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From My Point of View
Credits: Posted by: Javier Manjarres (@thesharktank1)
Who Will The Fizzling Tea Party Support In 2016?
Do they really believe the Tea Party Movement is FIZZLING?
With Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, all having announced their run for president in 2016, the 2016 presidential primary election is on everyone’s mind, and many on both sides of the political aisle are itching to see if grassroots organizations and movements like liberal Moveon.org and the Tea Party, will once again factor into the political equation.
Moveon.org is well funded by its liberal base, as are the conservative groups American’s For Prosperity and Freedomworks.
But since the rise of the Tea Party in 2009, when the movement helped usher in the likes of Rubio in 2010, and then Cruz and Paul in 2012, as well as a slew of other like-minded conservative politicians, it seems as if it has fizzled out a bit.
There is no question that the Tea Party has lost steam, mainly because of what Senator Marco Rubio once called the co-opting of the movement by groups, who looked to corral the explosive energy of the American grassroots.
The movement, for the most part, has turned into a splintered bunch of rag-tag local groups, led by those simply vying to pound their chest and garner attention and accolades for organizing and heading their respective monthly Tea Party meetings.
So, has the Tea Party lost it punch over the past two election cycles?
Some will say it has, but many others will contend that it is still a vibrant and viable, yet more organized movement.
Even though the movement seems to have slowed down, politicians are still looking for Tea Party support, especially the current field of announced Republican presidential candidates, who as we mentioned, won their Senate races because of the efforts of the American grassroots, or Tea Party movement.
While the “Three Amigos” in the Senate continue to mold their presidential campaigns and vie for Tea Party support, others like former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, are also singing the praises of the Tea Party, as they too position themselves to run for president as well in 2016.
In part two of the Shark Tank’s phone interview with Fiorina, the former CEO hopes that the Tea Party will “play a large role” in 2016, adding that she believes in the movement, and agrees with their ideology.
” What is it that Tea Party people believe.? They believe that government is control, they believe the government is too costly, powerful, to corrupt. I agree with them.-Carly Fiorina
Fiorina added that she believes that the” weight” of the federal government is crushing the potential of the nation.
Fiorina says that she will make a decision about running for president by the first week of May.
So, of all the so-called “Tea Party” Republican presidential candidates, who will be able to garner the bulk of the grassroots support in 2016?
Will it be Rubio, Cruz, Paul, or could an outsider like Fiorina swoop in and steal the show?
Read more at http://shark-tank.com/2015/04/22/who-will-the-fizzling-tea-party-su...
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Patsy Underwood,
Nice rebuttal to the article for the Tea Party side.
When something is directed to me by name. I really don't know any other way to take it but personally.
Going from election to election hoping to get the right person in office that will magically restore all things is not my idea of gauging the state of the Country. There is a lot more to the decline of America than just elections.
However, I have seen I will never be in agreement with political parties. It would be best to limit my involvement with political parties.
I set out to find out if there was a place in this country's current politics where I fit in or even if I fit anywhere at all. After investigating several different groups and parties over a period of time, it seems I have my answer. I do not fit at all.
From what I see about the "fizzling tea party" is that there are many more conservative groups vying for our attention. Our own First Coast Tea Party is still alive and well. There are monthly meetings around town, there are events held every couple months and there are action teams who work on election information, outreach to inform different groups on the vision and mission of the tea party, and a group of talented patriots who sing at a variety of events around the area. All these people are volunteers. They give and give because they love our America and what she stands for. They give and give because they want America to remain strong, to give us the freedoms and rights promised in our Constitution. So, tea party groups may have fewer attendees at events and there may be fewer actual tea party groups....but, the tea party movement is still strong and greatly needed.
Stop taking things personally and it won’t be a problem Franklin. We shall see come November 5, 2016 how many “Americans” we have left. The Sleeping Giant is awake. More and more people are seeing what the Progressives have done to our country.
But you have your views and I have mine - we can agree to disagree. I shall never give up hope for better days in America.
You said: "There is hope the American people have had enough.".......Nope, they have not had enough......Even if they ever did arrive at that position. There are not enough "Americans" left in America to make any difference. There are a whole lot of people that have American citizenship and people that just have an address and hang their hat here. But, not enough "Americans" in America.
As to your question about the post I mentioned. The post is in the Blogs section about 4 days prior to this blog post. Titled "Tea Party fizzles: what say you" I don't understand how this took such a wrong turn. Several days before this entry about Tea Party fizzling. I posted the exact article and asked for input about the content of this article. I was looking for some Tea party members to rebut the claim that the Tea party has fizzled.
After a re-post of the article here and asking the same thing. I made a comment that after the post had been up some days not one person came to the defense of the Tea party or offered a rebuttal to the claim. I mentioned that with almost 8000 members on this website and no one rebuts the claim of fizzling. It seems that the fizzle claim is true.
All I did was post someone else's article and claim along with an observation of the lack of response to the claim.
This was taken as throwing darts and being a lazy Do Nothing, just blasting away on the computer.
In short, rather than rebut the claim of the Tea party fizzling, the person chose to attack me personally.
Carly has now announced her candidacy as well as Ben Carson. We are seeing a much better field of candidates in the 2016 Presidential election. It is exciting to see this diversification and possibility of actual change. We have been here before, we have seen dark days. It’s not over until the last vote is cast. There is hope the American people have had enough. It will take an articulate, courageous leader to gather its huddled masses to inspire and lift America back to it’s greatness.
Where do we find Franklin's post he's referring to?
Steve, what to do with the lazy, drunken, redneck whiskey tangos? Send them where?
History unfortunately provides us with a vision into the future. Once a democratic society learns that they can vote themselves (or elect officials who will vote for the same objectives) benefits from the common treasury, eventually that society's governance fails, and after a short anarchist period, a Dictator rises. Keep on believing we can fix this if you like, But with 30% Black,15% Hispanic, and another 8%Gay, we have only to watch helplessly as our our country is eaten away from the inside, because there are a lot more babies being born into those groups than into the rest of this country.We may stem the tide today but the tidal wave is, in the end, inevitable. The only possible solution is to deport the Negroes back to Africa, something only a Dictator could achieve. However, it is coming.
Franklin, I wanted you to know that when I saw your post of this article I made the decision to send it out to the membership base. Knowing that morning tea is for people to engage and I thought your blog deserved more attention so I utilized it to get more input and visibility.
From a very personal standpoint. (I will not speak for the entire FCTP on this.) I believe that our country has been and is in extreme danger.. All of the things that we were so blessed to have received from the wisdom of our founders stands to be taken, or given away by each of us. What will we leave for the future generations? I am guilty of living the dream, never once believing that my country would ever change, that our leaders loved her and respected her as I did. Well, I was wrong and when I started to wake up in 2009 it was just the beginning of my understanding that I was as much to blame as millions of others who had been living their dreams. Like you I got involved and decided to do what I could to make a difference. To awaken others.. As individuals we can only do our part.. I wish to thank you for taking the time to research and to post and share..Like you many of us are screaming to the rooftops.. We just do not have rallies, and costumes anymore - we are in the trenches of the elections, we are researching candidates and sharing that information, many of us have walked and knocked and made phone calls, trips to Tally,and the ever email and phone contacts.. We each do our part, in any way that we can..We are linked into other Tea Parties in Florida to share and work towards a more consistent message and actions as a larger team..
I thank you for what you do to educate all of us. Keep posting.. keep seeking engagement and never ever give up.
I have to believe that people read the blasts I send out even if they do not comment.. I do know how many people open the email directing them here.. That is reassuring..
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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