If you didn’t turn your clocks back last night, you are one of the lucky ones! You just now realized you have been given one more hour of time and what a precious gift that is.

I had a long day under the covers yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well and the chill in the air kept me on the couch with fuzzy blankets, a snuggling cat, and a day of watching movies in between much needed sleep. I turned on the television and Back to the Future was showing and for some reason I landed on that station and stayed there. It was a melancholy time as I thought about the first time I saw that movie with my young children of 5 and 6 who are now grown and married.

The first film tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager in 1985 who is accidentally sent back in time to 1955. He befriends his parents in high school, uncomfortably attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must fix the damage to history that his appearance back in time has caused. He must get his parents to fall in love again and the only way to do it is to get them on the dance floor at the prom where the magical kiss that helped them fall in love must take place.

If they do not kiss, Marty and his brother and sister will not exist and history will have changed forever. As Marty waits for his parents to kiss, he is playing a guitar and watching a picture of his family little by little change through the disappearance of his brother, his sister and finally Marty is about to disappear too. At the last minute, they kiss and the family is restored and renewed and Marty finds his way back to the future.

As I watched his family disappearing in that photo, I thought of America. Strange, I know…but that’s me. I always look for signs and this one showed up.

This past Tuesday, Election Day, we were given time. Had the people not stood up, rallied against tyranny, and voted for the Republic – the America we know and love might have disappeared. Because we did stand up, we have time to regain our standing in the world and regroup as a nation.

There is a lot of work to do. Tuesday did not signal the end of the fight. It was just one battle and there will be many more. Those who wanted the Republic to die are not going away quietly. They believe in their mission as much as we believe in ours.

As the new Congress takes the keys (and the mallet) from the old, our job is to hold them accountable to the seats we gave them. History was made last Tuesday night and we will continue to make history as we hold them accountable – an idea very new in America and something very needed!

How can we do that? We have our ideas and we are anxious to hear from you. Let us know what you think needs to be done to hold Congress accountable and list them below. We will capture your ideas and along with others, we will have the blueprint for our recovery.

We’re not OUTATIME and it will take all of us pulling together with our talents, expertise and our personal, devoted time to take us back to our future.


Views: 55


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 9, 2010 at 9:58pm
John, that is what this wonderful president is doing with the health care bill and in fact, it is his mode of operation pretty much with everything. Medicare aside, seniors will, as the president proudly said, be at the back of the line. Not treated equally, but treated differently because of their age. Doctors starting in 2013 will be told what options they have for treatment for all patients, and if they do what is in the best interest of the patient or treat the patient at all differently than they are told to (or act in the best interests of their patient instead of the cost effective way), the first time they do it will cost them $100,000 in fines and the second time they go to jail for it, because it will be a crime. They, as one doctor said, will be required to lie to their patients. Starting in 2013 treatments will be determined by a formula based on age and expected life expectancy. Treatments will be limited or totally eliminated depending on what some bureaucrat in Washington determines from some little formula they will use decides and not your doctor.

John, what you said about seniors being dependent is so much hog wash. My husband and I have paid into this system for more than 45 years for me and over 50 years for my husband. We did not put this system together. The government did that and took our money to pay for it and I might add a great deal of money every month. I understand all the socialists that put these together (and I will throw the health care bill Obama just got passed in the mix as well) are nothing more than ponzi schemes, but they took money for literally years and years and then, managed to get the money put in the general fund and spent most of it. John, I have made a good many hard decisions already, but I think I already said that didn't I. I might also say you always play the devils advocate about every single thing you comment on. I understand hard decisions have to be made, but it doesn't mean I have to like being played a fool for 40 or 50 years by the federal government. The money isn't coming out of their wallet after all. If they hadn't stolen the money from me and a whole lot of other people to start with, they wouldn't be in this mess would they?
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 9, 2010 at 3:12pm
You are exactly right about there being another Obama. Evil never gives up. Previous generations were so busy fighting the enemy overseas, they never dreamed it could be right here within our own borders. Hopefully we can educate our children and grandchildren to love freedom more than anything and to do a better job of being watchmen over our country in the future.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 9, 2010 at 3:05pm
Oh not to worry, we have made sacrifices already. We spent years doing without vacations, not going to fancy restaurants, not hiring people to do the grunt work but doing it ourselves and not buying nice clothes to save for our retirement which Mr. Benache is about to wipe out part of. We are the folks the Obamas' of this world hate who actually worked to be self sufficient, and at the very point, where all our sacrifices should be paying off, this wacko in the white house has decided we are the enemy, because we don't want him to destroy what we have spent a lifetime working for and even worse take it and give it to someone he feels deserves it more. The saddest thing for me is that Donald is almost 70 and they still take social security out of his pay.

