TU: Bill banning discrimination based on sexual orientation to be filed at Jacksonville City Council

I think this basically puts in writing (and makes the law) something the city was already doing or should I say not doing (ie discriminating). 


Bill backed by business groups, former elected officials.

Legislation to ban discrimination against gay or transgender people in  Jacksonville could be introduced at next week's City Council meeting.

The change is being backed by a group of business organizations and former  elected officials who are framing it largely as a tool for promoting business  growth.

The bill would bring Jacksonville into the same posture as other large  Florida cities by formally forbidding discrimination in employment, housing and  public accommodations — places like restaurants and hotels — based on a person's  sexual orientation or sexual identity.

"You shouldn't be able to fire someone because they're gay. You shouldn't be  able to do that in Jacksonville," said former Mayor John Delaney, who has been  active in assembling supporters for the legislation.

Jacksonville already has legislation that bans discrimination based on  factors including race, gender and nationality, and the new measure would add  sexual orientation and identity to that list.

Read more at Jacksonville.com:  http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2012-04-30/story/bill-banning-di...

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Comment by Debbie G on May 12, 2012 at 6:32am

We cannot change what we do not understand; the book Reinventing Government: Fast Bullets and Culture Changes written by Robert P. Hillmann gives a succinct presentation of what has happened in these United States.  Caution, facts once you become aware of them cannot be erased and may cause sleepless nights, anxiety, and depression.  Read at your own risk.

Reinventing Government

Henry Lamb reviewed the research paper/book

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 12, 2012 at 5:51am

Amanda, more communist/socialist gobbidy goop.  You totally ignore the premise that made us the greatest country on the earth and seem to favor us falling into the Obama clap trap of fair.  What is fair is letting people work hard and succeed without making them feel guilty for doing so or that they should be forced to reach in and give someone who sits on their butt at home a hand out.  That method has already failed once in this country and it has failed every where in the world where it has been tried.  I certainly understand the communist in the white house wanting the power to steal from one group to give to another group, because it assures him or someone just like him the power and opportunity to shave off part of each stolen dollar and become rich and a dictator who is feared for that power.  Mr. Obama as many have pointed out is a sick person who is nothing more than a huge ego walking around on 2 legs.  It says much about you that you can throw anything that passes for common sense (and the history of the form of government you favor) out the window and walk in lock step for policies which will destroy this country for everyone.  Surely, you have followed that the poor have become much poorer since Obama took office, and the middle class is dropping into poorer circumstances and not because those who have worked hard have become more successful.  They are poorer, because the current president has kept out economy in the tank and kept everything in turmoil.  He is no better than the Hitlers, the Castros or any of the other power seeking dictator types and until he is gone, our country will not flourish again.  You can think what you want but freedom and our free market system are what made this country the richest country on the earth and not one thing you can say will change that! 

Comment by amanda choate on May 11, 2012 at 8:09pm
Beautiful day with the kids and my husband. I wouldn't deny my feelings of how I treasure my family to anyone. We don't need two classes of citizens. To deny this love to anyone is inhuman.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 11, 2012 at 2:10pm

I read what you said Amanda, and basically it is like the racist who knows blacks really says it all.  If not racist, it would be something equally irrelevant.  Calling someone a racist or something similiar because they don't agree with you makes zero sense and only just says one must stoop to name calling, because there isn't a good argument they can use to come back on the person who disagrees.  I don't consider they gay lifestyle to be a moral one either, but as long as it is their choice and what they do does not impact my rights, I don't have any business telling them what they can or can't do anymore than I would want them telling me what to do.  I also don't like the folks who must be in your face anymore than I like heterosexuals being blatant either.  I think everyone has a resonsibility to behave in a manner that is respectful of others.

Comment by amanda choate on May 11, 2012 at 11:04am
Afternoon with the fam at TPC. You guys talk among yourselves. Go Phil!
Comment by amanda choate on May 11, 2012 at 10:57am
It is called an 'analogy'. Didn't call anyone a racist, please reread. So John, on your point, do gay people have freedom then? Who does their marriage harm?
I assume you are conceding the rest of your argument. Heck even former gay basher Mitt Romney is for gay marriage.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 11, 2012 at 6:49am

Amanda, just because someone does not agree with you, it does not necessarily follow they are racists for not holding the same view point you hold.  Further, the word racist is used a rebuttal every single time one can not come up with a valid argument when someone doesn't agree with someone.   You have to be smarter than that?  Certainly, not agreeing with someone's life style choices does not make them a racist (and that word has been overused to the point of making it an invalid and ineffective response to anything any more.............but good luck.  I don't think it will have much impact on John).

Comment by amanda choate on May 10, 2012 at 7:27pm
John who are you to judge someone else's lifestyle. And frankly you may know them, but that doesn't make you a friend. You sound like the racist who cloaks himself by saying he knows some blacks. As to the point, laws against murder don't make everyone refrain from murder, so there is no reason to have a law restricting murder. Ahh utopia! You know lead is only one atom different from gold.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 9, 2012 at 7:21pm

Mr. Delaney finished himself with me the day he got on his high horse and used the progressive method of calling everyone racists when they didn't agree with his choice for the human rights commission.  I have not donated a dime to UNF since then.  Mr. Delaney first and foremost is the president of UNF and as such he is their spokes person and represents the school in all things.  When one is the president of a college, one must be very careful what one does as you lose you personal life basically and everything you do is viewed through the position you hold and reflects on the school you represent. That Mr. Delaney felt he could do as he did and lecture a group of residents of our city and call them racists to me reflects directly on the college and speaks to the ideology being professed at the college.........I was quite shocked he was not replaced!  This is more of the heavy handed egotist same thing.  He is not an elected official any longer and has no voice in making the kinds of changes he requested a council member make..............

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 9, 2012 at 7:16pm

Here are the 3 sections that have lines drawn through them.............

In three (3) separate sections of this bill references to the U. S. Constitution and to Florida state law
Sec. 402.102  are civil rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and implemented and enforced by federal law and by the laws of the state.
Sec. 406.102  within the limits of the Constitution of the United States,
Sec. 408.102  within the limits of the Constitution of the United States,
are being eliminated in favor of United Nations language of "global human rights". 

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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