Your Morning Tea.. Comments welcomed

"Introducing Morning Tea"

"When you look at the world today,
What is your point of view?"

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From My Point of View

Never in the history of this great nation have our freedoms been attacked on so many sides. Founded as a Christian nation, with high morals, our America has always been the nation that many other civilized countries desired to be like.
Our citizens cared for each other; loved their country; worked hard to improve themselves, their families and their country; and sacrificed much to protect it. The efforts of the many men and women who have gone to foreign lands and sacrificed much should not be for naught. We, as a nation of free individuals, must do our part.
As citizens of the USA, where have we gone wrong?
We elect men and women who are not qualified for their elected positions. We elect men and women who are working to get elected strictly for greed. We elect men and women who are only interested in the fame and fortune. And occasionally we elect men and women who are so charmed with themselves that they do only what is best for them and not what is best for our country.
We go wrong when, after electing these men and women, we go back to our regular lives and do not hold them accountable for their actions. We do not contact them to let them know they are in those positions because of our vote. We have to remind them often that our vote is what counts and we will work just as hard to vote them out as we did to vote them in.
These can’t be idle threats either. We must follow through by ensuring their removal from office is caused by their loss at the ballot box. But, we also have to ensure that the new person voted in completely and totally understands that we expect them to do the tasks they were elected to do for the good of the majority, not the good of a small minority.
Good men and women in leadership have made mistakes, sometimes very bad mistakes. They make rash decisions without considering the full consequences. They make decisions that are not good for our country – sometimes they know the decision would not be good, but occasionally they don’t. Many of them make decisions based on greed, fear and ignorance.
When we vote for these men and women, do we really know who they are and where their hearts are? Are they intelligent enough, experienced enough, and conservative enough to make the best decisions for our country?
When we get bombarded with all those TV ads during election time – it’s not much of what the candidate wants to make right, but what the other candidate did wrong. Then you hear that the candidate is only sending out “negative ads”. Are they trying to expose the bad things the current elected official has done, trying to make themselves look good, or trying to inform the voters? How do we know for sure? When you vote for a candidate, you most likely will not know the candidate personally. He/she is someone you are learning about through the ads on TV, the big postcards you receive in the mail, or a handshake and a smile you get when you’re introduced to them. Candidates running these days are putting on a show – they’re “movie stars”. They have to be charismatic, energetic, know all the right answers, and have a lot of supporters (both monetarily and volunteers).
Is the candidate who receives the most votes to take office the most qualified or the most popular? It seems like it’s a popularity contest. No way to run a country.
So, we are back to the “where have we gone wrong” question. And then there’s the “how are we going to fix it” question. It can’t be fixed overnight because it wasn’t an overnight decline.
Before we vote for a candidate we will have to study, Google, attend Hob Nobs and straw poll events, read personal Facebook pages, talk to people who know them, learn where they went to school, where they work, where they go to church – learn as much as you can about the candidate. Do they stand for the same issues you stand for? Do they support groups, organizations, bills, laws, etc. that you are against? Are their speeches just senseless rhetoric or are they from the heart? After they are elected, we ALL have to work in whatever way we can to ensure our newly elected officials are trustworthy, ethical, and Constitutional Conservatives. If we practice this when electing them, stay informed, don’t let them sway from the course and try to keep a personal relationship with them, we might – just might - be able to pull this country back from the edge of the cliff. I pray we can accomplish this goal.

Your thoughts?

Views: 124


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Comment by Babs Jordan on March 12, 2015 at 2:36pm

Sometimes it takes ONE to get things rolling. The problem is that we are all waiting for someone to lead the charge. Our forefathers found it within a small group. They had to step forward and risk condemnation or worse. But they had to come up with a plan and convince others to follow.  It had to reach that point where enough people feared destruction. Most were in a position to make change, but some like Sam Adams were not. They simply believed and had a plan. We need to find that someone or those someone's that can gather us together with a single plan. Question is who. I'm with ya Robert!  We are the rule breakers, in search of the plan. I know I'm not a leader, but I too would charge. I cherish my country, the great experiment, with every fiber of my being, just not the people who would seek to destroy it.

Comment by robert c tipton on March 12, 2015 at 1:33pm

It has become impossible to trust the ballot box. We elect wave after wave of  conservative ??patriots ?? who then betray us on every level. I harken to those great Americans who brought about change by taking to the streets--rioting--breaking the law-- looting--burning cities--going to jail and all the time claiming to be a victim---The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.--The Reverend Jessie Jackson--The Reverend Al Sharpton.

 The same TATICS WORKED IN 1776---IN 1860--iS THAT ALL THAT IS LEFT. I NO LONGER CHERISH MY COUNTRY AS IT IS NOR THE GENERAL POPULATION..I DO HOWEVER WORSHIP MY CONSTITUTION and am willing to do whatever it takes and whatever sacrifice to return my beloved country to its original place before it was captured by traitors. Where is that spark ?Where is that beginning ?Where can I rally to freedom once again from this criminal enterprise that has defeated  America from within ? 

Comment by Babs Jordan on March 12, 2015 at 12:28pm

Love it!! If you can let us know your talents or how you would like to support us, we have openings to fill!  We would be honored to have you join us.  There is much work to be done and it take more than a handful of working people to do what's needed!  Thanks for your interest. You can email us at  Thanks again!

Comment by ray inman on March 12, 2015 at 11:49am

Thanks for your comments.  It's about time that we had this type of msg. from our leadership.  Keep it up. I've been waiting around this Teaparty for some time and seem to have been left out of anything of importance.  Bring us in and we will fully support the cause.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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