ACTION ITEM: K-12 Instructional Materials SB1210 and HB989 Click to send your letters


The Report Card

Florida Citizens Alliance

Florida Citizens Alliance New Objectionable Materials Report

  By Bill Korach   

This morning I spoke with Keith Flaugh of Florida Citizens Alliance who is supporting House bill HB 989 and its companion in the Senate SB 1210 are now working their way through the legislative process. The Florida Citizens’ Alliance (FLCA) is a coalition of citizens and grassroots groups working together through education, outreach and community involvement to advance the ideals and principles of liberty.  They believe these include but are not limited to individual rights, free markets, and limited government. Mr. Flaugh said his group is very concerned about school materials that indoctrinate students against American principals and support leftist thought. These bills support local control of curriculum materials and include a detailed report of objectionable materials.


In 2014 SB 864 (FS 1006.283) was the K-12 Curriculum Bill signed into law by Governor Scott in July of 2014. Its purpose was to:
– Assign each school board the constitutional responsibility to select and provide adequate instructional materials.
–  Require each district to create a transparent review policy/process allowing parents to review instructional materials and raise objections if the material was not accurate or was objectionable.
–  Allow School districts to implement their own selection and acquisition programs as an alternative to buying from the State approved lists.


However, Mr. Flaugh stated that virtually every school district ignored the law and parents remain mostly in the dark about materials that are indoctrinating their children. As a result, HB 989 and SB 1210 are drafted to force school districts to close the loop holes.

According to Mr. Flaugh the bill will:

   – Require that each District School Board shall implement a transparent Policy/Process within their
District whether they acquire from the State list or create their individual acquisition program.
– Provide a definition of quality materials and require all materials meet Florida existing laws
Tighten the definition of instructional materials to include “on-line” materials.
– Give each District School Board greater flexibility to use instructional materials that meet
        or exceed current Florida Standards.
    – Expand a parent’s right to object to include the rights of taxpayers.

Bottom Line: This law will empower parents and community taxpayers a meaningful seat at the table to significantly improve the quality of instructional materials in public schools.


Definition of quality materials spelled out in SB 1210 and HB 989
When passed into law, these Instructional Materials companion bills will restore local control of curriculum to each school district, give a meaningful voice to parents and the local community in the selection process for instructional materials, and require instructional materials used in the classroom meet the following criteria:

a. Be research-based, and be proven to be effective in supporting student learning

  1. Provide a non-inflammatory, objective, and balanced viewpoint on issues
  2. Be appropriate to the students’ ages and varying levels of learning
  3. Be accurate and factual
  4. Be of acceptable technical quality
  5. Shall strictly adhere to the requirements of Florida Statute 1003.42(2) US Constitutional Founding values and principles
  6. Not contain pornography or sexually explicit content as is otherwise prohibited by Florida Statute 847.012(3).

For Mr. Korach's full article

 The Florida Citizens Alliance (FCA)has been in the forefront of combating Common Core and objectionable materials that plague the classroom like an unstoppable virus. FCA have issued a new report that every family should read titled the Florida Curriculum Assessment.

The 11 page report describes six categories of objectionable materials:


The 6 categories are:
1. English Language Arts
2. Pornography
3. Reconstructed History and
Advanced Placement US History
4. Religious Indoctrination
5. Political Indoctrination
6. Common Core Math Methodologies

Rep. Lee is sponsoring HB 989 that will require all county school districts to make materials available for families to review. The bill in being considered in this current legislative session and just in time because there are some materials in place that should not be in schools. Here are just a few quotes:

1. English Language Arts:

 “English 3 :Florida Collections– by Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt Published-2013, is a collection of short stories. The overwhelming content of these types of stories and victimization, racism and bigotry are not teaching our children to be good citizens, but victims of an oppressive culture and with moral values that “anything goes”.

2. Pornography

 These materials are available beginning with 6th graders:

 “One Example: Title: Beautiful Bastard, Author: Christina Lauren


I have XXX'd out words.

“He leaned close enough to bite my shoulder, whispering, ‘You XXXXXXX tease.” Unable to get close enough, I quickened my pace on his zipper, shoving his pants and his boxers to the floor. .. etc. etc. etc.  