Valarie, my point is, there will be another Obama. Mark my words. I may not be around for the next one, but if the ground work is not laid now to allow for holding someone like Obama accountable or even removing them from office for violating their oath to office and the laws of our country, the next one will be worse. He will be worse anyway. Obama learned from Clinton and knew he had to push stuff through as fast as he could (he didn't care what it did to the country or our economy while he pushed through HIS agenda). The next one will take a lesson from both Clinton and Obama, and I am glad I won't be around for him or her. And the same pie in the sky people will follow the chants and elect them. Laws have to be in place to stop them from doing what this guy did against the will of the majority, all these departments that one president after another have formed must be dismantled and power and the money they are collecting returned to the states. The federal government must be held accountable only for those things the constitution says they are responsible for and they must be smacked back hard the first time they try going beyond that. The problem is, they have never had that happen. We have just been complacent and said oh yes, that's a good idea and let them do it. Social security should never have been, medicare should never have been, the EPA should never have been, the federal board of education should not exist and on and on. With out all these departments (and heaven knows this monster has added more), Obama could not have done what he did, and that network has to go. All of it. It won't happen overnight, but it must happen. The power has to be returned to the states where the founders meant it to be. And before you go oh no. Nothing says the head of the department of education from each of the states can't have conferences and inplement programs across the states (but it sure will make it harder to mess with the text books won't it? And the states will have the money they now fork over to the feds). Nothing says they can't protect the environment; I am just saying we can't have the federal government control the main department and dictate to the states; the heads of these departments must be in the the states. None of the things I have mentioned (and far more) should never have been allowed at the federal level, because it gave them too much power and certainly more power than we can allow them to keep (just because of the Obamas of this world or the Soros of this world). It's kind of like the tea party; whose the leader really? Hard to pin something down to corrupt it if you can't find the head. The founders said we had to remain vigilent and we didn't. But now, there is a great deal to undo, and if the current bunch won't do it, then, different people will have to be elected who will. You just can't leave all this in place for the next would be dictator.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 9, 2010 at 1:52pm
And to think Bill Clinton introduced legislation that for the first time forced Americans to pay taxes on their Social Security income. A tax on a tax! And what's worse.......the American people stood for it!! The last few generations have thrown each subsequent generation under the bus. Nobody cared what the next generation faced, just as long as they got their check, subsidies, tax breaks, deals, etc. John is right in asking the question "what am I willing to sacrifice for the good of the next generation". But It's not enough then to make the sacrifices and do without a perk - like Pat says we have to fix the problem so that we don't ever get in this situation again. My fear is that Americans are too soft at this point (including myself!) to be willing to do any hard sacrificing. We have an entire generation or two who have grown up now depending on the government for just about everything. Look at the shock our 20-somethings and 30-somethings are in right now with this economic downturn. They are going through withdrawals because they have had to turn off cable or because they are having to take their lunch to work or they can't run to Disney every month. God help us if the bottom truly falls out!
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 9, 2010 at 1:41pm
I am sorry you feel that we should sacrifice but leave in place those laws that allow these folks to do this again. Good heavens John just in the last 2 years Obama has decided not to use returned tarp money and the interest against our debt as we were promised. There has to be a point where politicians are held accountable for the government's promises even if they weren't their personal promises. The government is not defined by 1 president; it is defined by many people who have held the office of president. This president sees himself as set apart and not beholden to keeping the promises of the government at all. He wants to wipe the slate clean (throwing millions of people under the bus) and make another whole set of rules that favor only his supporters. We have to have something that says they can't do what they have done to social security again. People paid into the SS fund for years and now, because of what the crooks in Washington have done, many will never see a dime (and most of those who will see nothing are the people that paid in the most and were forced to do so on top of the taxes they already paid which were also more than most others paid in). If you are not angry and looking for a way to stop these folks from ever doing something like this to the American people again, I sure am. I am, in fact, quite a bit beyond angry. And the health care bill took more money from social security to make the numbers all work for the crook in chief.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 9, 2010 at 11:32am
Prosecuting politicians is pretty easy - prosecute the ones who are alive, though if you would like to go over a posthumous prosecution of a politician, so be it :)

