9/11: Reinforcements are coming...the good and the bad

As a little girl in Sunday school, I loved to hear stories about Bible times.   When it was time to listen to our teacher tell a story, we would scoot out wooden chairs near hers as she pulled the Big Book of Bible Stories off the shelf.  It was a large book with perfect pictures to go along with the stories.


All of them were great, but one has recently jogged my memory again.  It was the story about keeping our house clean so good could live in it. 


It goes like this.  When you decide to live a good life for Him, you clean up your life.  You want to do good things and take care of people and serve God.  You want to make sure you don’t fall into the old bad habits that brought you to Him in the first place.   When you start cleaning up your life, it isn’t easy.  Your friends encourage you to continue doing the “fun” things you did together.  You are tempted daily to fall back into your old ways.  As my teacher told us, "If you don’t live for Him every day and grow stronger in that Love, then the mean old devil will come back and he’ll bring more of his bad friends with him to make sure you fall back into your old ways."  In other words, he brings reinforcements.   


Ten years have passed and evil reinforcements may be on their way.  As 9/11 approaches, new threats are at our door and they cannot and MUST not be ignored.  In a recent report by Heritage, The Right Strategy to Fight Terrorism, they state:

“Unfortunately today, the United States is not on a trajectory to adequately counter the terrorism threat. Though America has enjoyed success in thwarting al-Qaeda's efforts against the United States, those victories have come as a result of a decade of taking the offensive in the war on terrorism. Now, though, the Obama Administration is changing course with its new National Strategy for Counterterrorism.”


 This week, the White House issued Guidelines on 9/11 Observances.  “The guidelines say the absence of Al Qaeda playing any significant role in the “Arab Spring” uprisings against longtime autocrats in the Middle East and North Africa should be cited as evidence that Bin Laden’s organization “represents the past,” while peaceful street protesters in Egypt and Tunisia “represent the future.”


It is unfortunate that we must spend today’s observance of 9/11 showing you not to believe this statement. 




  1. Six hundred al-Qaeda radical prisoners were released by the new Libyan regime.  Watch the video here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgBzZtzqQ_M&feature=player_embedded
  2. Egyptian Sheikh Calls for Worldwide Sharia & Threatens Christian Extermination -- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/senior-eij-official-calls-for-world...
  3. Radicals plan Cairo-style occupation of freedom plaza in DC -- http://www.theblaze.com/stories/radicals-plan-cairo-style-occupatio...

Remember my Sunday school lesson?  If you don’t clean it out and fill it up with love, the evil one will come back with reinforcements.  They’re here.


Three thousand innocent men, women and children died on 9/11.  Will we allow more to die at the hands of radicals?  Will Congress put a stop to the low-level concerns of this administration or will it stand up and protect American citizens from evil men who want to destroy us?  Will those in Washington DC who want America to be like Cairo be allowed to shut down our government?


Just like the pictures in the Big Book of Bible Stories resonated with me for life, the pictures of 9/11 have also. 


Let us be reminded of the horror that evil men can do to innocent, loving Americans.  Show the attached pictures to your family and let them know that the enemy is coming back with reinforcements and this time, they may look like us.  9/11 Aerial Photographs


May God have mercy on America and send His angel reinforcements to protect us.  Amen


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Comment by Sandy McCorvey on September 2, 2011 at 6:12pm

Listening to those people say it in their own words is the most terrifying thing of all.  Our nation's capitol withstood the attacks of the terrorists on 9/11.  Now it must withstand the attacks from the enemy within.

Comment by CARL & DIANA DOANE on September 2, 2011 at 4:48pm

If Mayor Bloomberg will be faithful to Islam and shut out God, the maker of the Universe, The designer of our great Representative Republic,  The Provider of our Eternal Salvation, and the Holy spirit to guide us in the Human flesh here on Earth,   ALLAH  will bless Mayor Bloomberg with many , many, Muslim votes for his next Political Venture for control of the Great AMERICAN citizens of NewYork, and cares less if it has effect on the rest of the AMERICAN citizenry. There is no Earthly or Heavenly reward This Mayor could expect to receive, He is restricting the Religion each american .

