Good morning First Coast Tea Party members and supporters.  Today is a great day for the tea party movement.  We’re bringing you sunshine in a world that seems to have lost its way. 


We have recently come off a very “taxing” local mayoral and city council races.  We worked side by side with our members to help our candidates in their campaigns.  We were very successful in many of the City Council races and we were disappointed in the local mayor’s race.  Our candidate did not win.


We come from a place that most in the world do not understand.  That place is this – “We give thanks in all things” including when our candidate does not win.  We believe all things work to good and sometimes we don’t always get what we want.  Because what we want is not what is best for us.


We took last week off to rest up and to evaluate where the local tea party will be heading in the future.  The board has met numerous times to review where we’ve been and where we’re going.  Last night was a break-through night for our tea party and we are seeing Sunshine today! 


We can’t share our thoughts with you just yet but we wanted to reach out and let you know – “We’re still here!”  Good stuff is happening and here are just a few:

  • City Council:  The new City Council members soon to be sworn in will be looking out for our best interests as taxpaying residents
  • Mayor:  The new Mayor will have his work cut out for him and we plan to be keeping a close eye on his decisions
  • Membership:  The First Coast Tea Party has had a surge in new members and we welcome you and hope to see you soon at a meeting near you!  Please look for a “Neighborhood Tea Party” in your zip code and join up with local tea party neighbors at the monthly meetings.  These are great groups to get to know your neighbors, hear from a speaker and learn about City Hall, State and National happenings.  Go to and look for a local Neighborhood Group to sign up and start receiving information about the next local meeting.
  • Event:  David Beamer, father of Todd Beamer – an American hero from the 9/11 tragedy, will speak at a First Coast Tea Party dinner event on Tuesday, June 7th.  For those of us who experienced 9/11 in front of a television screen, we remember the feeling of fear and the surge of patriotism that took place inside each of us.  Mr. Beamer will share how this tragedy changed the lives of his family and changed him forever.  This is a special evening with a great American.  Please bring your family members or friends to this special night.  RSVP online at:
  • Event:  Pete Hoekstra, former Congressman who served as Chairman of the House Committee on Education will be our guest at a luncheon on June 20th.  His topic will be:  “Education Reform, A Novel Idea: Parents.”  Our education system is in shambles.  The educational futures of our children and grandchildren deserve to be in your hands and not in the hands of those who have distorted history in textbooks and who hate American traditions.  We promise this will be a hearty lunch at Maggiano’s and a hearty discussion with Pete Hoekstra. Bring anyone you know who has a special interest in reforming our educational system.  RSVP at:  
  • Today:  ETHICS ALERT…  If you can be downtown at 1:30 in the City Council Chambers – please be there.  The City Council is chipping away at the Ethics Bill and making it worthless (shameful council members!).  They are afraid the committee will initiate complaints about their own.
  • FUN:  A suggestion from Cord Byrd – one of our members.  “If you want to have some fun, call Congressman Corinne Brown’s DC office at (202) 225-0123 and ask this question –


The Board will issue some important information soon.  In the meantime, get involved in the local tea party with some of the events noted above.  Join your neighborhood group too for more information about the future of the tea party.


2012 is coming and don’t think for a moment we are sitting this one out!  Not happening!



There may not be a whole lot of sunshine in the news – but we’ll tell you the truth – it isn’t over yet ‘cause Americans are the best of the best when it comes to surviving through tough times. 


Here’s some Sunshine for our fellow tea party members!  Thanks to Marcia for sending this Sunshine video today.  It was perfect to go along with this blog. Have a great day.  We’ll see you soon.


