ONCE AGAIN IT IS TIME TO FLOOD THE PHONES AND THE EMAIL ACCOUNTS OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS. PLEASE PLEASE MAKE CONTACT. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A "RACIST OR ISLAMOPHOPIC" as we have often been called. This has everything to do with placing someone in a government position who has a known CAIR connection. This is all about making SMART decisions and hiring people of great integrity and nothing else. We will not let our stand for ethical leadership be twisted into something ugly. We stand on principles of honor.
Jacksonville, FL council backs returning ex-CAIR chairman to Human Rights Commission
A Jacksonville City Council committee voted Tuesday to confirm reappointing Parvez Ahmed to the city’s Human Rights Commission.
The vote by the Rules Committee clears the way for a decision by the full council next week, although the 4-3 split of the panel showed divisions remain.
Backers cheered the vote as a step to lay to rest local debates about Muslim values that began when Ahmed, a former national chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was first appointed to the commission in 2010.
“I think it was a terrific decision on the part of the council … to move forward,” said Celeste Krueger, executive director of OneJax, an interfaith group that had supported Ahmed’s reappointment.
Ahmed, who was born in India, is a University of North Florida finance professor.
Rules Chairman Clay Yarborough had said he would defer a committee vote for two weeks so the decision could coincide with action on legislation to shrink the 20-seat commission to 11 members.
But Councilman John Crescimbeni appealed that during the committee meeting, gathering four of the seven committee votes to go ahead without delay.
In addition to Crescimbeni, the reappointment was supported by Lori Boyer, Warren Jones and Jim Love. Voting no were Yarborough, Ray Holt and Robin Lumb.
Critics, who spoke at last two full council meetings, had argued Ahmed was too supportive of Muslim sensibilities — and was willing to curtail free speech by supporting laws that would restrict comments considered blasphemous. Some critics also said the Council on American-Islamic Relations had been a front for terrorist-aligned groups, a premise that others dismissed.
Clearly those others are clueless. No less than a federal judge has ruled that CAIR is a front for Hamas. The FBI has also banned meetings with CAIR.
Lumb said he had wanted to ask Ahmed about his commitment to free speech and was frustrated that other council members voted to act that day.
From our post the last time Jacksonville sided with sharia, via this 2006 Powerline report:
Who is Parvez Ahmed? Ahmed was a prominent supporter of Sami Al-Arian[page now deleted], the convicted terrorist financier and head of the North American branch of the terrorist Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Ahmed called for Al-Arian’s release before he pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges, admitting that the government’s allegation that he was the head of the North American branch of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Attend the City Council meeting this coming Tuesday night the 26th at City Hall. 5PM.. Show your support in OPPOSITION of this appointment.
Please contact City Council members and tell them NO to the vote of Ahmed to the Human Rights Council.
Additional information can be found on previous blogs on this issue.
The following letter can be copied or you can write your own letter but please take the time to make contact and let Governor Scott know your feelings as related to his decision related to the states participation in the Federal Medicaid program as defined in the "Obamacare" mandate.
Dear Governor Scott:
Florida's taxpayers cannot be expected to foot the bill for everyone in the state who doesn't have healthcare. And you know, better than anyone else, that is exactly what will happen in a year or two when the Federal Government runs out of money and leaves us holding the bag. That is exactly what you said you would not allow to happen to Florida's taxpayers when you courted our vote. So.....what happened? Did you get too much heat from DC? Or from the healthcare lobby and AARP?
If you truly understand that Obamacare is the demise of the private health care system - which, yes, needs some reform - and the beginning of socialized medicine which will degrade the quality of healthcare in this state and country, then how can you even entertain the thought of doing what you're doing? The states hold all the power - the power to stop Obamacare. Without the state exchanges, the Feds will have to implement Obamacare and they don't have the manpower. As employers continue to cut back employees' hours or stop providing healthcare altogether, they will choose to pay the penalty for not providing healthcare. Individuals, too, will opt for paying the penalty, as it is much cheaper than purchasing health insurance - they'll purchase for a catastrophic event, then drop once they've been taken care of. This will cause the private healthcare system to collapse. As more people are forced onto the government single-payer system, that too will collapse because it's simply unsustainable. Taxpayers will eventually run out of money and, to add salt to the wound, we'll be on the hook for a defunct system.
Let's stand with those states who understand the power of State Sovereignty - we must demand that the Feds keep their hands out of the way we do things here in Florida. Let's keep government local - let Floridians remain in control of what happens to us. I really thought you stood for smaller government. Please consider what you're doing to the taxpayers and to our great State.
