If you didn’t turn your clocks back last night, you are one of the lucky ones! You just now realized you have been given one more hour of time and what a precious gift that is.

I had a long day under the covers yesterday. I wasn’t feeling well and the chill in the air kept me on the couch with fuzzy blankets, a snuggling cat, and a day of watching movies in between much needed sleep. I turned on the television and Back to the Future was showing and for some reason I landed on that station and stayed there. It was a melancholy time as I thought about the first time I saw that movie with my young children of 5 and 6 who are now grown and married.

The first film tells the story of Marty McFly, a teenager in 1985 who is accidentally sent back in time to 1955. He befriends his parents in high school, uncomfortably attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must fix the damage to history that his appearance back in time has caused. He must get his parents to fall in love again and the only way to do it is to get them on the dance floor at the prom where the magical kiss that helped them fall in love must take place.

If they do not kiss, Marty and his brother and sister will not exist and history will have changed forever. As Marty waits for his parents to kiss, he is playing a guitar and watching a picture of his family little by little change through the disappearance of his brother, his sister and finally Marty is about to disappear too. At the last minute, they kiss and the family is restored and renewed and Marty finds his way back to the future.

As I watched his family disappearing in that photo, I thought of America. Strange, I know…but that’s me. I always look for signs and this one showed up.

This past Tuesday, Election Day, we were given time. Had the people not stood up, rallied against tyranny, and voted for the Republic – the America we know and love might have disappeared. Because we did stand up, we have time to regain our standing in the world and regroup as a nation.

There is a lot of work to do. Tuesday did not signal the end of the fight. It was just one battle and there will be many more. Those who wanted the Republic to die are not going away quietly. They believe in their mission as much as we believe in ours.

As the new Congress takes the keys (and the mallet) from the old, our job is to hold them accountable to the seats we gave them. History was made last Tuesday night and we will continue to make history as we hold them accountable – an idea very new in America and something very needed!

How can we do that? We have our ideas and we are anxious to hear from you. Let us know what you think needs to be done to hold Congress accountable and list them below. We will capture your ideas and along with others, we will have the blueprint for our recovery.

We’re not OUTATIME and it will take all of us pulling together with our talents, expertise and our personal, devoted time to take us back to our future.


Views: 55


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Comment by robert c tipton on November 7, 2010 at 10:32am
It is urgent that we stay in contininual contact with our representatives by--
1--Establishing a local committie of 3 or 4 people for each-Rubio--Thrasher--Scott etc etcthaat will monitor on a continious basis the activities of each of them.
2--To obtain a meaningful commitment from each to establish and support a dedicated e-mail address with a dedicated real person that we can communicate with.
3--The dedicated e-mail address will give uss real time access to not only critique our representative
but we can offer them access to our help when they need it.

In establishing this ongoing strong link we would warn them that we will be as critical of thier actions as we were supportative when they ran for office.Its time for them to keep thier promises or be prepared to pack up thier office and go home after the next election.
Bob Tipton
Comment by Russell C. Snyder on November 7, 2010 at 10:17am
We should immediately jump on what is being planned as far as jobs, our #1 order of business. Next is the real estate market-too many homes being given back to the banks. Value of homes in all neighborhood continues to fall. Each representative had a plan and we need to see now that we helped to get them elected that they follow through. These two items will get us started.
Comment by Earl Eye, MD on November 7, 2010 at 10:00am
Dear Billy,-remember, you asked............

The job to restore this country is staggering. First, we must get rid of this terrible health-care bill, get the economy growing which will allow us to start working on the debt and generate jobs. We not only need to balance the budget, but cut it severely. We must also attract companies back to this country with lower taxes-all 70 of our taxes-hidden not, and simplified regulations-how about this-two months maximum to get all permits, sign whatever, and start forming/moving/building the company. We can make changes similar to Ireland, who cut max taxes on business to 15%, and create an environment that is not hostile with environmentalists, communists, unions, global warmers, etc. Before the recession, Ireland was the fastest growing economy in the world. We must also cut the size of government at least 50%, (good by dept of education/energy/etc) get rid of all the ridiculous regulations that bureaucrats just love to write-example (in Fl people who have had drivers licenses for years, now have to go prove they are a citizen, etc to get drivers licenses renewed as well as the thousands of rules about what you can eat, etc, etc. We must also get rid of judges that legislate from the bench and make crazy ruling such as your private property can be taken and given to another developer so someone can make money/taxes, etc. In my opinion that is most outrageous court ruling ever.