Views: 58


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Comment by John Harvel on June 6, 2011 at 1:55am
Your too much fun! I intently fall into the 'disadvantaged' category of your website link. The FairTax legislation contains nothing on ending welfare. Hopefully, your asking questions you already know the answer too! The affect on welfare would be a "rising tide thing". Abrasive??? Next it will be curmudgeon !!!
A major objective of the FairTax is to promote economic growth resulting in job creation, higher productivity,  and higher wages for working Americans.  The Beacon Hill Institute used their established Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to estimate the effects of the FairTax on income, employment, wages, etc. compared to what these indicators would be if the current tax system remains in place.

This study employs a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to estimate the impact of the FairTax plan on the economy.  Although complex, CGE models make it possible to analyze large changes in existing taxes or the introduction of new taxes for their effects on a wide array of economic indicators. 

  • GDP is estimated to be 7.9 percent higher in the first year, 10.9% higher in year 10 and 10.3% higher in year 25 after enactment of the FairTax than what would otherwise be the case if the current system remained in place. 
  • Domestic investment is 74.5% higher, 75.9% higher, and 65.2% higher in years 1, 10, and 25, respectively. 
  • The capital stock is 9.3% higher in year 5, 14.1% higher in year 10, and 17.3% higher in year 25.
  • Real wages are 10.3%, 9.5%, and 9.2% higher in years 1, 10, and 25, respectively than would otherwise be the case. 
  • Consumption drops slightly in the first two years (0.6% and 0.8%), and then be 1.8% higher in year 5, 4.3% higher in year 10, and 6.0% higher in year 25.
  • This study was made prior to Obama economics... Read the complete paper >>

The most interesting fact to me is, you'll NOT find it mentioned anywhere in the Communist Manifesto!  In every important material respect our nation is self-sufficient. If we gained a non-material philosophy that found meaning where it is genuinely located -- in families, friends, the passage of seasons, in nature, in simple ceremonies and rituals, in curiosity, generosity, compassion, and service to others, in a decent independence and privacy -- then we would be truly self-sufficient. As an educator, you may find this link interesting...

Comment by John Harvel on June 5, 2011 at 2:33pm
Delete Comment "Your" is a figure of speech (usually much safer than saying her)... unless of course you plan on collecting Social Security and Medicare... Your too sensitive. How do you know passage of the FairTax wouldn't end welfare? Ever tried it? The usual response is the FairTax sounds good but THEY will never do it. THEY are always the problem. The truth would be, the largest shift of power from the government to the people since the founding might just empower people to not only make something of themselves but to actually work overtime without fear of the next higher tax bracket reducing their earnings to welfare status. Are you a unionized educator?
Comment by J.R. on June 5, 2011 at 10:10am
New post from Chuck White of Just Speak Up:

Just Speak Up is on every day at noon on AM600 WBOB. We follow Laura Ingraham and as such our listening audience is in the low 60,000's and our loyal callers and listeners are already "fired" up about this. The call-in phone number is 904-854-1320 and after Colleen and I banter this will be our first story. I will brag about us and how we are rallying around this issue.


Comment by J.R. on June 5, 2011 at 8:49am
To All FCTP members:

Please go read the blog, "Everbank and Corporate Welfare," at this link"

This is an urgent matter, related to Jacksonville City Council, that will negatively impact the financial interests of every Duval County citizen who pays county taxes. It regards an extremely high-pricetag burden that will be placed on taxpayers to pay for subsidizing private businesses who have no right to feed at the public trough. This involves millions of dollars up-front and further potential financial burden to taxpayers down the road. It is a high-priced boondoggle has been devised by alliances that formed to get Alvin Brown elected after turncoat RINOs who first supported Audrey Moran failed to get her elected. It must be fully exposed and flatly rejected.

All FCTP member need to be well-informed on this. Please pass the word.
Comment by John Harvel on June 5, 2011 at 7:12am

R&T... I've been an advocate of the FairTax for many years, at least a dozen. I see it as going to the core of every socialist evil portrayed on us going back to the point where the the train seem to run off the tracks. As a Florida resident your familiar with a consumtion tax. I'm not cold hearted, well maybe... Let's put it this way... If you wish to keep all your entitlements, at least let me keep all I can earn and I'll agree to support your entitlements by deciding when and where I pay taxation by what I spend or invest.