With this action he is enforcing Sharri Law, by Silenceing all others. This is a requirement of all GOOD Muslims.

Comment by david weed on September 2, 2011 at 3:54pm
I suggest you study the Knights Templar, Moravingian Kings, the Catholic Church/ Inquistion and slaughter of the Cathars in Larodoque France. I agree that everything seems insane today with the killing and distrust among people. This is the United States of America and we have a Constitution that was written by Masonic brothers who believed in seperation of church and state. There were Christians that believed that "Christ" meant an enlightened person that had achieved the wisdom of ancient knowledge. Their were some that believed that John The Baptist was the annointed one. You must remember that the Tea Party supports the Constitution and what it stands for. Our Masonic forefathers were very tolerant of many religions.  It is not Christians against the world, it is a wealthy elite whose design is to pit one people against another to keep us from uniting to resist them. We are in this situation now because we have failed to unite and defend our Constitution. Jesus did not have a church building and spent his time amongst the people doing what he could. There is a book you should read at Chamblin's book store called "Who Wrote the New Testament", very interesting reading. We are not cursed as a nation by God because we all don't have the same beliefs or religion, we are here today because we have failed to heed the warning of our forefathers and not stay on top of our government. The Roman empire was very similar to our country in that the people became sheep dependent on government and failed to keep them in check. Today we have processed food laced with chemicals, flouride in drinking water and many products[sodium flouride deadly poison and industrial waste], GMO soybeans and corn, pharmaceuticals that have way too many side effects and don't work to cure diseases and the list goes on. It is no wonder we have obesity, Type II Diabetes, heart disease, Autism, and so many more to list here. It is a wonder we all haven't gone off the deep end. My grandmothers both lived to 98 but she ate non-processed food and my uncle lived to 93. Remember, this is a Tea Party site that supports the Constitution above all else and your brothers business is his business. Wake up and educate yourself so you can fight against the elite in our government that would steal your rights away. Every country has human beings just like you and me that are working stiffs trying to make ends meet. In my business I talk to them every day, they are just normal human beings. They may believe different religions than us but they are the same as us. They are mad at the illegal and uncontrolled intervention in their governments by the top officials and CIA of our government to bring about regime change to protect American, French and British mega corporations. They start with a Democracy and we bring them a dictator [ Shah of Iran, installed by CIA and M-16 killed millions of his people]  to protect the oil industry. Just remember there are good people in all faiths willing to fight this battle. We never were a "Christian Nation" officially in the Constitution and our forefathers definitely wanted religion kept separately from government. I will fight for your right to believe anything you want as long as you don't push it on me.
Comment by E. A. Temin on September 2, 2011 at 2:18pm
Unfortunately, we are no longer a "Christian nation." Since God has been removed from schools and public places, more and more people are adopting a pagan lifestyle...it's either do as I say, not as I do; or it's "whatever goes on in private is my own business." Of course, what used to go on in private is now done in public. Flash mobs that rob stores, children killing children, men using children for their own sexual pleasure, women killing their own babies, either before or after they are born. Our nation is under a curse for turning away from the Lord, and we Christians have allowed it to happen by not fighting for our freedom of religion. While a large percentage of people call themselves "Christians", few of those same people attend church on a regular basis, and many of those who do live their lives like pagans. When denominational churches say the Bible is antiquated and write their own rules claiming "God is love" and "we all worship God; we just call Him by different names", religion becomes a farce. We need a revival NOW; otherwise we will fall prey to the followers of Sharia Law and Jihad. In every nation where Islam is the state religion, Christians and people of other faiths are persecuted and killed. If we don't admit the problem, it will get worse. The Bible says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14). If we do not do this, we are doomed to be a failed empire just like the Egyptian and Roman empires.
Comment by LOTTO NICK ! on September 2, 2011 at 9:21am

I wish ALL our professional sports ex ...football,baseball etc.... could be like NASCAR.

Raceday starts with a salute to our flag with the pledge and then the song and finally a PRAYER to and in the name of Jesus Christ for the safety of the drivers in the race.