I am sorry, I could not make myself add the rest of this item.

3. Revisionist History

 “Modern World History, 9th Grade Teacher Edition Year: 2013

Author: Holt McDougal Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

The most objectionable portions of the book were the sections on the American Revolution and Founding Principles. In the discussion of the Articles of Confederation, the commentary distorts the extensive back and forth between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

-no mention of the 13 colonies declaring their independence as 13 independent Nation States, each with powers of the other nations states of Britain, France, etc.

-no mention of the US Constitution being a legal document that created the federal government
-No mention that the federal government was a product of this legal compact and not a signer or ratifier of the compact. -No mention that this legal compact delegated only 18 well-defined and very limited powers in Article 1, sec 8
– Minimal mention of the extensive debates that led to the Bill of Rights and particularly why we have a 9th and 10thamendment.
– Grossly miss-represented the Federalist position/Stating  “colonial leaders eventually recognized the need for a strong national government” –Not true- our Constitution was carefully crafted to limit federal government powers!”

 I have added the following four (4) categories with introduction highlights

4. Religious Indoctrination

The 25 Books with unacceptable Islamic religious indoctrination were found in 64 of the 67 Florida Counties.These other books have been validated in Collier, Lee and Marion County so far. Similar reviews in other counties are in process. The likelihood is very high they exist through-out many of the districts because they all buy from the same sources.
Citizens For National Security was successful at getting several books taken out or revised by the publisher in Palm Beach County back in 2012. But this effort did not extend to the other counties.

5. Political Indoctrination in US History
These books validated in Collier, Lee and Marion County so far. Similar
reviews in other
counties are in process. The likelihood is very high they exist through-out many of the districts because they all buy from the same sources.
Two of many examples:

What is it to be an American?
Collier 8th Grade Classroom Exercise
Collier 8
The grade classroom exercise. It highlights the statement that ‘anyone who wants to be an American already is.’ This is clearly a one world globalist bias.
Here is the link to the 2 pages in the book.
the link to the video, minute mark 1.58.
Capitalism vs Socialism
2 page very biased comparison toward Socialism
6. Common Core Math
By Its Designer ( Jason Zimba) And By Dr James
Milgram (Math Standards Expert)
Jason Zimba Interacts With Dr. Sandra Stotsky: Zimba readily admits
Common Core Math doesn’t prepare a student for STEM, in fact only for a 2 year college.
Two Videos With James Milgram Talking About The Effects Of Common Core:
The US Is Already Ranked In The Mid-Twenties Internally
With The Average Student At An 8th Grade Level. In Florida, The FL DOE
Just Released A Report That Only 26% Of Our 8th Grade Students
Are Proficient At An 8th Grade Level.
Dr. James Milgram,
 Responsible For Outstanding Math Standards In California
Has Testified Across The County
That Common Core Math Will Lower The Average Student Math
Proficiency By Two Grade Levels
Yes Really!

 Below is the link for further information on the categories identified above:
The Florida Citizen’s Alliance is working with parents and other community groups to establish minimum quality standards for instructional materials used in our Florida public schools.  Virtually every other industry has minimum quality standards, but textbook publishers have essentially none, and are improperly profiting off the damaging of America’s youth. Instructional Materials bills SB 1210 and HB 989 are intended to change this. We have made progress on moving these bills forward, and have previously asked you to take some action to continue the momentum. Your actions are having an effect, but we must continue the push.

When passed, these companion bills will empower parents and other taxpayers to review all textbooks and on-line materials, and effectively challenge factually inaccurate instructional materials (materials that do not present balanced viewpoints on issues), as well as other instructional materials that contain age-inappropriate sexually explicit material that violates existing Florida Laws.

Most importantly, HB 989 and SB 1210 will restore local control of curriculum to each school district, give a meaningful voice to parents and the local community in the selection process for instructional materials.

Currently, instructional materials are riddled with political and religious indoctrination, revisionist history, and age-inappropriate pornography. Purchased at taxpayer expense, these materials teach our children that European Socialism is better than free markets and that the government is the answer to every problem. They make use of sexually explicit material which tears down family values.


Use the following link to send your message to your legislative members.

“It isn't a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state's goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government's propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They'll fasten the chains to their own ankles.”
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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