At the March on Washington in 2009 I met a man who was in his early 40's who admitted to me that the 2008 election was the first time in his ENTIRE LIFE he had ever voted!! He's not the only one. We would probably be shocked at the number of Americans who never vote and, in fact, have never even registered.
If you are not registered to vote, do so now! You only have until Monday, October 4th, to register and still be able to vote in this year's general election. If you have a friend, family member, co-worker, neighbor who is not registered to vote, give them a form and tell them it's time!!
You can register at any public library or you can go to the Supervisor of Elections office at 105 E. Monroe Street in downtown Jacksonville to register. You can also go to their website at for more information about registering and voting.
And for those who say they don't want to register to vote because you are afraid of being pulled for jury duty, the county stopped using voter rolls for that purpose ages ago. They use drivers license registrations to pull jury duty rosters now.
So no more excuses!! All your hard work counts for nothing if it doesn't translate into ballots cast at the polls!!!
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