When the Tea Party Movement stirred inside me in 2009 at the same time it was stirring inside millions of others across this nation, early morning risings became commonplace. A full night’s sleep was impossible to find and 4:00 a.m. awakenings with thoughts of troubling times in my country filled my head. Much like a mother who would feed her baby at 4:00 feedings, I would feed my mind with research to find out the truth about the problems in our country.
Those 4:00 a.m. awakenings are back.
In the early days of the Tea Party Movement, my thoughts would go to those in Congress and the White House making out of control decisions to spend our taxpayer dollars in corrupt and foolish ways.
This time my thoughts go to misguided Americans who are out of control on the streets of our country and being used by the corrupt in Congress and the White House in foolish ways.
Where did these people come from that now sleep in parks alongside each other and chant inconsistent or unintelligible messages? Why are Mayors or Sheriffs not enforcing the rule of law on these people? Who told the National Park Service to turn the other way and allow these people to camp out with tents in Freedom Plaza in DC knowing it is against the law to do so? Who is feeding these people and paying them a stipend to show up and scream profanity at the media investigating this news story? What secret messages are being discussed between corrupt and evil leaders of these Astroturf groups?
These are the questions that stirred me this morning. I was exhausted and wondered why God was shaking me awake once again. I already knew the answers to the questions this time. I didn’t have to do any more research to understand that these people are either paid to be there OR they are blindly following what they hope is a real grassroots movement.
The research is done because now there are millions more within the Tea Party Movement and yes, even some in the mainstream media, who have found out the truth behind this Occupy Movement. The desire for an Arab Spring in America is being orchestrated within the Democratic Party with the help of the Socialists and Communists and other groups such as “terrorists.” The evidence is there yet they refuse to leave the parks and our leaders refuse to enforce the rule of law to make them leave.
And I wonder when and how this will end.
In just a few weeks, we will be one year away from the biggest election of our time. Without a doubt, Mr. Obama and others who support his agenda – must go. Mr. Obama has publicly endorsed the Occupy Movement after he first ridiculed the Tea Party Movement. He has shown his stripes and staked his claim with the Occupiers. This isn’t looking good for those who want the rule of law enforced and who have no desire for an Arab Spring in America. See video here: Occupiers and Tea Party just alike?
The latest Arab Spring uprisings across the world have not turned out too well for those who were misguided and used in their streets and parks of Egypt and Libya. Will they turn out well for us?
Ask the Christians in Egypt how the Arab Spring uprising worked for them. Those who have not been murdered are now hiding and hoping to find a way out of Egypt where they can worship and have freedom to live their lives as they wish. A protest in front of the White House asking for help for these Christians in Egypt went unnoticed by our leaders here in America. Washington Post: Christians protest in DC
And worst than that – our taxpayer dollars were used to run over Christians who had taken to the streets in protest to the killings. Our government is funding their murders.
American dollars aiding slaughter of Christians
Ask those in Libya who watched with glee this week as their dictator was murdered in the streets and then quickly were told they will now be living under Islamic Sharia law. See the headlines here: Radical Islamic Law in Egypt
The Christians living in Libya are now wondering what this means for them. The women in Libya are wondering too what this new Sharia law will mean for them. Will they be free as they chanted and hoped for in the streets of Libya?
And again, I wonder, how will these Occupiers affect America? Will those behind the movement realize that Americans are not like the others in the streets of Egypt and Libya? Americans know what freedom tastes like and we are not willing to change our taste buds for a Socialist, Communist or Sharia-compliant America.
We also do not take kindly to dictators, rulers or kings.
We do not appreciate anyone messing with our Rule of Law and our individual rights given to us as American citizens.
Yes, Americans are not prefect and we have been asleep and missing our 4:00 AM research feedings for way too many years. But we know better now and millions of us are awake, engaged and informed and will not go down without a fight. It’s in our blood to fight against tyrants and we’ll do it again to keep Liberty’s torch lit over America.
So why are the 4:00 AM awakenings occurring again? The answer is simple: Rise up and pray for your country. The morning is still dark and the quietness of the universe is ripe for prayers and talks with the Lord of our founders.
It’s cool to think that God has the whole world in His hands and He can turn all these bad things for good. His only request for that to happen is that we DO something – we move – we push forward – we believe – we pray – we help – we serve -- we rise up.
I’m sure I’ll rise up tomorrow at 4:00 AM. Will you join me in praying for our nation and for those who seek freedom across the globe? If you join me, let's pray specifically for these things:
Early morning risings are not fun - but feeding our souls and America with prayers will keep us going for another 200+ years. I'm willing to sacrifice a little sleep for a lot of liberty and hope you'll join me in the effort.
God bless you and keep you safe from all harm.
Tea Partiers in large part have families to raise, jobs to hold and even businesses to run. We can't totally consume our lives with the shenanigans of the Permanent Political Class (PPC) and in such we have to recede, collect and re-arm for the battles we know are coming. It is in those times that the arrogance of the PPC will on cue reveal itself making our objects of focus a target rich zone.
As the time begins to draw near again for yet another battle, we are rested, prepared and focused like no other time because we have the chance to be influential enough to win it all for the near future and quite possibly build on that potential victory to change the coarse of this nation for the rest of our lives.
So collect your war paint fellow patriots because the time nears to rely on the stores we have set aside for this fight to sustain us through November 2012. They will rue the day they impugned and ridiculed us and they themselves will become nothing more than roadkill on the road to true republicanism and re-commitments to the Founders and that magnificent document of The U.S. Constitution.
To Billie and her staff, we know that God himself is with you in all that you do in taking on this tremendous challenge not only for the cause but even more so to the toll it takes on you personally. So this day I will begin my regular monthly donation to the cause and I challenge all others to do the same. The season is upon us and now it is our time to accept that challenge.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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