Once that power of politicians ability of choosing winners and loosers through an income tax code is gone, you will see a mass exodus of well funded (bribed) politicians. Until that one thing happens, I don't see any hope for constitutional anything. There has to be a first domino. There has to be politicians willing to give up that power else every word they utter is a lie.

That doesn't have to be done gradually, Obamacare wasn't.



Comment by John Harvel on June 5, 2011 at 3:27am

President Obama’s solicitor general, defending the national health care law on Wednesday, told a federal appeals court that Americans who didn’t like the individual mandate could always avoid it by choosing to earn less money. Enabling poverty indeed... see how they manipulate this stuff? Sounds logical to some people, forces others. Drug users have been beating drug screens for years and it won't deter your common drug using welfare recipient. It only raises the ante of complience, makes a few tea toters feel good and places a feather in the cap of some brilliant politician.


I guess my problem is every time there is some transgression someone always says there should be a LAW. Any paricular law is JUST in the degree in which it affects you, without any concideration of the web it creates. The law once preverted, then everyone will want to participate in making the law. Odious perversion of the law is a perpetual source of hatred and discord; that it tends to destroy society itself. It is the building blocks of those intent on destroying America. They put in place the seed (like welfare) and allow us tend it's growth (like a cancer of division).


Do I care if someone besides me has to pee in a cup? NO... I only warn my fellow patriots the folly of asking for more LAW instead of less. I ALSO see the truth in if you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day... But if you teach a man to fish... he will sit in a bass boat and drink beer all day :O)

Comment by John Harvel on June 4, 2011 at 7:46am

For decades the same old battle rages on. Social security is the right of passage to old age. Dealing drugs is a good hedge against paying income tax and welfare is the reward for being non productive. Drug users don't have a problem, we do. We have excepted all of these things and more as a natural occurrence when the truth is they have all been mandated. Those of us producers have accepted the social responsibility of being our brothers keeper to our own detriment. We have all become so reliant on government, we see no futility in arguing the semantics of things that shouldn't be. Welfare, Social Security and retirement funds get ate up by inflation and taxation and we argue over how politicians should fix things instead of calling for an end to socialist/Marxist policies. We all really do deserve the TSA, the DEA, IRS and NEA. Security wins over liberty every time and if you can jump through enough hoops you might get by. As long as the pain to produce is greater than that of sloth and addiction nothing will change. I believe Pres. Johnson called it the great society. How's that working out?
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 4, 2011 at 7:23am
Comment by tamara stephenson 22 hours ago
"We could just legalize drugs, and all of this would be a moot point. "

Based on your rational Tamara, we would then have a drug user using the sytem legally to get the taxpayer to support them while they continue their drug habit which may be the reason they are not employable to start with.  I don't see making drugs legal as a solution to anything period except more addiction and more wasted lives.

Comment by amanda choate on June 3, 2011 at 3:45pm
What is the problem with making everyone who receives checks from the state submit to drug tests? I do not understand the resistance to this, it makes sense to me. And these are federal dollars anyway, so why shouldn't all that receive federal or state dollars submit to drug testing?
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 3, 2011 at 1:54pm

Billie, they will do exactly what you say.  A friend's daughter lost her house, cars, and child.  Moved in with her Mom, my friend, and bankrupted her by stealing from her and selling things out of her house.  It went from bad to worse than bad, so I have little to no sympathy for folks that can't get straight, and I sure don't think they should get welfare and food stamps, so they don't have to face their problem or perhaps get them by until they over dose.  And no Amanda, I don't like malingerers any more than I like drug users.  We have to begin making "help" a temporary thing that gets them by until they get themselves straightened around and self supporting again.  As with many things, it needs to have a beginning and a STATED END.


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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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