Patricia M. McBride


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Patriot One

    Thanks for joining us Patricia. We will keep you up to date with inter group events in NE Fl.
  • Susan Pitman

    What an encouraging thing to say! I hope there is something I can help provide insight on. Thank you for accepting me!
  • Patricia M. McBride

    Susan, I think you will find there are a some really nice people involved with the First Coast Tea Party, and I think you will enjoy meeting and working with everyone! And some of the people who come to the events will blow you away!
  • Tom Platt

    I give a talk designed to encourage and inspire the group. It is entitled "Ballots - Not Bullets - This Time!" The central point is because our Founding Fathers had the courage to use bullets to free us from a tyrannical despot, we have the blessings of using ballots today to do the same. I then proceed to extract some ironic accusations against King George III found in our Declaration of Independence, and point out how they specifically apply to our current president. It is amazing how the charges apply to both eras.
    I encourage the Tea Party patriots to keep up the hard work by pointing out how the remarks made by Mahatma Ghandi in his struggle for India's independence can be applied to the Tea Party movement today.
    I conclude with some specific things that patriots should be doing and emphasize how they are impacting American politics on a scale that far exceeds that of the Civil Rights revolution of the '60's.
    The talk is about 30 minutes in length.
    I always get a good number of questions at the end of the talk.
    Please check with Lynn Holicky for a reference concerning me and my talk I gave at the Neptune Beach FL chapter recently.
    I'd be honored to speak if you need me.
    I am speaking next week at the Baker County Tea Party in Macclenney, and have a couple of engagements firmed up in August. I am anticipating an invitation to speak at a future event in Gainesville.
    If you would care to send me your e-mail address, I will be happy to send you a brief biography if you need it.
    Tom Platt
    2254 Trailwood Drive
    Fleming Island, FL 32003
    Cell 904-449-8522
  • Tom Platt

    Please call me at 904-449-8522. Also my email is
    I think I can make it...will confirm. My talk is about 25 minutes in length 
    And I usually have several questions.
    I will send my bio to use for introducing me.
    Thanks for the honor!
  • Tom Platt

    Patricia: If you don't mind, please send me your e-mail address so that I can send you a brief bio if you want to use it.
    Tom Platt
    P.S. I'm leaving town on Thursday (6/24) and won't return until Tuesday (6/29). I will check e-mails on the road.
  • Harold Swift

    Thank you Patrica, I did find it with your help and voted.
  • Donna Selph

    Patricia, I spoke with the principal at the school that supposedly was banning anything Christmas. She denied it and stated that the newspapers that had originally printed this had done a retraction. She also told me that this has caused some much trouble at the school that they had to have police stationed around the school all day.
  • Leanne King

    Pat, are they white?  If so they may be on my counter and am not sure how I ended up with them.. sorry
  • Leanne King

    Pat, sorry I ended up with a few plastic things which I will put aside for future events.. Have a good day..
  • CJ

    We have not met yet I am a friend of Rod Morrill. The 4 new bills addressing everbank only need two readings according to City Council Rules. 2 other new bills are bad for us too.
    Connie B
  • CJ

    How can I get you my email with out it going on line for everyone?
  • Tom Wright


    I knw that there is a REC meeting Monday Night.

    Do you know the time and place?

    If so , please post.


    Tom Wright


    Patricia: Thanks for your kind remarks. We the People are on the right side of history.  I do motivational speaking at local schools, explaining what the TEA PARTY is about, and why its relavant in this day and time.  Keep up the good fight.  Fathiyyah (the hat lady.
  • Jim Klauder

    Patricia: Great post.  I hope all those who follow your comments will check out my web page:  Especially the tab "Why I am Running" 

  • Jason Fischer

    I tried to send u a message last night and that's how I found out I hadnt added you yet. Glad we connected!
  • Patricia M. McBride

    John, that is terrific.  Wow are you talented, and how true.  The thing these folks don't consider that is really serious is that some of the children they interfer with have allergies and other medical issues, and they are forcing food on them that they think they should have when it may have something in it that they can't eat.  Some are allergic to milk, some are allergic to all sorts of other things, or they just plain don't like what is presented and won't eat it then, they don't get anything to eat which is worse for them than eating lunch from home that is prepared just for them based on what they can have or what they will eat.  The thing that is going to happen with these overbearing fools, is they are going to kill someone child with their we know all philosopy, because apparently the witch up in Washington has children who aren't allergic, and it wouldn't even occur to her that not all children are like her children.

  • Ed Oertli

    Hi Patricia,

      I enjoy vieing your blogs on the website. I was hoping you could post a notice for all the Tea Party members about this march toward Agenda 21 that is gong on from our Florida House that has produced this horrible HR 7117 Bill. The Bill that is now sitting on Gov Scott's desk. We must all notify all Tea Party Patriots to call and write Gov Scott not to sign that bill. I have called and written him after Peggy Hall notified me below: 

    Hi Peggy!

      Thanks for the info. I have called John Thrasher’s Office and let his office know how we are all against this

    Agenda 21 takeover.  John Thrasher and all of the others Senator that voted should be voted out of office!

