If you didn’t turn your clocks back last night, you are one of the lucky ones! You just now realized you have been given one more hour of time and what a precious gift that is.

I had a long day under the covers yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well and the chill in the air kept me on the couch with fuzzy blankets, a snuggling cat, and a day of watching movies in between much needed sleep. I turned on the television and Back to the Future was showing and for some reason I landed on that station and stayed there. It was a melancholy time as I thought about the first time I saw that movie with my young children of 5 and 6 who are now grown and married.

The first film tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager in 1985 who is accidentally sent back in time to 1955. He befriends his parents in high school, uncomfortably attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must fix the damage to history that his appearance back in time has caused. He must get his parents to fall in love again and the only way to do it is to get them on the dance floor at the prom where the magical kiss that helped them fall in love must take place.

If they do not kiss, Marty and his brother and sister will not exist and history will have changed forever. As Marty waits for his parents to kiss, he is playing a guitar and watching a picture of his family little by little change through the disappearance of his brother, his sister and finally Marty is about to disappear too. At the last minute, they kiss and the family is restored and renewed and Marty finds his way back to the future.

As I watched his family disappearing in that photo, I thought of America. Strange, I know…but that’s me. I always look for signs and this one showed up.

This past Tuesday, Election Day, we were given time. Had the people not stood up, rallied against tyranny, and voted for the Republic – the America we know and love might have disappeared. Because we did stand up, we have time to regain our standing in the world and regroup as a nation.

There is a lot of work to do. Tuesday did not signal the end of the fight. It was just one battle and there will be many more. Those who wanted the Republic to die are not going away quietly. They believe in their mission as much as we believe in ours.

As the new Congress takes the keys (and the mallet) from the old, our job is to hold them accountable to the seats we gave them. History was made last Tuesday night and we will continue to make history as we hold them accountable – an idea very new in America and something very needed!

How can we do that? We have our ideas and we are anxious to hear from you. Let us know what you think needs to be done to hold Congress accountable and list them below. We will capture your ideas and along with others, we will have the blueprint for our recovery.

We’re not OUTATIME and it will take all of us pulling together with our talents, expertise and our personal, devoted time to take us back to our future.


Views: 55


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Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 7, 2010 at 6:12pm
We have a lot of work, however, in re-educating people. For instance, last week I was speaking with a lady in her 70's who is very conservative and fully agrees with the tea party mission. However, she heard a presentation about what is required for receiving food stamps. She immediately launched into a tirade about the fact that the government should raise the income level so that more people can get food stamps. I told her that, no, the government should allow the free markets to work so that groceries would not cost so much. See what I mean? Even our "world war II" folks have that ingrained mentality that the "government should do something" because of FDR and all the he instituted. They brainwashed people into believing that the government is supposed to be the knight on a white horse coming in and saving everybody. If the people in France will riot for days on end because the government wants to raise the retirement age by 2 years, heaven help us when the Republicans want to re-institute welfare reform, or when Rick Scott wants to require drug testing for all welfare recipients. And my fear is that the politicians are going to get weak-kneed and cave in to the noise makers.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 7, 2010 at 6:11pm
Lori, I agree that people have to pitch in, but it is always wiser to use a softer approach. There are many people who come on here and comment who do a great deal already, and I see several who have posted on this blog. I had already suggested having the next group meeting or two to talk about this and get suggestions, and the team leaders already meet (we are scheduled for this coming Saturday morning).

