It is way past time for “We The People’” to choose our next president. The Republican Primaries have turned into a street brawl and all our candidates are severely flawed for one reason or another.

We must consider a completely different direction. We must get the ball rolling for a DRAFT JIM DEMINT FOR PRESIDENT MOVEMENT. As a frustrated constitutionalist/conservative Tea Party member, I believe a true groundswell, "grassroots" movement could propel Jim into the White House, even if it means write-in ballots and/or a brokered convention.

Consider the following: Jim Demint’s Washington experience, unassailable integrity, leadership in helping real conservatives win House and Senate seats, ability to buck the “establishment,” his values and solutions to reduce the size of Government, restore efficiency at the Federal level while returning Constitutional rights to the states, repeal Obamacare and business-killing regulations as expressed in his inspiring books, “Saving Freedom ,” "The American Awakening," and "Now Or Never." If widely promoted by the Tea Party, conservative groups and patriotic, THINKING AMERICANS everywhere we could change the "conventional wisdom" as defined by the Liberal MSM, elites, ruling class types, inside-the-beltway pundits, big money donors, (such as Soros and unions) et al.

Yes, Obama has the bully pulpit, and they have big microphones and money, BUT, WE HAVE THE VOTES! Let’s get going ! ! !

Views: 126


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Comment by Bill Jefferson on January 27, 2012 at 6:42pm

You didn't get the memo?  It's going to be Jeb Bush, Shill #4 -- Globalist/Insider/NeoCon Supreme! ->

Comment by Enid M. Thoms on January 27, 2012 at 4:10pm

Thank you for reading my message re Jim Demint.  Just wish there were some way to spread the word

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 27, 2012 at 1:08pm

Amanda, he was raising money.  He is not as well greased as Romney who started planning after he didn't get it last time LOL.  He didn't do awful last night, but he didn't do well, and I sat there wondering why no one mentioned that, in spite of the crying foul, Romney started this in Iowa when he put on all the very questionable ads about Gingrich and it has been tit for tat every since.  Up until then, Gingrich was trying to run against Obama and let people know what his stance was on things, but someone didn't like the fact he was doing better than expected, so he had to be knocked down.  I don't know this was the most important night (I think who ever wins, will find debates with Obama are significantly more important).............................but you are right, Amanda, he didn't do as well as he might have!

Comment by amanda choate on January 27, 2012 at 12:56pm
Whoa Nellie. Newt was cruising the Greek Isles and doing book signings all summer and fall. He was not undermined, he failed. The number of signatures is miniscule. That numbedr is easy if you atr serious, and after watching him in the debate last night, I would conclude he is not serious. He is an opportunist and when push comes to shove he folded. In the most important night of his campaign he had nothing.
But there is no conspiracy, just his bloviating. He wanted audience participation and yet didn't assure his own patisans populated the crowd. That crowd turned on him, he did better with silence.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 27, 2012 at 11:17am

They did not fail to register.  They had to get petitions and too many of them got thrown out, so they didn't get the 10,000.  Someone who was supposedly helping Gingrich did so to screw him up and made sure the petitions were not good or that so many were not good he couldn't get on the ballot.  The republican establishment wants 1 person and 1 person only, and they are going to ram that person down our throats pretty much like they did McCain who is a progressive liberal who takes out and dusts us his "I am a conservative" every election and the people of Arizona put him right back in and he continues to author legislation that is progressive and repressive and unconstitutional.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 27, 2012 at 9:01am

Yes, Roma the Washington insiders don't like the idea of a couple of the current candidates, because they won't get to keep the status quo, so I can well understand why they want to choose the candidate and ram it down our throats.  Republicans in some cases, are no better than democrats and their power hungry, be the boss and tell us what to do approach to government as well as the spending habits all of them have would be curtailed.  

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 27, 2012 at 6:50am

Amanda, I agree with you and have said the same thing.  From where I sit, there is a move afoot to upset the apple cart by a small group of people who aren't happy with the choice so far of the majority of voters (and as you pointed out things are still in flux..........and that's ok by me as more and more information is coming out, and we all remember I hope how nasty the democratic primary was last time, so I wasn't shocked when this one went that way).


Anyway to those who want to consider trying to steer the convention to their candidate, you might read this.  It just was in my Email this morning and is quite interesting.  Pay special attention to the number of "tea party" folks who would consider voting for a 3rd party candidate in the presidential election, and I think it will be an even smaller number as things draw close and people reconsider the consequences of losing this election to the democrats:

Comment by amanda choate on January 26, 2012 at 8:16pm
A brokered convention would only occur if no one can achieve a majority. Would the third place guy get some concession to release his delegates? Would the bosses overrule a delegate win? One has to wonder.
Comment by amanda choate on January 26, 2012 at 12:21pm
An unvetted candidate coming out of a chaotic convention would doom the election. I don't care if ran a resurrected Ronald Reagan, independents would be gone. Plus I do not want a candidate who was unwilling to stand before his or her party in the 54 or so contests that will be held before the convention. As we have seen, the flavor of the month doesn't always have staying power.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on January 25, 2012 at 2:50pm

Or they have to have landslides or in some states like ours, winner takes all without a landslide.  Roma, you are trying to talk people into changing candidates, and like you, I have no intention of doing that. 

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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