Posted by Danny Jeffrey on July 9, 2012 at 4:28am
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This will undoubtedly be the most unusual essay that I have ever published, for it was never meant to be an essay at all.
I have a brilliant internet friend who occasionally leaves a comment on some of my work. For reasons of his own, that I will not question, he identifies himself to the public only as "Anonymous". He has a way with words, a use of logic, and a grasp of the harsh realities we face that few can equal. We both see a future of civil strife and a collapse of all that we have long held to be the norm. Neither of us shun reality, nor do we embrace wishful thinking, choosing instead to face whatever tomorrow brings head on.
Being the person that I am I could not live with myself feeling that I had not done everything in my power to head off the coming crisis. To that end I penned a thesis I called "A Change Of Tactics." In it I expressed my belief that our media ranks among our greatest dangers and proposed that the conservatives of this nation engage them, instead of simply leaving comments on Face Book regarding the media's Progressive agenda. This current essay is my friends reply to that article, followed by my return comment. After reading it over in its entirety I realized that I would never again be able to state my views any better, and so I place before you the naked thoughts of two American Patriots.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A CHANGE OF TACTICS."
I'm sorry but the media is entrenched and will not change its stripes, even if it goes bankrupt in the process. Soros and others of his ilk would prop it up. Knowledge is spun these days into a political yarn where the truth finds itself the recipient of the proverbial "dirt nap." (I like mob movies)
Danny's an optimist who still believes the day of reckoning can be avoided and overcome if we could just reach enough people and educate them.
After the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare I believe the day of reckoning is here and that a political solution is no longer possible. If Roberts could turn on us who can we trust in Washington?
The Conservative Movement is split between the Tea Party People and the go along to get along Republican moderates. If the Tea Party ever breaks from the Republican Party it will split the Conservative vote and regulate the Conservative movement to regional movement and no longer a nationwide movement (to the left's glee)
The game would be up and the only choices left would be acceptance of a Socialist America or to pick up your weapons and revolt and hope at best we could win and restore the Constitution or at worst secede from the blue states.
To tell you the truth I would take either at this point.
I just don't believe the average voter is informed, nor wants to be. He doesn't understand what the national debt is or how catastrophic it could potentially be, all he hears from the media is the vitriol coming out of Washington and how the Tea Party Republicans want to trample the poor, infirm, and elderly.
The system is so corrupt, so broken that the average voter has either tuned out or is waiting for the debates to make a decision (which I fund funny because if you need a debate to figure out where you stand these days then God help you)
I liken the current political situation to a tight football game that is tied late in the fourth quarter with two teams that hate each other. We right wingers have been pushed back to our goal line. If we don't make a stop here we lose ... we lose everything.
I have been trying to pull myself away from politics but Danny's blogs always seem to draw me in and I just can't help myself.
My answer to my anonymous friend:
Sadly, I must agree with your every word. As to being an optimist, I stand guilty as charged. I write in the hope that my fellow man might read my discourse and heed the dangers I foretell, while always hoping that I am wrong. My essay about our media has been but my grasping at one final straw. It is no more than a desperate gambit one might utilize standing four moves from checkmate, or a forlorn cry in a darkened wilderness, seeking sanity in a world gone totally mad.
I cannot help but agree that a final crumbling of society is imminent, that civil strife is about to become our next of kin, and six thousand years of progress are about to tumble headlong in the abyss. So many are now speaking words of prophecy as they pray for divine intervention. I cannot believe that the Divinity will intercede in our follies, but will remain aloof, perhaps troubled, or perchance even slightly amused as we go our foolish way, forsaking dreams and abandoning the futures of our posterity.
Humanity has been provided with such an abundance wealth and so foolishly do we squander it.
Nations rise and nations fall, and all mankind follows suit as we pursue our own chosen philosophies unto their ultimate outcome. Even knowing this to be part of the cycles that govern the destiny of the human race, my optimism remains intact, for man is resilient and many are they who simply cannot look up until they have reached the very bottom of the pit of existence. The ultimate goal of socialism is always the total despair awaiting us at the bottom of our fall from grace.
Were I to live a thousand years my my hope for man's ultimate triumph would remain intact, but for one great fear that gnaws at my soul. Riding abreast my optimism is a pale horse known as Islam, and it may perhaps be the key that triggers the final cycle in the rise and fall of empires and the aspiration of the human race. This cult of death in their madness may end humanity's reach for the stars and bring our dreams crashing to Earth before us. They may well be the ultimate evil that ends our quest for the stars forever.
The ancient Greeks knew a dark age historians refer to as the Dorian invasion. They went several hundred years without the written word, but in time found their way back to the light. Later Rome fell and mankind was once again plunged into an nether world of darkness and superstition. It was science that finally dispelled that darkness and gave birth to a new age of humanity, but that rebirth left the people of Allah in their own private dark age from which they have never exited.
Ronald Reagan warned of a thousand years of darkness and many times have I echoed his concern, but he based that warning on the dread premise of an encroaching socialism. At the time he had no reason to factor the forces of Allah into his fears for mankind, and until now the possibility of an final age of darkness has never occurred to me.
Now this modern day following of a blood thirsty warlord of the past walk defiantly among us. They are outsiders who welcome us not in our own countries. They regard us to be the interlopers in our homelands for they believe that all the Earth was granted to them by Allah, and those who do not accept their ways of a life, which is ruled by the shroud of death, must be trampled underfoot in their continuing march into darkness.
Islam, not socialism, is the greatest danger the human race must face. Socialism is a danger to freedom while Allah and his own remains a danger to our very existence.
The Soviet Union fell apart in less than a century. Russia is now once again gaining in power but to do so it had to grant many freedoms to its citizens. Islam grants nothing! It is the way of Allah or it is death. Muslims have long been as poverty stricken as were the Russian peasants, and yet they have endured for fourteen hundred years, living in fear of their dreadful god and relishing death as the ultimate escape. Now they increase in numbers while feeding on our generosity, and as we provide for their swelling population they plot our demise.
They are a strong, incomprehensible, and a rigid people, while we are meek and forgiving, and they disallow our science as they flourish among us. The people of Islam scorn knowledge and embrace only the obsessions of a madman of long ago, and now, we have brought them as a scourge among us.
Barring the Islamic influence, I would predict that a social and economic collapse of the nations of the West would be fairly short lived. We have so many billions of books worldwide and the knowledge contained in them would aid us in a return to a civilized world. That will not be the case in nations where Muslims are established. When civilization falls they will feel victorious, confident that Allah is granting them triumph over the infidels, and they will attack in force. England and Europe already tremble before them fearing the wrath of the Muslim horde, and America is not far behind.
This need not come to pass, but the only thing that will stop it will be the patriots of America, if there are enough, who are willing to stand up for freedom as did those of 1776.
This is not my first essay born of the thoughts of "Anonymous." There is yet another entitled "Where Liberty Is Buried In An Unmarked Grave". It too is grim, but appropriate as we live in a grim age. It is a foreshadowing of thing to come. I cannot help but feel that both this man and I are descendants of Cassandra of Troy. To those who dare look, we present our thoughts well. To those who choose not to see...Look away.
Recommended Reading...
Anthem by Ayn Rand ... A free online copy of her view of a possible future
Islam...Disconnected From Logic
The Muslim Brotherhood In America...A ten part free course by Frank Gaffney
We Are Not Doomed ...More of my optimism
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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