TU: Bill banning discrimination based on sexual orientation to be filed at Jacksonville City Council

I think this basically puts in writing (and makes the law) something the city was already doing or should I say not doing (ie discriminating). 


Bill backed by business groups, former elected officials.

Legislation to ban discrimination against gay or transgender people in  Jacksonville could be introduced at next week's City Council meeting.

The change is being backed by a group of business organizations and former  elected officials who are framing it largely as a tool for promoting business  growth.

The bill would bring Jacksonville into the same posture as other large  Florida cities by formally forbidding discrimination in employment, housing and  public accommodations — places like restaurants and hotels — based on a person's  sexual orientation or sexual identity.

"You shouldn't be able to fire someone because they're gay. You shouldn't be  able to do that in Jacksonville," said former Mayor John Delaney, who has been  active in assembling supporters for the legislation.

Jacksonville already has legislation that bans discrimination based on  factors including race, gender and nationality, and the new measure would add  sexual orientation and identity to that list.

Read more at Jacksonville.com:  http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2012-04-30/story/bill-banning-di...

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 9, 2012 at 7:12pm

What is horrendous about this bill is that Mr. Delaney has asked for and gotten several very serious changes eliminating all reference to the US Constitution and replacing that as the legal source to "Global Human Rights" as in the UN.  If you look at the bill, you will be totally blown away, because it has used as law the UN wording and eliminated our constitution totally in 3 or 4 sections.  To my knowledge, what has been done is to take something based on the basis of law in this country, the US Constitution and changed it to show some UN wording as the basis of law (which is no law at all as it is not the law of this country and has zero legal standing in the United States.  We all understand that John Delaney is only a pretend republican and is actually a progressive liberal and he even called Warren Jones and asked him to make the changes to the bill.......which should give you and everyone else a clear picture of where he stands.  Typical academic I would say and apparently he has been in the university system long enough now so he no longer acknowledges reality!   Please take action on this bill.  It is VERY important.  It will be in committee and won't come back before the council before the end of the month.  I am outraged and you should be as well.

Comment by amanda choate on May 9, 2012 at 4:22pm

It does not make you moral, it penalizes you for failing to be moral.

Comment by amanda choate on May 9, 2012 at 7:36am
So john, LeAnn posts today Rep. Ryan's own worgs that his budget is a moral work.
The truth is that the Constitution makes no guarantees of equality, but it does deem itself designed to promote justice for all. That is the moral thing to do. Justice is what is sought not an adherence to the Bible. I have no interest in laws that align with the Bible, but with justice. Certainly you must know one gay couple. Do they not deserve the right to marry. Oh wait, is marriage a right? No it is a legal definition. Morality legislated.
Comment by Paul Davis on May 9, 2012 at 6:50am

Regardless of Barry Goldwater's famous quote given in response to civil rights legislation, all legislation has roots in moral assumptions. There are laws against murder because it is immoral to murder. There are laws against theft because it is immoral to steal. That is one meaning of "One nation, under God", and "We are endowed by our Creator with certain rights..."

The proponents of this legislation seem to say that they have a moral code such that it is immoral to interfere with business interests. They seem to argue that the community's economic interests trump any social or religious moral objection that there  might be to these chosen lifestyles. Civil rights legislation was initially promoted on the Christian assumption that there is no substantive difference between the races in God's eyes (per Apostle Paul).

This is a differant argument, for the most part.

Comment by amanda choate on May 7, 2012 at 6:43pm

It is incidental to the facts, it means nothing. You said that the businesses t hat were for it supported Obama. Not only wrong,(the former CEO of CSX went on to become US Treasury Secretary under Bush) but incidental. It is the RIGHT thing to do. It has nothing to do with a global iniative, nothing, it is the right thing to do. The Constitution makes no provisions for equal treatment under the law, both women and blacks are not seen as equal. That is why it cannot be referenced for this bill.

It is time in this country, as a moral postion, we stop discriminating agaisnt people because they are gay.And lacking the morals to stop this injustice, we must codify this behavior.

Injustice in whatever form it takes, is an affront to all. Distasteful. Repugnant. I offer no quarter in these matters, for none is deserved.

There is a FREE online course offerred by Harvard philosophy preofessor Dr. Michael Sandel. I habe just started it, it requires much additional reading to get all there is to get out of it, but it is fascinating.



My brother told me a story about April 5th, 1968, he was a third grader in an urban Cathlic school in the south, Pensacola. His class had gone to lunch and their recess afterwards when the street beside the school filled with young blacks chanting something that did not make much sense to him, Justice! Justice! Justice! The class was called in off the playground and as he entered his class he asked the elderly nun what they meant. She said to him something to effect of this, "The man who preached justice for them, through peaceful protest, was killed yesterday. They need us to pray for them so that they can have justice and peace."

In a day full of rage and anger she taught my brother to pray for justice and peace for his fellow man.

So now you know why when the Catholic church moves afield from that and attacks its own nuns, who are truly doing the work of Jesus. And when people are denied justice by others. And when peaceful protestors are abused, I have no tolerance.

Everyone here talks about liberty, but htere is no liberty until there is justice for all.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 7, 2012 at 5:42pm

Geez Amanda, tell me how unhappy you are we got this information about a previous mayor trying to micro manage something that is no longer his business and placing his views above those of the tax payer.  Gee you think if I call a city councilman they would just change a bill for me, because that is exactly what this progressive liberal wack job just did..............and a very smart man, certainly smarter than what he did, did exactly that.  All the rest of what you just said is superfluous and very mean spirited!  I can understand why you would like Delaney the progressive liberal.............he called a whole bunch of people, who did not agree with his stance on something, racists.  I have not made one single donation to UNF since that day nor am I likely to.

Comment by amanda choate on May 7, 2012 at 2:50pm
What do the homophobes at FFRC have to do with it then if the contention is that Delaney isn't an elected official. Neither are they. They are just a bunch of scared little boys who hate their mommies for emasculating them and are afraid they are going to get the gay. Because they understand what it feels like to be attracted to men. That is why they fly to Europe with young men who are also gay escorts. They are worse than Catholic bishops.
Comment by amanda choate on May 7, 2012 at 2:30pm
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 7, 2012 at 11:12am

This is information that came from another patriot, so we will need to take some sort of action on this if you would be so kind.   Mr. Delaney is no longer the mayor and has no business trying to tell the city council how to write bills up.  The Florida Family Research Council representative made an announcement that last week John Delaney had lobbied Warren Jones to modify our codes and ordinances to include sexual orientation and perceived sexual identity as a class of protected citizens. I was looking through this bill and it scares me because of some of the ambiguous language as well as what it REMOVES; references to the United States Constitution are removed and replaced with "basic human rights." This is a "global" statement in my opinion.

Comment by amanda choate on May 6, 2012 at 12:01pm
Just do a basic search on Grenell and read the story.
Patricia, then where is the outcry from people regarding Grenell and the fact that ultra right wing Christian groups forced him out. It wasn't based on merit but sexual preference. Freedom and justice for all leaves no room for interpretation. All means all.
Since when did sticking up for justice become a socialist agenda? We rely upon laws to provide liberty and justice. Without laws the unconnected, marginalized, weak, everyday guy gets trampled. Throughout our history we have witnessed this from the beginning. People's nationality, race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation have relegated them to second class status in this country. The strength of our nation is that we have eventually changed our laws to address these issues. Mostly slowly, but eventually. Laws matter.

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