TU: Bill banning discrimination based on sexual orientation to be filed at Jacksonville City Council

I think this basically puts in writing (and makes the law) something the city was already doing or should I say not doing (ie discriminating). 


Bill backed by business groups, former elected officials.

Legislation to ban discrimination against gay or transgender people in  Jacksonville could be introduced at next week's City Council meeting.

The change is being backed by a group of business organizations and former  elected officials who are framing it largely as a tool for promoting business  growth.

The bill would bring Jacksonville into the same posture as other large  Florida cities by formally forbidding discrimination in employment, housing and  public accommodations — places like restaurants and hotels — based on a person's  sexual orientation or sexual identity.

"You shouldn't be able to fire someone because they're gay. You shouldn't be  able to do that in Jacksonville," said former Mayor John Delaney, who has been  active in assembling supporters for the legislation.

Jacksonville already has legislation that bans discrimination based on  factors including race, gender and nationality, and the new measure would add  sexual orientation and identity to that list.

Read more at Jacksonville.com:  http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2012-04-30/story/bill-banning-di...

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 6, 2012 at 9:57am

Amanda, you sound just like Obama saying we need to move into the 21st century which means a socialist welfare state with him as a dictator living like a king........... to him.  This smacks of basically the same thing.  I have no truck with someone who is gay being hired for any job, but something you said gives me a worry...........as long as they are not honest about their sexuality?  That's crap and a liberal argument.  I don't care what anyone else does in the privacy of their home (as long as they don't try to drag me into that space.........you get a job, you act like everyone else and do that job.  If you want to talk about your sexuality, save it for your friends as it really isn't office talk anyway for anyone).  I don't care as long as they do the job they are paid to do and do it well, and as far as your friend Grenell, I don't know the person, and I also don't intend to believe he was fired solely for his sexual orientation.  And as far as some of these big businesses go, spare me; many of the them are Obama supporters, so I value their word or opinion very little and in fact, consider them involving themselves in social issues as anything but a private citizen bothersome (unless they enjoy losing business which could very well happen, and no one is immune from losing customers because of their stances on issues like this).

Comment by amanda choate on May 6, 2012 at 8:49am
Patricia the point is that gays are harmed in the workplace based upon their sexuality, and it is about justice. Need proof, Richard Grenell is forced out of his job just because he is gay and won't hide it shamefully in a closet. Those in the military have only been free to be honest about their sexuality while putting their lives on the line for the rest of us for about six months.
These aren't far left supporters, it is CSX, the business community. They are weary of being apologists for Jax defending against the notion that it is a backwater, redneck hicktown. If there is no problem with this issue, why worry, it won't affect anyone. Time to move beyond Cowford.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 6, 2012 at 5:25am

Jean, the thing is, you should be able to get a job if you wanted one and age should not be a factor (but over 70 it is....................unless you own you own company) ...........  As far as this issue goes, I am not speaking to it as a national issue but only as a local one.  I do not believe they intentionally discriminate against anyone given they hire friends and in some cases relatives (good ole boys thing).  As far as Mitt Romney goes Amanda, this discussion is quite obviously not about him at all and don't know where your comment comes from nor is it anything I wish to discuss in relation to the local issue ????

Comment by amanda choate on May 5, 2012 at 9:23pm
Too bad Mitt didn't stand by his choice and instead caved to the haters.
Comment by amanda choate on May 5, 2012 at 9:22pm
Yes Patricia, too bad gay people aren't provided equality. Perhaps they should only pay half of their taxes since that is all the citizenship they are provided.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 5, 2012 at 7:31pm

Agree Amanda, and most people do not wear their sexual orientation on their sleeves.  This whole thing is crazy.  What are they going to do start asking about sexual orientation.  If I was a gay person, I would be highly offended to be singled out to start with and would only want fair and equal treatment which is what is already offered.  This is wacky.

Comment by amanda choate on May 5, 2012 at 7:18pm
I think Richard Grenell is proof that sexual orientation trumps skill or ability. If you are going to be gay be nice and quiet about it. Shhhhhh.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 3, 2012 at 11:11am

Their ability to perform the job along with their training or experience might be a good starting point, and from there, who cares what their sexual orientation is. All this does is open a can of worms to get the city sued the first time someone who is gay applies and another person, who has a more suitable resume, gets hired instead. They never think of the ramifications of bills like this. I think it goes without saying that no one in our city discriminates based on much of anything .........  (except maybe age these days since old people are unwanted and disposable thanks to Mr. Obama who thinks old people should just go off some where and do everyone a big favor by committing suicide)

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 3, 2012 at 9:30am

I have no idea how Delaney made it through his term as mayor since he has had a lot of say about this and feels, because we did not have this as law, many with alternate sexual orientations were not coming to Jacksonville looking for a job!  You have to give Delaney credit; if he was politically correct, he would be nothing!  I wonder if this is the same as his opinion about us all being racists a while back because we were not happy with one of the picks for human rights commission (actually, right now, since we have a state human rights council........we should shut the whole thing down locally and save the money for something like closing next year's deficit).


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