Where were the churches at Keep God in America Rally Sunday? Could this be why?

Economic Solutions, by Peter Kershaw


Within the past fifty years, the vast majority of churches in America have undergone a radical transformation. They have converted their legal status from churches into regulated business franchises of the State. Not content with the protections afforded them by the First Amendment, they signed up for a cornucopia of government "benefits" by incorporating and taking a 501(c)3, both of which are forms of government licensure. In exchange for their government goodies, licensed churches must agree to stand mute regarding the government. In effect, this is government hush money. There is a direct correlation between the exponential growth of government tyranny, and the muzzling of churches by licensure.

America was founded with unlicensed churches. Were it not for unlicensed pastors, the Declaration Of Independence likely never would have been drawn up. Patriot preachers were the single most influential and united force in pressing for independence. They did so because they were principled men of conviction, and they would never compromise with tyrants or blasphemers. The king of England declared himself "sovereign head" over not only the Church Of England, but also over the churches in America. America's preachers considered this to be nothing less than blasphemy, and they coined the phrase, "No king but King Jesus!" All religious worship and religious publications were required to be licensed, and unlicensed religious pratices subjected the "nonconformist" to stiff penalties.

America's unlicensed churches has long served as the moral compass of society. They were a friend of the statesman and a formidable foe of the sleazy politician. Their silencing through government licensure has had disastrous repercussions upon our freedoms. Expecting that liberty can ever be restored to Amercia, without first breaking the yoke of bondage that is upon the necks of our churches, is unrealistic, and it doesn't square with our history. This author has written, what is to date, the most exhaustive and in-depth legal, theological and historical expose of the perils of church incorporation and the 501(c)3: Sanctuary of Silence. Those who are committed to restoring liberty to America need to seriously consider on begining the process of freeing our churches.

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Comment by James A Robinson on April 10, 2010 at 9:03am
The IRS has acknowledged for decades that it is completely unnecessary for any church to apply for a tax-exempt status. According to IRS Publication 557, as well as IRS Code § 508, churches and church ministries are “exempt automatically.” Application for an exempt status is not only superfluous, but to do so subordinates that church to the IRS. Churches in America have always been nontaxable anyway. It simply makes no sense for a church to go to the IRS and seek permission to be exempted from a tax the government can’t impose in the first place.

The church in America is protected from the government by the First Amendment:

“Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

It would be absurd to suppose that you could have free exercise of religion if you had to pay for it (taxes). If Congress can make NO law respecting the church, it can make NO law to tax the church.

The IRS lacks the jurisdiction necessary to tax the churches in America. The IRS has no more jurisdiction over the churches in America than it does over the churches in Canada. It would be as absurd (and tyrannical) for the IRS to tax the churches in America, as it would be for the IRS to tax churches in Canada. They don't have jurisdiction.
Comment by James A Robinson on April 10, 2010 at 9:00am
Do not be deceived. The fair tax is a sham. Because many Americans are finally waking up to the fact that the income tax is illegal, the banksters have devised a new scheme to enslave us once again; it's called the FAIR TAX! They want to replace the old scam with the new scam.

The truth is that all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government. You can validate this by reading the Grace Commission Report. The income tax was instituted under President Wilson almost at the same time as the Federal Reserve Bank. It was intended then to guarantee the banksters who run the Federal Reserve system would receive the interest payments on money they planned to lend to the U.S. Government. That is exactly how it has worked. Replacing the income tax with the fair tax would merely perpetuate this corrupt system.

The Real Solution is to simply abolish the income tax.
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on April 2, 2010 at 11:58am
I'm with you on that Joshua, did you get the email about Mike Yost, he is a Fair Tax guy too.
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on March 31, 2010 at 7:08am
Karen, I just read your blog. Thanks for putting it out there girl. The Lords churches don't need a license!!! We can see that many so called churches are in business like a company! The government has used them well. We need to return to the Bible and see how and what the 1st churches did. One thing for sure is, they were NOT scared to speak out. There are only a few churches left that will speak out and only a few preachers that will preach on the sin of our day. Thanks again for putting it in writing. Hope to meet you at our next Rally!!
Comment by Mike Austell on March 31, 2010 at 6:25am
Interesting observations. I think too many churches are driven by factors other than God. They are afraid that by endorsing or participating in a rally such as this, they are somehow ceding power.

In fact, that seems to be a problem with various "Tea Party" or "Patriot" groups. Egos get in the way of accomplishment.
Comment by Kay Ragan Durden on March 30, 2010 at 11:57am
You may have something there, but I know many churches that are unlicensed!! The fear of Rain may have kept some away. It turned out beautiful so next year we must get the word out to ALL the places of Worship Maybe we can have more leaders in the churches say a few words so there members will come. Who knows. I enjoyed the day but was sad that there wasn't more people there.

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