Comment by Robert Young on September 2, 2011 at 8:46am
David, be alert and take care. May God be with you.
Comment by Christy on September 2, 2011 at 8:40am
Thank you for a wonderful post Billie.  Let us all encourage alll those attending the ceremony in NY @ ground Zero to Pray OutLoud, Pray w/your hands in the air reaching out to the Lord for He is Our Savior.  Do not let Bloomberg throw Christians to the Lions to silence them, Pray Out Loud.  EveryTP group needs to invite the Press and Pray OutLoud for the Victims.
Comment by Joe Story on September 2, 2011 at 8:37am

It now appears as only a matter of time until the United States of America, which Islam has “deemed amenable to take over action”, will be just another Islamic country. And as they say time is on their side. God is clearly giving us a choice as a nation.


What do you believe?



Are American Muslims creating and using major sociological trends within our borders to further Islamic objectives?


They have created an expectation of Islamophobia as a means for the subrogation of the American people. This is a perfect ruse to penetrate our society demanding “equal benefits” when the objective is total control. According to our Sunni-Muslim President[1]-[2] this net centric strategy[3] has created the largest Muslim nation in the world “based on the number of Muslims living in the USA”. It does not matter what sect (denomination) of Islam they practice what matters is that they are Muslim.


Think hard America as our legal and social traditions established on the Judeo Christian bible become subjected to Islamic rule and shari'a law.


What remains of the larger Christian majority?


Secular humanism is taking root as denominational breakdown of faith observant Americans is occurring in every county nationwide. Baptists, Catholics and other Christian denominations in the USA are failing just as they did in Europe leaving behind vacant hallowed spaces to be filled with strict Islamic teaching.


If we continue to remove the biblical laws that define our existence from court houses and embrace shari'a law…….. How much longer before we look like London in flames or one of the Stone Age Muslim countries?

 “WE THE PEOPLE” of the United States of America must decide what our founding fathers meant by “Freedom of Religion”. Could they have meant secular humanism “freedom from Religion” where anything goes or Islam the strictest cult[4] known to man?

My namesake; Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wondered if we could survive as a nation if we did not teach our children about religion and morality as restraints upon the liberal sensual desires of freemen.

The central question of 2012 is how do we define Religion? 

Comment by david weed on September 2, 2011 at 8:14am
Al Qaeda translated correctly means "the data base". It was the file used by the CIA that held all the info on assets and money transfers through Pakistan to the Northern Alliance fighting the Russians alongside CIA operatives. After ten years, it as been proven that explosives [ Thermite, Thermate, and Nano-Thermite] were used to bring down the towers. It has also been proven that Israeli Mossad was also involved in the demolition of the towers. Their agents were found throughout New York City with vans that either contained explosives or the residue of explosives. The agents were sent home to Israel on visa violations and it was buried under the rug by our government. The Al-Qaeda boogie man has been brought out whenever needed to justify the loss of our Constitutional rights and justify un-Constitutional wars. Al-Qaeda exists only as CIA/Mossad controlled assets to be used in the regime change currently going on in the middle east. The evil men you speak of can be found at the Council On Foreign Relations the secretive group behind much of our government top officials and many of the sources of info you are using. As for demonstrations in Washington, I bring you back to the "terrorists" that founded this country and gave us our Constitution. It is our duty to demonstrate against tyrannical governments and it is the people who are supposed to keep government from getting out of control. Fear mongering is just another way to control people so they don't band together and reign in government. May God give YOU and WE THE PEOPLE the strength we sheep need to take back our country from those traitors DOMESTIC and FOREIGN that are destroying it. It is not Angels we need to "Protect US" from some imaginary boogieman, it is knowledge and courage to band together as citizens to fight those that will take away this glorious country if we let them. There are more of us than there are of them. And finally, by all means look at the videos and photos of 911, ALL OF THEM and learn the truth about who and why 3000+ were murdered in cold blood or are dying from the dust at ground zero. [ 2/3 of the towers had asbestos fire proofing and explosive thermitic residue was also found in the dust]  And don't forget the smoking gun, Building Seven.
Comment by jerome w clampitt on September 2, 2011 at 8:11am
Sooo true..... America is asleep at the wheel.......

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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