Very truly yours,
Please contact Gov. Scott via the number and link below:
Governor Rick Scott 850-488-7146
The response from other Florida leaders was swift.
Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel) released the following statement regarding Governor Scott’s decision on expanding Medicaid:
“Governor Scott has made his decision and I certainly respect his thoughts. However, the Florida Legislature will make the ultimate decision. I am personally skeptical that this inflexible law will improve the quality of healthcare in our state and ensure our long-term financial stability.
The House of Representatives has a bipartisan select committee that is currently meeting regularly on this issue. I look forward to the recommendations that our select committee will bring forth in the next few weeks. I am confident that our actions will be based on principle and rooted in facts.”
Senate President Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) released the following statement:
“The Senate Select Committee on PPACA is in the process of completing its thorough review of state options associated with federal health care reform. Senator Joe Negron, Chair of our PPACA Select Committee, anticipates that the committee will complete its work and be prepared to offer recommendations for consideration by the full Senate towards the beginning of the 2013 Session. I’m eager to read their recommendations and look forward to working with our partners in the House and with Governor Scott on the right solution for Florida.”
Americans for Prosperity-Florida’s State Director Slade O’Brien had the following comments:
“Governor Scott’s announcement today is extremely disappointing. Governor Scott had been a national leader in the fight against President Obama’s healthcare takeover. He was elected because of his principled conservative leadership against ObamaCare’s overreach, and led the charge, with Attorney General Pam Bondi, to take ObamaCare to the Supreme Court. But today he came out in support of the Medicaid expansion he vowed to oppose.
“At every level of government, it is too easy for politicians to spend other people’s money. For far too long, states have fallen for the promises of “free” federal money ignoring the insidious federal strings and the long-term effects on state budgets. Florida’s Medicaid program already costs the taxpayers more than $20 billion a year, and the financial burden will only grow if a million new people are added to the program. Hopefully our legislative leaders will not follow in Governor Scott’s footsteps and will reject expansion of this broken system.”
Please contact your state representatives via the link below and again let them know how you feel about Gov.Scott's decison and the expansion of Medicaid in Florida.
Once again it is time to reach out and let our ELECTED OFFICIALS know that we do not expect their actions once elected to be in direct conflict with what was promised as they were on the campaign trail. We expect to have their promises honored. We will no longer be silent and will call out their actions every time they are in conflict with their promises.
Thank you for acting on these issues
May God Bless You and may GOD BLESS OUR AMERICA!
Amanda i believe he was cleared of all charges. after he sold his health care part of the buiness that's when the fraud happened. i might be wrong. but as far as this last stunt i think he his playing politics and i don't am tired of the lies and games. where are all the real people who stand behind there word? and jax. lost another fight in city hall with this terroist who got voted in again. here comes sharia law ladies.
Hey guys, the police always say follow the money. The payoff to Scott was that he would get to try and privatize Medicaid, a payoff to the health industry. Who benefits from that?? Who in this state operates stand alone health care clinics that could serve these 900,000 people? Who could that be?
This guy stole a billion dollars from Medicare before, do you think anything has changed?
I agree he said it was because his mother died and then it is for political reasons from what i understand. if this is the case this man is not standing on his princibles that he promised. all we can all do is contact his office and let him know how you feel. this country is being run without a leader for the first time ever even during Carter.
And do we truly believe that Florida will opt out if a Democrat is sitting in the governor's mansion in 3 years? This is why we can no longer afford to compromise with our principles and positions. Compromise and retreat are the reasons why we are in this national quagmire. The incrementalism of the Left depends on taking one step at a time, chipping away at the Foundation. This reversal only strengthens the power of the Progressive Dems and the Teleprompter Emperor. HOLD THE LINE.
Just read a long e-mail trying to "white wash" Scott's reversal. Sorry. It won't work. Scott keeps saying that Florida can opt out of the Obamacare Medicare Expansion after 3 years. Get real! Name one politician that would agree to that after it's in place and end up losing votes.
Thank You, Leanne God bless her she did do that. I called and left my opinon just for the hech of it. To MR. Scott I hope more Americans did the same. Lets raise heck.
Scott only does what Scott wants to do.
He is a liberal undercover to help take over the world Order
Sent my very curt e-mail to Gov. Scott today about his betrayal. Leanne has made that easy to send one! We can only hope Scott's actions will be his undoing.
Did it! We the people are not dead and buried yet!
ok Americans lets get to work and do what you can. every little bit helps no matter what it is. phone call e mail whatever just do it if you can. MS. King we will contact city council again.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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