TU: Debate putting Jacksonville in country's spotlight

Although I wish no ill to UNF (and am glad for a little national spotlight time for them), I wish they had chosen a larger venue for this, so more people could go if the school truly didn't feel they had something larger.  As it is, many people, will be turned away after all the insiders get their seats.  It was a huge disappointment to me that UNF didn't use the sports complex where they have (at least used to have) graduations which has a huge amount of seating and could have been rigged to handle this debate.  I almost feel like it was set up for the insiders and not to allow folks like you and I to get in when it should have been planned to accomodate the largest number of people possible.


UNF grabs the political world's attention as Republican candidates face off again.

Posted: January 23, 2012 - 12:03am | Updated: January 23, 2012 - 7:49am

Jacksonville is getting ready, again, for its close-up.

For a couple of hours Thursday, the political world’s attention will focus on a University of North Florida performance hall where Republican presidential candidates will debate once more before Florida’s Jan. 31 primary.

Four million people are expected to watch on CNN.

“UNF can’t buy that kind of advertising. We don’t have a budget to begin to address that kind of national and international exposure,” said Sharon Ashton, a UNF assistant vice president chairing a committee on debate preparations.

National spotlights aren’t unknown to Jacksonville, a city that can remember a Super Bowl, almost 20 years of pro football and a smattering of tabloid crime dramas.

But the region’s political role as a right-wing bulwark has been more understated, and the decision to have the debate in Jacksonville was welcomed by some conservatives.

“It means that Jacksonville is important for them,” said Billie Tucker, a leader of Northeast Florida’s tea party movement. “We’re proud that it’s here and we’re excited.”

Getting the area’s Republicans fired up now will pay dividends in November, said Lenny Curry, the Jacksonville resident who is chairman of the Republican Party of Florida.

“North Florida is critical for a Republican to win the state of Florida in a general election,” he said.

“A presidential primary debate here just energizes this area.”

Want tickets? Here's how (to try)

To open the event to rank-and-file members, the party is releasing many of its tickets through a lottery for which people signed up online.

“The response to the debate has been overwhelming,” said Curry, who said organizers are still working through the final details of how tickets will be split up for the event, being sponsored by CNN, the Republicans and the Hispanic Leadership Network.

The debate will be inside the Lazzara Performance Hall, a 1,300-seat chamber in UNF’s Fine Arts Center where CNN crews will make temporary modifications for the broadcast.

Parts of the school’s student union will be used for candidate interviews and for television live shots, while more than 100 print and online reporters are expected to work from the building’s ballroom.

With the debate chamber closed to most, a live feed is being routed to nearby Robinson Theater to accommodate 750 students. Tickets to that area are being distributed to select university departments.

Beyond the debate floor, Jacksonville boosters are hoping some of the spotlight falls on the rest of the town.

But it’s not clear yet how much that chance will be exploited.

“There will be a lot of eyes on Jacksonville,” said Michelle Danisovszky, a JAX Chamber spokeswoman.

“We are having discussions on what we can do to showcase the city. We don’t have anything concrete at the moment. But we may have something more Monday.”

Curry sees some benefit to the city happening almost by osmosis.

“We fill hotels, we have press from all over the country, people eating in restaurants. … Think of a Monday night football game,” he said.

Curry’s hoping those visitors will carry back impressions of the town when they go home, the same way other business travelers have before them.

“Jacksonville, for years, when people visit here or they move here," he said, "... they say, ‘Wow this has been one of the best-kept secrets in the country.’ ”

steve.patterson@jacksonville.com, (904) 359-4263

Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/florida/2012-01-23/story/debate-puttin...

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Comment by Jack on January 26, 2012 at 10:10pm

Ken, you just made my point for me. Who where the other republican house members? The same RHINO republicans that are now affraid of him getting the nomination. Why? Because he is off of the establishment plantation. They can not control him so they fear him and are hell bent on doing whatever they have to in order to keep him from getting the nomination. The same as they did to get him out of the house. That is all more reason in my opinion to vote for him. If you don't like the establishment you vote for who they fear the most. We can talk about Ron Paul from now til the end of time, it's not going to change the fact that the average american person, the dumb masses, are not going to vote for him. He has absolutely no chance in hell of getting the nomination and running as a third party candidate would be great in principle but that is all it would be. It would guarantee Obamas reelection. The opposite of someone the establishment hates is someone that they like. In all honesty the only real choice that we have now is between Newt and Romney and as I have said before I think that the ground work for Obamas campaign against Romney has already been laid down with the creation of the OWS movement. So if that is true then its really just a choice between Newt and Obama. Just my opinion but maybe its something to consider. As long as I still have a choice, my vote is gonna go to Newt.

