We are EXCITED to announce that the First Coast Tea Party is now officially playing a part in the Duval County Election season.
This is our first local election and we are very proud of the process we have created so we can help you educate yourself on the candidates. A copy of the flyer announcing this process can be found here: FCTP%20Take%20Back%20Jax.pdf
Please print it out and put it in a prominent place so you will remember when to show up for specific events. You must RSVP on our site at www.fctpcommunity.org if you want to attend any function. You will receive a confirmation and you must have that in order to attend.
The location will be announced later.
We have also attached the Questionnaire that was sent today to all the qualified candidates. You can find the Questionnaire here: FCTP%202011%20Candidate%20Questionnaire.pdf
Our mission is to rally the residents of Duval County to help heal our city and bring back jobs, provide a higher quality of life and see a renewal of mutual respect for ALL Duval County citizens.
Our theme is:
Take Back JAX
The Search for Leaders with Vision, Values and Valor
There are many issues looming and some are so close we can feel their breath on our necks! It’s time we deal with the issues and fix them for future generations of little Duval County residents.
We encourage you to get involved. Find your favorite candidate and support him/her with your time, talents and money.
Speaking of money, a donation to the First Coast Tea Party would be appreciated too. We work off the sweat and tears of volunteers but sweat and tears does not pay our rent, utility bills, administrative costs, insurance, printing costs, room rental fees and other normal expenses associated with keeping the Tea Party Movement alive and well in North Florida. A donation today would help us pay our bills tomorrow.You can donate at http://www.fctpcommunity.org/page/donate-1
RSVP to the events you wish to attend as soon as possible. Seating will be limited and Tea Party Members are the first to be seated. You can RSVP under the Events tab on our website: www.fctpcommunity.org.
Thanks for your support. Please send this email to your neighbors, friends and family members who live within Duval County. We need everyone to educate themselves and GO VOTE afterwards. We'll give you the information and all you have to do is vote.
Let's get to work and Take Back JAX!
The Leadership Council of the First Coast Tea Party
For the record:
No retreat, No quarter, No apologies for being a Constitutionalist.
It is time to pay the fiddler! remind those who said " it doesn't matter if ten thousand Tea Party people show up the deal has already been made". I for one have not forgotten and I want to see if it matters now that those seats in the city government are up for election. Those that voted to increase our property taxes should hear those words echo off the walls of city hall everytime they open the door of the building. We the people sent a message in November to the federal government, now it is time to show the local government that the message was ment for them to hear also. Less they have forgotten they are in the service of the people. It is time to end the good old boy politics and crush the Jacksonville mafia.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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