We encourage risk taking and capitalism. When the risks succeed, rewards follow of gain, fame and recognition. But when a company fails-it should be allowed to fail. There is a relationship between wall street, banks and our government (for the past 40 years) that is sickening. We turn a blind eye to their schemes, manipulation and risk taking and when they fail, we bail them out. What has happened to all the bail out money that poured into them to get loans back to small business?-They are using it to trade-prop up the stock market, buy government bonds and mortgage packages with yields of 3-4% with government guarantees of the bonds/mortgages packages they purchase. Since a bank to use the same collateral to multiply and to guarantee loans, they continue to purchase using the same collateral and typically make 40-60% on the money that we the taxpayers bailed them out with. Now you know where their big bonus come from, while small business get shafted by lending requirement that God would have trouble meeting. You should also know that even after we just passed a joke called "financial reform" they are now trading something called derivatives-they have at risk $370 Trillion (yes Trillion) dollars. Some of these will go bad. Need I say more.

What people don't realize is that China is playing us for the fool. They has surpluses and they are buying or locking up most of the commodities around the world. They have purchased large stakes in Canada's tar sands, oil, and precious metals and timber production. They also look for and currently have a monopoly in rare minerals-cesium, uranium, platinum etc, oil, copper (they have stockpiled almost 40% of the world available copper in warehouses which they plan to use as collateral to create a replacement for the dollar as the world currency). And they will use the monopoly they are developing to blackmail other countries-witness Japan being cut off from China's rare minerals over a policy dispute-(these metals are used in computers, cell phones, batteries, cars, and many other products). What is happening is truly alarming-yet Obama goes to them hat in hand to get them to buy our debt, and when they won't (China bond purchases in 06 were 40% of the sales of bonds, in 07-20%, in 08-5% and 09-less than 2%, 10-none so far)- we get QE2 (quantitative easing) to simply print money to buy the bonds to hide the debt and destroy the purchasing power of your dollar (don't believe me- look what a car cost just 10 years ago-then look at today- family cares were around $25000 then, now $35000 is normal. And what is going on that we allow a president to travel and spend an estimated $200 Million dollars a day for what amounts to a vacation. If the dollar actually adjusted to it's real value, it would be close to 20 cents.

We have also passed a milestone that is negative beyond the pale. Anytime a country's debt exceeded 90% of it's GDP that country has failed in every single case. The US has now exceeded this level!! WE MUST balance the budget, get growing, generate business and see if we can be the only country that has every come back from the brink. I see the Tea Party as the last best chance for this country. If we don't hold the bastards feet to the fire-that will be a final chapter in American Exceptionalism that we have watched written while we stood on the sidelines. To those who don't think it can happen-remember Greece, Rome, USSR, etc and the about 70 other countries that found out that you cannot come back that that debt load.
Comment by LINDA MILLER on November 7, 2010 at 9:26am
Comment by Gator 8402 on November 7, 2010 at 9:25am
In my mind it's simple:
1. Any "bill" not supported by the constitution should be rejected. Congress should take the time to teach themselves and the American people about the constitution which "limits" their powers.
2. Repeal health care and replace it with common sense changes/improvements to our current system that we can afford.
3. Repeal the finance reform bill as much of it is un-constitutional. Reform is needed but I think we can benefit more from "targeted" reform rather than this "shot-gun" bill that is filled with pork.
4. We as american people need to continue to push the conservative agenda. The progressives have been pushing the liberal agenda for more than 100 years so don't expect conservatism to take a firm hold overnight. Stay the course America!
5. Since the progressives have taken God and the Constitution out of our schools, it's incumbent upon us as Americans to teach the founding principles in our homes and in our communities. I believe a large number of those whom consider themselves "liberal" are simply mis-informed. Knowledge is power and if we teach the truth we will succeed in returning this Country into the Great Nation we once were.
6. Keep up the momentum of the Tea Party and it's core values. We can not sit idle for 18 months, wake up 6 months prior to the 2012 election, and expect to win. We must stay diligent in making sure we have constitutional conservatives on the next ballot who will appeal to both Republican and Independent voters. The Republican party WILL be the new Conservative party that supports our founding principles and the constitution.
Comment by Joan Todd on November 7, 2010 at 9:21am
We need to be keep them informed if we see trends that are dangerous for our country. Know what is going on and let them know when you are pleased with their actions and when you are not happy with their actions. We can't wait until 2012 to become involved.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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