Comment by Jack on January 25, 2012 at 9:35pm

Patricia, its scary just how much you and I think alike. Yes Newt has made some mistakes, he would be the first to admit that but just like the ethics case and the false attacks on Herman Cain, that I was mentioning earlier, a good many of them can be traced back to the washington establishment. If your enemy falsely accuses you and then the press judges and condemns you does that make you guilty? There are at least two sides to every story and at least two ways to spin every story. However, according to the constitution just being accused does not make you guilty. 

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 8:40pm

A shower and dinner were great rewards for a long day trying to finish the painting in the living room, bus alas, at some point tomorrow I will dawn my lovely paint smeared togs (not) and cut about half the room in once again to cover the last of the dark red paint...............I will so miss my red room :). 

And now, I will bid all of you lovely people, including you Roma if you will get over your little mad, good night and God bless!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 8:35pm

Agree Jack.  Newt is the smartest and most outspoken man on the stage of every debate.  He can have a comeback for anything anyone comes up with, and Obama, even if he brought his teleprompter and lots of practiced speeches, is not going to come out of a debate with Gingrich looking like anything but a fool!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 8:32pm

Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the folks that ran the ethics case against Gingrich.  All those that matter like the IRS, said he did nothing wrong, but the wack job dems who hated Gingrich (understandably since he was getting people off welfare and balancing the budget and actually having a dialogue with Clinton) decided they would give him a hard time.  I suspect he paid the $300,000 in some sort of deal that said they would stop doing it and he would step down as he would always be more concerned abou thte country than the only thing that matters to the dems (their ideology).  Ms Pelosi isn't exactly the sharpest blade at the saw mill and has made statements since Obama has been in office that make me question how those lovely folks out in San Francisco put up with her, but they do and seem to just love her and her very rich husband..............but that is their choice.  California liberals are a different breed, and if not her, chances are very good it would be another equally squirrely nutjob liberal even though we may be blessed with the retirement of Ms Pelosi according to her daughter.

Comment by Jack on January 25, 2012 at 7:56pm

No what I want is a leader with some BALLS and in my opinion Newt is the only one running who is sporting a pair. I agree with you 100% on the fact that we should not be doing any nation building. We should have a very strong presence worldwide. I never said anything about actually commiting any of our forces anywhere that it is not absolutely required. However Ron Paul, and I have heard it repeatedly out of his own mouth, thinks that we should close down all of our bases overseas and reassign them to our border with mexico. That is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE, its dangerous and its naive. There is plenty of money being wasted elsewhere overseas that we could stop spending without having to cut our military nose off in spite of our face.


We spend billions and billions of dollars on humanitarian aide all over the world. That is what charity is for. The United States does not have the money to spend battling, AIDS in africa, or hunger, or malaria. We shouldn't be barrowing money from china to give to Haiti for their earthquake, or to Japan for their tsunami. Charity should start at home and it should be voluntary. Its not our responsibility to police, protect or defend the entire world but we should have a strong global presence to deture our enemies. Then when only necessary and only when required to respond to defend our national security interests we should be totally committed to achieve our objectives. If that means bombing churches, mosques, hospitals and schools because that is where our enemy is hiding then so be it. The blood of the innocent should be on their hands. I am tired of the politically correct bleeding hearts in this country. It gonna take someone with a lot of courage and gonads to turn this country around. Someone who isn't affraid to be politically incorrect, and in MY PERSONAL OPINION Ron Paul just isn't it. Newt is by default the only real choice. Im do not want to marry him, but I do want to elect him..............................

Sorry, rant went long............................to be continued. 

Comment by Jack on January 25, 2012 at 7:00pm

Patricia, I again I agree with you 100%. I thought that I had already explained what I thought was wrong with Ron Pauls foreign policy but it sounds like you may have done a better job explaining it than I did. We do not need to police the world but we do need to maintain a very strong presence. Shutting down all of our bases, taking our toys and going home is a very dangerous and very naive stance to take. It would just display weakness and embolden our enemies. That is not how we defeated the soviet union but it is how we allowed Hitler to rise to power. Showing weakness will do nothing but embolden Iran and the rest of our enemies. That is in short the entire problem with Ron Pauls foreign policy.