I agree with you however. Some sort of plan has to be made. The republican party of Duval county is also on the same track, and I have a meeting there on Thursday as I have become involved with them as well, but it is my personal political thing and nothing to do with FCTP but will keep folks informed as it never hurts to know what happening. The other side is also thinking about this. I am on a number of mailing lists as it never hurts to know what the other side is doing as well :).
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 7, 2010 at 6:00pm
I do agree to a point Valarie (I think how it is handled will make a huge difference), but many of these folks who will be upset initially voted for conservatives to stop the spending and Obama. I don't think the new congress will pull the plug on welfare and unemployment the first day they get in office In fact, if it was me, I would add the repeal for the health care bill to the bill to allow for another shorter unemployment benefits bill as Obama has already mentioned unemployment benefits. Obama wants these folks to stay on the dole, so the period of time it can be extended is going to totally depend on what else can be done to get the economy going. We just have to get companies to trust enough to do that and they won't if they think Obama will prevail or can get another term or is going to stop any stability from happening. Heaven knows he has kept things in constant turmoil (even one of my more liberal dem friends is upset about that and agrees something must be done).
Comment by Lori Lo on November 7, 2010 at 5:58pm
OK Billie you have asked so here are my views and my apologizes to anyone that I may offend
First off We finally have members lets hope that they start to help at 5:45 there are 5,005 members OK here goes There are Multi Group's I think that each group should take on a task. Each group Leader meets with Tea Party leaders at least once a month and communicate weekly with post on web site so everyone can see what is going on not just in group. There is so much that needs to be checked on and passed out to everyone that we need to make sure that it is not just the same people doing the work. We need to start on the local elections and that needs to start ASAP along with research on 2012 remember we did not have enough time for everyone to get information so we need to have a group start now (example Judges Supreme Court merit retention 2012 Quince, Lewis, & Parientel are all up)
The biggest problem I see right now is everyone is very happy about our big win and you are the only one with a plan. But the fight is just starting and we can not let up just because of the holidays. We need to make sure that groups are very much on board with our goals and are as committed as you are.
Examples of Groups
Group 1 Local offices- city council, major, -- What are they up to now?
Group 2 School Board
Group 3 Elections Local Offices-- All
Group 4 Governor, State Representatives What are they doing? Elected Promises?
Group 5 Federal All Now and Newly Elected This should be the biggest group
Group 6 Federal 2012 Election start Search
Group 7 Media --report the truth and make sure it gets out
This is just a start we have Duval , St Johns and Clay county
There can not be any excuses why you can not do anything all of us have a purpose and mine right now is this. Along with running a business taking care of my family and myself so I hope some of the new members will step up and help with this work.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on November 7, 2010 at 5:32pm
I think if you read my post again you will see that we are saying the same things. Yes, many Americans do want smaller taxes and less government dependency, but even with that, many of those same Americans are on government help of some type. Even a drug addict who wants to get off the drugs is still going to go through a painful withdrawal period. And considering that 50% of Americans are now on things like unemployment and food stamps and other government programs, those are the main ones I am saying are going to go berserk. I promise, you will see reprisals from all of this. But we have to decide if it's worth it. Again, to compare to the drug addict - the withdrawal process is hideous but it is well worth it because it eventually will save that person's life. And as I said in my previous post, when the backlash starts against our conservative lawmakers, when the pain starts setting in with people because they are having to provide for themselves rather than government providing for them, that is when we, the "tea party" types, are going to have to stand with our legislators more than ever and encourage them to have the backbone to stay the course and not take this recovery only halfway.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 7, 2010 at 5:20pm
Has anyone noticed (by the way) that we had laws that passed congress about 70 years ago in response to labor and our president has seen fit to get them changed without the benefit of congressional approval? Another little treat for the unions in so far as the airlines and railroads go. And there are so many other things he has taken advantage of and just changed without any approval cause Nancy and Harry just let him get away with it. Time to stop that mess as well. He can't change laws as he is not authorized to do so and neither are the departments that did it.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 7, 2010 at 5:17pm
I think the new members going to congress already know the Czars and many other things must go to gain back some sort of balance between the congress and the white house. Obama is going to have to deal direct and his buds can't just go in and do the things they are doing without an ok from Congress. Most of them are so far left, they could never have gotten approval to start with if Obama had used the normal process to put these so called department heads in.
Comment by Ernest Lephart on November 7, 2010 at 5:11pm
Thanks for being there and doing all that you do. We appreciate your efforts Ms Tucker and all of the volunteers. I would suggest that we make one of our goals to find out how to limit and expel these czars that Obama has stuff Washington with. They are high paying jobs that bypass our constitutional checks and balances. This is how Obama gets around accountability. These offices are illegal and unconstitutional if we can force them out then control is back in the hands of the House, Congress and the Chief Executive as it should be. That would be a start. Cracking down on Social Security fraud and abuse of other government programs would help immensely if done fairly with out bias.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 7, 2010 at 4:23pm
I agree with Armando on this one Valarie. The people who will go beserk are the ones who live off everyone else (heck, the will go beserk about almost everything and screem racist rather often as well). We have to hope the PR done ahead of such cuts lays the truth on the line. The country is going to go down if they don't do it. We all know that Obama would keep borrowing 1.5 trillion each and every year he is in office and leave the mess for someone else to clean up, but he will say they are wrong. The American people are going to have to show support for what they will have to do to set our country right again. It won't be easy or popular, but they are following a group who lived off unpopular and almost seemed to thrive on it. When most regular people find out the truth about where our country really is because of the O, I think they will pitch in.
Comment by Armando Delgado on November 7, 2010 at 2:10pm
Valerie, the American people will not go berserk. Most Americans believe as we do. They are hard-working, tax paying citizens who are proud of their work and their country and are scheptical of the socialist agenda. The left and the main stream media have planted this idea that most Americans depend on government. That's a fallacy and the results of the last election prove it.


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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