Last Friday I sent a communication asking you to contact your Representative asking them to vote NO on HB-5 (The Student Success Act) that would replace No Child Left Behind. It has now been determined that not only will the House be voting on HB5 tomorrow but they are voting on S-227 as well. (This is a FEDERAL DATA MINING BILL). This bill was passed in the SENATE – LAST YEAR. We need to make contact again and tell them to vote NO on this bill as well.
The Pros and Cons of S-227 are clearly defined in the article below:
Common Core - Red Alert Update
Tomorrow is the last chance to stop Common Core at the federal level. We need to overwhelm the Congressional switchboard as we have done in the past. Below is additional information on the Senate data mining bill S-277. Please call your US Representative and Senator tonight or tomorrow morning.
A paragraph on HB-5
As you likely know, the Obama administration dangled waivers to No Child Left Behind in order to get states to adopt Common Core. While it will take state action to totally get rid of Common Core in Florida, up until now there was very little to do at the federal level, until now. The NCLB bill is up for re- authorization and unfortunately the reauthorization bill that just passed out of committee, HR-5 "Student Success Act", doesn't go nearly far enough to make needed reforms. A better alternative is the A-Plus Act which allows states to opt out and instead block grants funds to the states with no strings (A-PLUS is 12 pages vs. HR-5's 616 pages of mandates! Another alternative is the LEARN Act which also allows opting out of NCLB and returns the tax money to the states.
NOW S-277
The federal data mining bill S-277 is also being heard on Tommorrow, Feb. 25th! If you oppose federal overreach in education. S-227 (Strengthening Education through Research Act or SETRA) reauthorizes the 2002 Education Sciences Reform Act (ESRA) that has been very problematic because it started the concept of state longitudinal databases, stepped around the prohibition of a national database by creating "national cooperative education statistics systems," allowed personally identifiable information to go to international agencies, and removed the previous penalties of fines and imprisonment for misusing individual student data. SETRA continues or worsens all of that. It is the Big Brother is watching our Kids Act.
PLEASE ASK YOUR US REPRESENTATIVE TO VOTE NO HR-5 AND S-227. They need to support the A-Plus-Act or the Learn Act.
Ways to take ACTION:
This is probably the easiest way to make contact.;...(If you use this feature be sure to add your request for a NO vote on S-227)
EMAIL your HOUSE REP (link below and copy and paste my info below)
Go to and OPPOSE THIS BILL! ( Be sure to mention S-227 here as well)
For More information please read:
Heritage Action articles: Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind: The Student Success Act (H.R. 5) and A-PLUS: A Conservative Alternative to NCLB
This is the link to the communication that I had sent on Friday related to HB5 should you wish to reference it
Please call tonight or early tomorrow. Time is of the essence.
I do apologize for the very late notice and appreciate your attention to this matter.
If nothing else capture your Representatives phone number, call them tomorrow and just tell them that you expect them to vote NO!! on both HB-5 and S-227.. FOR THE CHILDREN.
God Bless You and May God Bless Our America.
UPDATE: 2/27...…/house-republican-leaders-scr…
Yes. WE DID IT!!! for everyone that sent emails make calls and tweeted you have something to be proud of today. But eyes wide open it may come back. Congratulations
In the news this morning:
Truth in American Education |
Posted: 24 Feb 2015 08:38 AM PST Washington, D.C.–American Principles in Action is calling on Congress to oppose S.227, the Strengthening Education through Research Act (SETRA), which would violate the privacy of millions of students and parents. SETRA is scheduled to be voted on Wednesday, February 25th in the U.S. House—even though the Senate has not yet voted on the bill. Congressional leadership intends to call a vote on the matter in both the House and the Senate this week, despite neither body holding a hearing on the bill. “SETRA is dangerous legislation that would expand federal psychological profiling of children through expanding research on ‘social and emotional learning,’” said Jane Robbins, Senior Fellow at American Principles in Action. “It would facilitate sharing of education statistics across states and agencies. It would continue to rely on the now-gutted FERPA statute to protect student data. SETRA must be defeated to protect student privacy rights.” Emmett McGroarty, Director of Education at American Principles in Action, said, “Leadership is betraying the Constitution and the American people by rushing this bill through. Having so blithely disrespected the American people, it is difficult to see how they will ever regain their trust.” American Principles in Action’s concerns with SETRA are three-fold: 1.) SETRA reauthorizes ESRA, the Education Sciences Reform Act, first passed in 2002, which facilitates intrusive data collection on students. ESRA began the idea of state longitudinal databases, which created the structure that would facilitate a de facto national student database. ESRA also eliminated previous penalties for sharing and otherwise misusing student data. 2.) SETRA allows for psychological profiling of our children, raising serious privacy concerns. Section 132, page 28 of SETRA: “…and which may include research on social and emotional learning, and the acquisition of competencies and skills, including the ability to think critically, solve complex problems, evaluate evidence, and communicate effectively…” This means the federal government will continue to promote collection of students’ psychological information. APIA does not support allowing the federal government to maintain psychological dossiers on our children. 3.) SETRA depends on FERPA to protect student privacy, legislation that is now outdated and has been gutted by regulation. FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, passed in 1974, and is no longer sufficient to protect student privacy in the age of technology. Even worse, the Obama Administration gutted FERPA so that it no longer offers the protections it once did. American Principles In Action is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to preserving and propagating the fundamental principles on which our country was founded. It aims to return our nation to an understanding that governance via these timeless principles will strengthen us as a country. For further information or to schedule an interview with Jane Robbins or Emmett McGroarty, please contact Kate Bryan at American Principles in Action at 202-503-2010 or
The post APIA Blasts Congressional Leadership for Attempting to Ram Child Data Collection Bill Through Congress appeared first on Truth in American Education. |
Thank you so much for the news about Congressman DeSantis !! I appreciate knowing that you reached out and what the response was..
Some good news! Congressman Ron DeSantis' office confirmed with me today that the Congressman will not be voting for HB-5. Also he is a co-sponsor for the A-PLUS Act.
I forgot credits: Karen Jorach and The Tea Party Network.ORG. Our thanks to both for keeping us in the "know"
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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