And who says we can't have blame AND solutions simultaneously? Why do we punish any crime? It is supposed to be a deterrent to keep others from doing the same. If finally once and for all we should show politicians that they are going to have to answer for their actions, it might make others think twice about how they conduct themselves.
Comment by John Lefoot on November 9, 2010 at 10:22am
Thank you, I am always learning and like in his day if Jesus were to appear before me I'm not sure I would recognize him. I have grown jaded and callused but I do pay attention to the acts more than words that a person does most recent. From time to time my friends and associates have said that I should offer myself up for office. I knew deep inside that I was not the right person so declined maybe it was just fear or laziness. I always felt that there were better man than me. I am one of those people that for fear of being to imperfect didn't even try. I'm trying to do the same, give perspective provide information, and educate. I have information that I have held back because I wanted Rubio to win. I do not wish to upset the apple cart or spoil the victory celebration. Perhaps this is the wrong forum to introduce this information. Although I am agreeing with all that you say this one thing that is true is going to keep me away. Like my friend Robert Burton rburtonv@windstream.net has found out it cost to much to hold an unpopular belief.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 9, 2010 at 9:43am
@John LeFoot, I have heard many people such as yourself make the statement about voting for the lesser of the evils and I heard an excellent reply to that several months ago from a Christian speaker. He said people are always looking for the "perfect candidate", however Jesus is not going to run for office, so there will never be a perfect candidate. As long as we only have flawed human beings to choose from, every candidate is going to have baggage and is going to do things we don't agree with. I have also learned in the last 18 months during my "crash course" on politics that there are always two sides (at least) to every story. Oftentimes an event that we hear about a candidate that we think is a deal breaker isn't being reported factually or completely and once we hear "the rest of the story", we realize that it was a totally different situation than what we thought. So you have to look for candidates who have good values and morals - but that doesn't mean they are always going to make the right decisions, just like those of us in the trenches don't always make the right decisions and choices. Politics is precarious and treacherous and our politicians often go astray and oftentimes not necessarily of their own choosing, but because they were fed bad information, etc. What we want are men and women who can learn from their mistakes and grow in their wisdom in handling elected office. Anyway, not trying to sermonize, but just wanted to give some perspective.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 9, 2010 at 9:19am
If we are too suffer, John, then what can be done about the elected officials who stole people's retirement money and spent it?
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 9, 2010 at 9:17am
John, the problem is not the programs so much (although certainly the socialists started these nightmare programs at the federal level which went against everything the founders believed in). The problem is they collect money from people to fund the programs and then, they spend the money on crap or congress takes it to feather their own nest. How do you propose we stop that. Everyone paid in as they were required, by law, to do, and now as you said the same folks who paid in will suffer the consequences of the congress and senate spending the money. At one point, when social security was still in a sacred fund and untouchable, comments were made about the astronomical amount of money in the fund and greed over took our elected officials. Sort of funny when you consider them using that word now against the American people, isn't it.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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