If you are a musician who loves our country, then join us and we'll coordinate opportunities to sing or play music for tea party events.

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  • Valerie Sawyer

    Yes! This is definitely something I can do!
  • FCTP

    Cool. I didn't know you were a singer. I'm glad to see you join this group.
  • FCTP

    That's awesome and good to know. Thanks, Billie
  • Sandy McCorvey

    Awesome name for this group! I'll try to encourage others to join too.
  • LeAnne J. King

    I can't sing and can't play an instument, but perhaps I could be a groupie. I'm grateful others are willing to share their talents.
  • Raymond Johnson

    I play rythem and bass guitar and sing patriotic music. Be glad to help you out anyitme. I focus on God bless the USA and In God we still trust.
  • Carla

    Writing for my son's band. Vagrant Undertow is a pop/punk band who plays several times a month locally. All these boys are strong patriots. They have a song written about political corruption called "Hey Betsy, Look What I did". They are working on other politically related material and would like to volunteer thier time, schedule permitted.
  • FCTP

    WOW!! This is fantastic. We are considering having a Let Freedom Sing event so we can meet everyone and hear their talents. We will get back to you and them on this. GREAT NEWS AND LOVE THAT THEY ARE YOUNG, STRONG PATRIOTS. Can't wait to meet them. Billie
  • BreeLee

    I am not a singer or musician but I am a poet and lyricist, so if someone needs words on the fly for a song, poem or rap, just let me know. It's been my passion for 38 Years, but I can't sing a lick. LOL
  • Patricia M. McBride

    Well, Billie, you are doing so great with this group, and as I don't really sing, write music or play an instrument, I will withdraw now. I signed up intially, because you were in this little room all alone! Good luck and looks like this is going to be a great group!
  • Carla

    Clarification on my note a minute ago-looks as though I write their music. Its my son who writes the music but SO SURE he would be open to collaboration-this is exciting!!
  • Murray Goff

    This is our opportunity to use the unique power of music to champion the fervor and character of the Tea Party Movement. It is one of the tools that we must use to help save the soul of America
  • FCTP

    Murray: Your song started the soul of the movement and I'd like to ask you to lead this group - if you will so kindly say Yes.

    I'll help and get you an assistant. God Save the USA, Billie
  • Murray Goff

  • FCTP

    Stand Up Everyone!!! Murray is your leader. God Save the USA
  • Carla

    Yea Murray-Lead the way-Thanks!!!!
  • BreeLee

    Yea Murray, May an angel always be on you shoulder protecting you as you lead us with your gift that God has given you. Be well, safe and blessed!!
  • Beth Hazen

    Hey Murray, Ken is a singer and said he would be glad to help. Let us know what you need.
  • Sandy McCorvey

    Thank you, Murray! We know we're in good hands with you at the helm. It will be an honor to serve on this team with you.
  • PatsyAnne

    we will come and clap our Hands!! but sure enjoy good music and singing!!
  • Raymond Johnson

    I will be there ready to sing In god we still trust and or God bless the USA with sound tract CD's
  • Valerie Sawyer

    I will plan on attending the rally on the 6th.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    What/where/what time is the rally on the 6th?
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    I found an earlier message in my emails on the meet & greet/Feb. 6. The same day as D.A.'s Extravaganza-will try to be there!
    Lisa Kelly, vocal jazz artist
  • Sandy McCorvey

    I will be there - looking forward to learning what we'll be doing. I sing in a ladies quartet too and will see if they can make it too.
  • Terri Booth

    Looking forward to the get-together!
  • Deb Z

    I am a drummer. Looks like you guys are singing. I live on Amelia Island. I'm no singer, but can help if you guys start forming a band
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Hey, Lisa Kelly-Scott ask when and where on the 6th. Can someone answer her so I don't have to ask. Thanks, K
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Yea I found it under Events, Thanks Billie!!!! Just in case anyone else didn't find it yet the get together will be Saturday Feb. 6th from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Zamar Conference Center.
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    OK, we had a great meeting on Saturday, Feb 6th. I had to leave early, but I sure enjoyed meeting some great 1st.Coast Tea Party folks. Now when are we going to get together again?? Please let me know what happened after I had to leave and what I can do to help on anything. Kay
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    Wish I could have made the Feb. 6th meeting, but my daughter had Extravaganza with Douglas Anderson. I have received an email about a Feb. 27th, 1 yr. Tea Party gathering and noticed music mentioned. Would like to find out more. I've now purchased some Patriotic tracks to sing to and work with several Conservative minded musicians in our professional groups.
  • Gayla Reed

    Hey Singers and Musicians - We need someone to sing the National Anthem at the Happy Birthday Tea Party on Feb. 27 and also could this group lead the crowd in singing patriotic songs throughout the day?
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    I can do the National Anthem.
  • FCTP

    Thank you Lisa!!
  • Terri Booth

    What times would you need folks?
  • FCTP

    We need people from 3:00-7:00. Whenever you can get there works for us.
  • Valerie Sawyer

    I will be glad to sing or do whatever you need. Just let me know!
  • Kay Ragan Durden

    Sounds like a great day, I've sent it out to all my friends. Will help in anyway I can if only I get to be in Jax. that day. Go for it!!!
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    Tuesday evening is best for me on the rehearsal for 2/27.
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    Let's sing our way back to Washington DC. Maybe this time they will hear us!
  • Sandy McCorvey

    Tuesday evening works for me too. (Am working on the 20th so can't come then.)
  • Beth Hazen

    Ken said he would be happy to help sing. Please let us know what you need.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    Looks like I messed up. Really want to make the rehearsal & sing on the 27th, but I forgot a gig I have on Tuesday (16th) 6:30-8:30pm (Mardi Gras performance). Drat! Perhaps I could get info on the singing plans after the rehearsal. I have singing tracks for Patriotic songs.
  • Raymond Johnson

    Sorry I wasnt able to make the sing the other Saturday. I will see if I can make your meeting this Tuesday. God bless everyone and happy valentines day.
  • Beth Hazen

    When is rehearsal? Where is rehearsal?
  • Helen Rose Chestnut

    Rehersal is at 6:30 PM at the Zamar Center on Bay Meadows Way, on Tuesday February 16, 2010 in the cafe.
  • Beth Hazen

    Thanks Helen
  • Carla

    Justin and I will be there representing Vagrant Undertow. Thanks so much-so excited to celebrate one year-WOW! Step back for just a moment and see what has been accomplished-special shout out to so many wonderful leaders! A special thanks to Billie and BreeLee!
  • Sandy McCorvey

    SO sorry to have missed the rehearsal. I thought it was Tuesday, Feb. 23. I was out of town for 4 days and just got back. I'll try to catch up. I do apologize.
  • Lisa Kelly-Scott

    For those of us unable to make the rehearsal (I had a gig), what do we need to know to participate on Sat? Do you have someone for the National Anthem, what else is needed for the singing side of things? It's gonna be an exciting event!