Senator Rubio at The Reagan Library

Once again our own Marco Rubio humbles himself before those at the Reagan library. His speeches are filled with the real hope that comes from someone who understands American principles. God bless him

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Comment by Susan Candler on September 5, 2011 at 5:37pm
When I first met this extraordinary young man at a local Jacksonville, Florida airport... I expected the place to be overflowing with people the day before his election and it wasn't.  It was early on a Monday and people had to be at work. I told him then that I had great expectations of him.  He held my hand and said to keep those in mind for him and pray for him.  He has a role to play and with his background, could help our country back to her rightful place in the world.  He believes in America coming from a background where his parents endured communist Cuba.  Keep your eyes on him.  We are so fortunate here in Florida to have him for one of our Senators. 
Comment by sabrina Wheeler on August 25, 2011 at 2:53pm
You guys are awesome investigators! Thanks for the fair and balanced reporting. Keep up the good work!
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on August 25, 2011 at 12:26pm
The CFR membership for Perry might have been a "false indicator" from an article John Lindsay, puppet-head of the CFR, made about Perry on the speech Perry gave at the CPAC convention back in February; an "guilt by association" context, when Perry wasn't even an "associate".
Comment by JL Gawlik on August 25, 2011 at 12:25pm

A note here, when you hear statements, check them out. IF they seem to come from one source such as progressive blogs, liberal blogs or far right blogs, try to get to the source that they claim it came from, IF you see just one bend, question it. It takes time but usually you can always find the truth and the facts. Someone was making false statements about a candidate on a blog and the only information on what would of been very news worthy information was on the Huffingtonpost, progressive thinker, and all associated blogs, could never find the source so i dismissed as being the truth. We are so lucky to have all of this information at our finger tips, my favorite one of late is then candidate Obama saying that President Bush is a unpatriotic American, because he added 4 Trillion dollars on to a already 5 Trillion deficit... 4 Trillion in just 8 years! Well apparently he sought to break that record and he ran it past 4 Trillion more in just under 2.5 years! With him as President our debt is increasing at a rate of 3 million dollars per minute:

I just recently found out that in California, near San Francisco on rebuilding the Oakland bridge, they are paying the Chinese to build it there in China, with Chinese Engineers and Contractors, Chinese product, they are paying them to transport it to California, with Chinese Crews, erect it with ALL the millions going to China! Just as they just paid millions for the MLK Jr. to a Chinese sculptor, using Chinese product, Chinese crews paid to come here to DC to assemble it. That is insanity!

Comment by JL Gawlik on August 25, 2011 at 12:10pm

Web search Texas to charge students for bus ride to schools and it brought up several articles, one:

Apparently it is one Northern district in Texas, apparently they can not justify cost of transportation because of cuts in their budget.

Another reason that it has become dangerous to get the Federal government, unions involved in our school systems. It should all be state and local.

Comment by JL Gawlik on August 25, 2011 at 12:05pm

I just looked at the 2011 member rooster of the CFR and saw neither names. Rubio is resinating with people because he is speaking from the heart, like West.  

I am amazed at the birthers coming out of the woodwork charging that he can NOT run for President because his parents were not naturalized citizens. Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana qualifies and both of his parents were not citizens at the time of his birth, they were from India, they all became citizens after. Rubio parents were Cuban exiles, legal citizens of the USA, they became naturalized citizens after his birth (1971) in 1975.

The Constitution imposed certain qualifications on the President and Vice President. Must be 35 years of age and a 'natural born citizen'. Essentially a 'natural born citizen' is one who meet either one of the two requirements: First a person qualified if born within the United States or within American Territory, even if the parents were aliens. Alternatively, a individual qualified even if born outside the country if the individual's father was an American citizen not then engaged in traitorous or felonious activities. 

On Obama i would question his father committing bigamy and it being a felony. But, Hawaii is one of the few states that charges bigamy as a misdemeanor. Harvard was very upset when they found out he had married and fathered a child in Hawaii and sought to deport him. 

You can go to the CFR site here:

Interesting to note, Newt Gingrich is a current member, they limit it to 3,000 members.



Comment by Sam G Kovach SR. on August 25, 2011 at 7:57am

Can anyone CONFIRM Mr Perry's membership in the CFR?   Or is this just a rumor meant to demean him?

I was just speaking with a lib friend and she claimed that Mr Perry is considering charging kids to ride the school bus each month. Also that his state has a low graduation rate from HS.  Again, does anyone here know the truth about this man. 

Let us dig deep into ALL the candidates so we are not stuck with another one of George Soros hand puppets such as BHO. 

We need to stand up and ask these candidates all the tough questions this time around. How strong a Republican are they? 

Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on August 25, 2011 at 7:38am
Mr. Cancio is sooo correct.  The Council on Foreign Relations' first requirement (conclusion drawn by actions and "fellow" members) is to disregard one's whole hearted allegiance to one's country, to be nationalistically nuetral to promote the "New World Order-One world Government".  If he did in fact become a member of the CFR, he's of no use to Tea Party members.  It would be a tragic loss.  Rick Perry has been a member a long time and supports the homogeonation of Canada, USA, and mexico with one currency, no borders.
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on August 24, 2011 at 6:57pm

Senator Rubio is truely an inspirational speaker that maintains what God and our founders ment for America to be. His vision for America is a just one and should inspire each and every American. His destiny is before him and I predict will inevitably seat him in the oval office. Like Ronald Reagan he holds a vision and a passion for what America should be.



Comment by Ron Britner on August 24, 2011 at 4:27pm

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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