Dear Patriots,
There’s much controversy swirling around President Obama’s so-called green agenda initiatives—his use of taxpayer monies to push for “green technology” such as the Solyndra solar panel boondoggle and other risky subsidies.
Government funded and regulated “green technology” policies promote the UN’s Agenda 21 Project, which claims that human consumption is destroying the environment through overuse of fossil fuels, overuse of electricity and water.
Agenda 21 wants segments of our population to live in cluster communities, to reduce energy demand by locating jobs, housing and services closer together. Any economic development would have a priority for jobs in green industries at the cost of the private sector. Most rural land would be owned, subsidized, and regulated by the government. Farmers would be forced—or bribed with tax dollars—to grow renewable energy crops like biomass.
Unfortunately, Tallahassee politicians and some special interests are moving in lockstep with Washington’s Agenda 21 edicts. The Florida Legislature is considering two bills: CS/HB7117 in the House and CS/CS/SB2094 in the Senate. These 60 page energy bills are full of taxpayer money, recall Solyndra, being used for special incentives, grants, and financial assistance with lofty-sounding goals:
“The state shall reduce its energy requirements through enhanced conservation and efficiency measures in all end-use sectors and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide by promoting an increased use of renewable energy resources. That act also declared it the public policy of the state to play a leading role in developing and instituting energy management programs that promote energy conservation, energy security, and the reduction of greenhouse gases.”
Please note: this pro-Agenda 21 bill includes:
Allowing local governments to use sales surtaxes to acquire land for public recreation, conservation, or protection of natural resources.
State investment in Hydrogen-powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicle fueling stations. If they work, fine; if not, we pay the bill.
Provide technical assistance and guidance on growth and development issues, grants, and other assistance to local “sustainable” communities.
Manage the activities of public-private partnerships.
State grants for the development of ethanol, long proven to be costly and inefficient—but profitable to some mega-industrial interests.
Florida Campaign for Liberty needs your help to expose and defeat the UN’s Agenda 21. Below are action items, but please consider investing in our Liberty Agenda while you think of it. We must keep the pressure on Tallahassee and educate and motivate Florida Constitutionalists on this issue.
CS/HB7117 has one last committee stop (State Affairs) before going to a full House floor vote. Let’s stop this Agenda 21 bill by calling the members of the State Affairs Committee. Tell them that you do not support this bill that wastes taxpayers’ money on subsidizing failed and expensive alternative energy projects (emails provided):
McKeel, Seth [R]
Mayfield, Debbie [R]
Clemens, Jeff [D]
Abruzzo, Joseph [D]
Bembry, Leonard L. [D];
Burgin, Rachel V. [R];
Crisafulli, Steve [R];
Ford, Clay [R];
Ingram, Clay [R]
Kriseman, Rick [D]
Patronis, Jimmy [R]
Perry, W. Keith [R]
Plakon, Scott [R]
Porter, Elizabeth W. [R]
Taylor, Dwayne L. [D]
Williams, Alan B. [D]
Williams, Trudi K. [R]
Young, Dana D. [R]
CS/CS/SB2094 has one last committee stop (Budget) before going to a full Senate Floor vote. Let’s also stop this bill by calling the members of the Budget Committee (click name for contact information):
• Chair: Senator JD Alexander (R) Alexander
• Vice Chair: Senator Joe Negron (R) Negron
• Senator Thad Altman (R) Altman
• Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R) Benacquisto
• Senator Michael S. "Mike" Bennett (R) Bennett
• Senator Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff (R) Bogdanoff
• Senator Anitere Flores (R) Flores
• Senator Don Gaetz (R) Gaetz
• Senator Alan Hays (R) Hays
• Senator Arthenia L. Joyner (D) Joyner
• Senator Evelyn J. Lynn (R) Lynn
• Senator Gwen Margolis (D) Margolis
• Senator Bill Montford (D) Montford
• Senator Jim Norman (R) Norman
• Senator Nan H. Rich (D) Rich
• Senator Garrett Richter (R) Richter
• Senator David Simmons (R) Simmons
• Senator Gary Siplin (D) Siplin
• Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) Sobel
• Senator John Thrasher (R) Thrasher
• Senator Stephen R. Wise (R) Wise
Remember, send me a copy of their response or e-mail me their comments—Florida Campaign for Liberty is keeping track of who’s confused, who is on our side, and the rest!
With your help, the Florida Campaign for Liberty is dedicated to stopping the disastrous Agenda 21 policies coming out of Tallahassee. There will be a floor fight over this issue, and the ramifications will be a major part of our Liberty Agenda, locally and federally.
Please help Florida Campaign for Liberty by contacting the Senators and Representatives listed above. And consider investing in our ongoing work too.
May I hear from you soon?
In Liberty,
John Hallman
P.S. New Hampshire and Georgia are debating legislation to publicize the dangers of implementing Agenda 21. In Tennessee, a bill has been introduced in both House and Senate to prohibit that state from spending money enacting the UN’s Agenda 21. This is showing that these fights can be won at the grassroots level. Please consider becoming a partner with Florida Campaign for Liberty by making any donation — $25, $35, $50, or even $500.
If you don't know where to go to find your state representative, go to this link, and put in your address, city and zip, and it will pull up your state representatives and your federal representatives with contact info.
Find Your Elected Officials
Short and sweet, here is what I sent; I communicated on an additional bill as well.
Honorable Representative;
First, thank you for your service. Our elected officials have the duty to represent the voice of the people with integrity and reverence imparted in every decision.
Subsequently,there are several bills that deeply contradict both integrity and reverence.
The following bills SB2094 and HB 7117 place government in the equation of free market principles using tax dollars to influence an outcome. I vehemently oppose this intrusion into free market principles and egregious usurpation of citizen property rights via our tax dollars. If renewable energy is a viable business model, it would have a larger presence in the market place. Floridians do not need to follow the example of this administration in redirecting tax dollars in hopes of "artificially creating" a successful business model.
The following bills SB 1372 and HB 833 to restructure the Hurricane Catastrophe Fund are a good example of representing the interest of Floridians. I support the restructuring of the Cat Fund as in its current form it has severe economic burden potential. Since Florida is comprised of many fixed income residents, any increase in fees, taxes, or other can result in both property loss and bankruptcy.
Please listen to the voice of the people and place ideology and party to the wayside. The United States is unique and exceptional as it guarantees our property rights and freedom. I want my grandchildren to be able to say this in their twilight years.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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