II, will break down as crops freeze and food supplies dwindle!
At that time, we will have entered the next great tribulation for the human species – the worst subsistence crisis in recorded history. Starvation and strife will reign as crops are wiped out globally, just like they were the last time a solar hibernation struck over two hundred years ago. One historian, John D. Post called that last hibernation period, “…the last great subsistence crisis.” The big difference is that the last time it hit (1793-1830), we had only one billion people on the planet, and only a mere 5 million new citizens in the USA. Nonetheless, here in the USA, thousands starved and froze to death – in a time when most people raised or hunted for their own food. There were no food stamps, no EBT cards, no nanny state. At the frozen bottom of this next hibernation (the 2030’s) we will have eight billion mouths to feed worldwide and well over 330 million in the US. Beginning in the 2020’s through the late 2030’s, global crop damage, social upheaval and warfare will be the rule. The period of the ‘great death’ will have arrived!
What about CO2 keeping the planet warm during the new cold climate? Sorry, no consolation prize. The CO2 from mankind had little to do with the past global warming and will likewise have little to do with the future extreme global cooling. The UN’s global climate models at the heart of their several climate reports since 1990, relying on the greenhouse gas theory, have been thoroughly debunked. In the words of one of the global warming theory’s leading scientists, the models (and the CO2 science behind them) “…simply don’t work.” That’s right – we have been deceived for more than two decades about what is really behind climate change!
All the predictions for global temperature growth and by association, sea level rise predictions, are now rightfully being trashed. Some local governments are leaving UN style organizations, federal and regional planning activities because they are now ‘seeing the light.’ They have found that the so-called ‘best available science’ that has been relied upon for governing, may well have been ‘the worst available science.’ They now may feel they are in legal jeopardy for using the UN’s bad science to falsely justify their plans, policies and regulations. Rightfully so!
Moreover, the situation may be worse than even I have predicted. Scientists at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in March of this year, went public with their own forecasts for a new, “Little Ice Age” starting as early as 2014! If the Russian scientists are correct, then the death toll will be ‘biblical’ in scale.
So there you have it. As I write this lament on October 15, 2013, it is still the one most important yet, uncovered news stories in recorded history. I firmly believe it will turn out to be the most important news story of the 21st century. It is the one about to cause the most death and destruction since the plaque of the middle ages. Sadly, in the US government, in every US state government, and in every major global agricultural conglomerate, there is not one office set up to deal with it, not one climate researcher assigned to study it, and not one US government dollar appropriated to prepare for it.
And tragically, in the land of the free, this bastion of free speech, and freedom of the press, among the mainstream media, there is not one editor for a major print or TV outlet who has shown the backbone, or the level of human caring to champion the cause of warning their fellow humans on this planet of what is facing them.
And so goes the most important news story of the 21st century.
The stage is set. The orchestra has struck the prelude’s first notes. Mother Nature’s actors have moved into position to begin this well-orchestrated tragedy that is played out every two hundred years. It is a story that will ensnare both players and audience alike as all blindly wait for the final, unexpected, fatal scene when harsh, cold reality vanquishes myth.
Mr. John L. Casey is a former White House space program advisor, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. Mr. Casey is the leading advocate in the US for a national and international plan to prepare for the next climate change to one of a dangerous cold climate era. This new cold era is caused by a historic decline in the Sun’s energy output, what he calls a “solar hibernation.” In the spring of 2007, he became the first researcher to announce this dramatic change in the Sun to the White House and the mainstream media. In addition to correctly predicting the hibernation of the Sun, recently confirmed by NASA and other science organizations, he has correctly predicted the end of global warming, and the long term decline in the Earth’s temperatures. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed climate science book, “Cold Sun” which describes the rationale for understanding why global warming has ended and the effects of the new cold climate era. Mr. Casey is currently President of the climate research company, the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), in Orlando, Florida. Through his years in climate research he has been outspoken in saying that the Sun is the primary driver to climate change.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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