Credit: FCTP Focus Group
"When you look at the world today,
What is your point of view?"
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From My Point of View
“Are we promoting bad behavior?”
On Feb. 19, 2009, Rick Santelli (on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade) raised the question. In part he questioned if “we wanted to subsidize some losers’ mortgages?”
A focus group (Ann, Carole, Judy, Marje and Mary) from the former “Beaches Community Group” has been meeting weekly since October 2015. We were spurred on to question and research the refugee resettlement program that our former group had explored in 2015. Since Jacksonville is one of 190 U.S. cities receiving refugees we approached our elected officials in the hopes of getting answers to these questions:
*Who is placing newly arriving refugees?
*Who is vetting the refugees?
*How many refugees are coming to Florida?
*Where are the refugees being placed to live?
Our findings only led us to more questions because we learned:
*”This is a federal issue; the states have no “say-so.” What?????
*Some of our elected officials did not return messages left on a machine or with an aide.
*Lutheran Social Service, DHS, and the DOJ are handling the refugee program.
NOTE: Ann Corcoran’s blog from 3/14/16: “U.S. refugee admissions program is secretive, elected officials are not given information.”
However, Florida’s reality, is:
*Florida has more refugees than any other state in the country (30,000). Because of that, Florida receives the largest chunk of the money.
*Jacksonville received 895 refugees in 2015.
*Florida State Representative, Lake Ray filed a bill in early Jan. 2016 to give Florida additional power to screen Syrian refugees.
*Florida has 7 sanctuary counties
*Florida has 5 separate (identified) sanctuary cities.
*Governors in 30 states from Maine to Wyoming asked for the resettlement of Syrian refugees to stop until security concerns and procedures could be addressed.
*Some states are pushing back----passing legislation to penalize refugee contractors if a refugee they have supported gets convicted of a crime.
*Shouldn’t we question: Is our government just bringing in refugees and putting them in old military bases or sub-standard housing without adequate screening?
*In a 3/26 article, CAIR will be setting up voter registration in mosques targeting swing states for Democrats to expand their influence into the election process. This is being planned for June during Ramadan. The states of Ohio and Florida are being targeted in particular as these states are seen where their votes could tilt results.
*With Governors confused, laws being broken, elected leaders not knowing what is going on OR not responding to constituents, the question is:
Note: WSJ, 3-13-16 by Ann Corcoran, “Foreign operatives and foreign owned businesses are changing America by changing the people.”
NOTE: (And finally…………….a letter dated 11/20/15…(pre Omnibus Bill), directed to Representatives Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy and Hal Rogers, 73 Congressmen wrote, in part:
“The Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Secretary of Homeland Security have each testified recently that they cannot properly screen refugees coming from Syria and the surrounding regions for national security threats.
There is no duty of the federal government more important than ensuring the protection of the American people. We believe that we would fall short of that duty if the Congress fails to exercise greater authority over the Administration’s refugee resettlement program. We see this as an important national security concern.”
FTU headline, 3/23/16, “HEART OF EUROPE BLEEDS”
And our prayers go out to the people of Belgium with the recent terrorist attack in Brussels.
May Americans wake up and ask these questions and seek the answers that we need to know for the security of our country.
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Good quotes Franklin. Your thoughts are well taken/expressed as well. Next steps?
A conference call to discuss?
Food for thought....put this 'prayer' in context of what has been happening in Europe over the last 8-9 months and what is surely coming to America.
Prayer of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sobri.....Two weeks before September 11, 2001.
"Allah, there is no strength but your strength. Destroy, therefore, the Zionist occupation and it's helpers and it's agents. Destroy the U.S. and it's helpers and it's agents. Destroy Britain and it's helpers and it's agents. Prepare those who will soon unite the Muslims of the world and march in the footsteps of Saladin. Allah, we ask your forgiveness, forgiveness before death, and mercy and forgiveness after death. Allah, grant victory to Islam and the Muslims in the coming war."
Should not every American citizen be concerned about our open borders and this resettlement program?
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter"......Martin Luther King Jr.
"When eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber"......Winston Churchill.
Those that care about the American way of life and the Nation can not remain silent and simply react to this war.
American citizens must become, once again, proactive, aggressive, loud and visible to combat the build up of the enemies of America in our own backyards and neighborhoods.
Every American citizen must take up this attitude.....I will be silent no more!
Good evening Bob! I do happen to have that information at my fingertips. Are you ready? Broward, Hernando, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Pasco and Pinellas.............all are sanctuary counties. The Florida cities offering illegal sanctuary: DeLeon Springs, Deltona, Jupiter, Miami and Sanford. There you have it.
Best regards..................good to have you "back in the saddle."
You're exactly correct, Carole.
Obama has learned his Saul Alinsky well... The successful community organizer must first tear down what is......before they can have what they want to be. Cloward/Piven is still very much with obama as he goes about setting America up for collapse and takeover..
Obama has done great and irreversible damage to the United States of America. Damage that will not be fully realized for several years.
The American people have lost the war for America, their government, their Constitution, and way of life. They have lost a war they refused to acknowledge or participate in. They have been defeated and lost their country and government without even a shot being fired or a meaningful resistance.
Obama has had great success in attacking and defeating the American people without using force or firing one single shot.
If only the American people had had the courage and interest to put up a resistance. A sustained resistance.
If only the American people had the same courage as ISIS or the Black community of the 60s or the American Patriots that resisted King George and the most powerful Nation in the world at that time. The courage to fight for what they want.
American Liberty (freedom to be a self-governing people) and Constitution was established for a certain type of people called Americans. Those being called Americans today are not the same type of people. They are Americans by virtue of the spot on the planet where they live. They are not Americans because of their American Spirit.
can you all share the info you have such as which counties and which cities in fla are COMMITING TREASON ?
i assume you know that the loving Lutheran gang is paid by the Imans gov(nee obama)It is a big income producer as well as displaying to us thier ministry of love and compassion and H S.
All major chuch groups have been on the dole train for years--cathlic--methodist--presbat--episcopal.The only way you get information is for a small group of us go to the mayors office--sit in chairs and demand and they we will not leave until we get it.We may have to sit there for days in shifts but I would bet we would get what we want. I learned that from my hero the late geat Doctor Reverend Martin Luther King.Agitate demonstrate agitate civil disobedieance and finnaly agitate. Altho I am in a wheelchair after a week in critical care and4 weeks in rehab I can damm well join or lead .By the way some one will have to drive.Its long past time for confrintation.
Thanks Franklin for your comments. The refugee resettlement and the "open borders" concepts are leading the way to "ERASE AND REPLACE" America's culture.
The refugee resettlement program :
Obama, his administration, and his coward congress calls this "American Compassion".
Even Ted Cruz has been using obama's same term..."American Compassion"...
Stop the BS, stop the politically correct rhetoric, stop the twisting, turning and propaganda of re-labeling.
Call it what it is. Social Engineering.....PERIOD!!
Social engineering is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments, media or private groups in order to produce desired characteristics in a target population.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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