    Looks like they are just available to the highest bidder. Our last hope to stop this horrible Legislation is

    Gov Scott. I have written him a letter and talked with his assistant. Hopefully he will stand-up for the

    Taxpayers and The Constitution. We’ll see.


     I check out our Tea Party Website and I see nothing about stopping this Bill. Perhaps you can get something

    posted to all the Tea Party members? I have a attached a letter from the Campaign for Liberty which does a good job of summarizing the immense problems with this bill.


    We need everyone to call / write the Governor immediately—It is on his desk as we speak. We must stop the tyranny takeover.


    Ed Oertli
    Cell:          904-629-1316


    From: Peggy Hall []
    Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 9:22 PM
    To: Peggy Hall
    Subject: Urgent; immediate action required on Florida Bill SB2094/CS/CS/HB 7117 -SJ 1071
    Importance: High



    Hello everyone,


    Below is a message of importance for us all.


    Please respond to your state and federal legislators as explained below. 


    And at their next elections, please remember the names Andy Gardiner and Adam Putnam at the voting booth. 

     The bills in question are SB2094 Energy Bill (senate) and HB7117 Energy Bill (house) and they both passed in spite of a outpouring of Email opposed to both these bills (5,300 Emails).   We do not have the money for this, and it will mean increases in property taxes and most likely a hike in the sales tax if it is signed into being by the governor. 

     We are asking folks to take immediate action on this if at all possible. The bill is sitting on the governor's desk right now waiting for his signature and was sent there Friday morning, so please either call the governor and tell him you do not favor the bill at (850) 488-7146 or go here, and click on send an Email and let him know how you feel.

     We need to contact our senators and our representatives in the house and let them know we are not happy with them (there is a link below to find yours).  The house bill was sponsored by Adam Putnam and the senate bill was sponsored by Andy Gardiner and in spite of a public outpouring against these b

  • Ed Oertli

    Campaign for Liberty does a nice recap:

    I wrote you in February about HB7117, a “green” energy bill that President Obama will love.  HB7117 amounts to our own version of the Solyndra solar boondoggle and is chock full of subsidies, tax incentives and grants to alternative energy companies.  Consider this quote from James Taylor of the Heartland Institute:

    “Sitting on Gov. Rick Scott’s desk right now is House Bill 7117, legislation that imposes new obstacles on the construction of power plants generating inexpensive electricity from natural gas or coal, directs state regulators to grease the wheels for expensive wind and solar electricity, sticks cash-strapped Florida families with new and costlier handouts to the wind, solar and ethanol industries, and authorizes local communities to impose additional taxes to fund still more renewable power subsidies.”

    I fear that the Florida legislature is jumping on board with the United Nations Agenda 21. Legislative committee staff analysis of HB7117 includes this quote:

    “The state shall reduce its energy requirements through enhanced conservation and efficiency measures in all end-use sectors and reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide by promoting an increased use of renewable energy resources. That act also declared it the public policy of the state to play a leading role in developing and instituting energy management programs that promote energy conservation, energy security, and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

    HB7117 uses our tax money to:

    • Provide Tax incentives to promote the development of renewable energy.
    • Allow local governments to use the discretionary sales surtaxes to acquire land for public recreation, conservation, or protection of natural resources.
    • Provide State investment in Hydrogen-powered vehicles and hydrogen vehicle fueling stations.
    • Provide technical assistance and guidance on growth and development issues, grants, and other assistance to local communities.
    • Manage the activities of public-private partnerships.
    • Provide State investment in grant awards for the development of ethanol.
    • Grant financial incentives to energy producers who use woody biomass as fuel.

    Unfortunately and despite thousands of phone calls opposing this boondoggle, the Florida Legislature passed this bill almost unanimously. It is now on Governor Scott’s desk for his review. We must call Governor Scott’s office and ask him to VETO this Solyndra-style “green” hand-out to special interest groups.

    Call Governor Scott today at (850) 488-4441.

    In Liberty,

    John Hallman
    Legislative Affairs Director
    Florida Campaign for Liberty

  • Jeanne DeSilver

     I also called Governor Scott's office regarding HB7117.  This is something I didn't used to do, but it's easy, and a good habit to get into!

  • Patricia M. McBride

    Yes, Roma they did.   5,200 or 5,300 roughly which is huge for something like this.  People from all over the state went up in arms and answered the call to fight this bill, and they not only ignored the people, they voted this in with a huge majority and only 2 or 3 people in both houses didn't vote in favor of it.  The problem is, so many of our city governments are up to their eyeballs in this agenda 21 garbage and they have gone around the bend.  Governor Scott wanted to put an end to doing the agenda 21, so I am hoping he will veto this bill.  Can our representatives over ride the governor's veto?  I hope not.

  • Leanne King

    Pat, thanks for the note, I had to set all mine to approve as we had some things get out of control.. I just changed it as that may not work so well with the membership program..Thanks for making me aware... Hear you had another Awesome meeting.Well Done Lady