As for Newt respect for FDR, again you are exactly right. He holds his leading this country through WWII in very high reguard and he should. FDR didn't do much else right but as for his strategys in defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan he was damn near flawless dispite all odds. Hell at one point early in the war we had more blow up tanks than we did real tanks. It was a tactic of deception that completely fooled the Germans. So strategically FDR was a master, he was exactly what a commander and chief is suppose to be during a time of war, same as Lincoln. If they want to take Newts statements out of context then that is their choice. Newt is a master of American History, he knows this country backwards and forwards, he knows the history of this country before it was even a country. He admires, studies, respects, eats, sleeps, lives and breaths this country, it's culture and it's history. They can believe it or not, I really don't give a rats a$$. Reguardless of whether on not he gets the nomination, Newt Gingrich is the smartest man in the race or in any room that he may be in. He is the strongest supporter of the Tea Party left in the race, so if he is going to respect and support us, I am going to respect and support him.


As for being rude, I try to respect everyones opinion as long as they respect mine. I haven't attacked anyone personally. I just learn to ignore people when it becomes obvious that they neither want to have or are capable of having a logical, rational, intelligent two sided conversation. If anyone is offended by that then Im sorry but I will not apologize for it. This is a forum to share ideas, facts and opinions, if you can not respect the opinions of others then don't be surprised if they do not respect your in return and again, I am not mentioning any names just my own personal opinion.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 3:10pm

Watch his tape where he talks about it sometime as he says something at one point about not agreeing with what he did on stuff, but he talks about how short the war was etc.  He wasn't in love with his politics but liked the other.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 3:08pm

Don't know if I can respond to everything just now, but I don't think he was saying he loved FDR especially.  Ir you listen to what he says, he talks about the war getting over in warp time, he talks about getting a lot done in a very short time.  He wasn't talking policy or ideology; he was talking efficiency and well organized.  There is a huge difference between respecting someone for their planning and detail work and repecting them for their ideology...............hope I explained that so you can figure out what I mean .............. anyway, I just finished painting the living room and in my grungy paint clothes splattered with paint (even my hair).  I am gonna get off this contraption for a bit, shower and think about making dinner for Donald..............he is on one of his 10 straight work days 12 hours a day things, and about all I can do is make sure I have dinner ready and make something I know he likes !  Later

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 3:01pm

Hello stranger,  I know you  are not a Paulite Ken :).  I don't want money going to people who hate us in aid or for oil.  I want us to drill and stop sending out dollars to the middle east for oil.  I also don't want us giving foreign aid to people who hate us (that we don't buy oil from).  I see the sense of keeping some bases in Europe which is as much for our protection as theirs since we are closer should something erupt in that part of the world, and we also have a place to store things we might need or home base planes if we needed to or ??  I understand this is seen by Paul as defending the other country, but in many cases those bases tell some folks, "don't do it, cause we are right in your back yard".  I don't see keeping the number of bases we have, but if we carefully chose those that were important to keep and kept them, I would be fine with that............just not everywhere.  And I don't understand us having a base in Australia as Obama just agreed to do (apparently no one has passed the message to him that we are broke yet or he missed the memo)................and especially after last night I think no one's told him :).  If Israel is attacked, I think it will be by a gang of countries, and we can't sit around waiting to see if they can handle it themselves like Ron Paul said he would.  Israel has been the bad boy over there that has done things we couldn't............I am not wholly sure that was not by design nor would anyone say it was, but to leave them hanging if we have turned them lose, would be beyond a travesty.  And there in lies the problem, Ron Paul tells us all this stuff he will do, and until or if he became the president elect, he will not be privy to the information he has to have to even know what he will do (if you follow).  Sometimes things come as a surprise like that.  Speaking of all this information, did you know that if Obama applied for a job that required a security clearance, he would not have been given one and could not have gotten a job where one was required because of his associations, but the fool people of this country elected him president, and they had to tell him all this stuff.  And now we have the Muslim Brotherhood as a regular visitor to the white house and Obama is stupid enough not to know he should not share anything with them (but they know he is stupid so I am sure they will try............pray he has not been sharing with them as he shared England's info with Russia).

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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