We had to leave Orlando before the totals of the GOP’s Presidency 5 straw ballot were announced.  As we drove home, our cells filled up with text messages – Cain won -- and calls from home rang out in disbelief.  Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, and a low man on the establishment’s radar, exceeded the combined total for Perry who came in second at 15 percent and Romney who came in third at 14 percent.  Cain won by a landslide at 37.1% of the votes!


Herman Cain has been a favorite of the tea party since the tea party formed in 2009.  He’s spoken at rallies and his radio shows were filled with tea party talking points about less government, free markets and moral leadership.   Herman has had a following of loyal tea party members because he tells it like it is, doesn’t hold any punches and is a rock, solid conservative.  He was a Tea Party Member before the tea party formed.


The irony of this win took me back to about a year ago.  I had been invited to attend a very prestigious event for DC conservatives in a beautiful resort.  I was asked to speak there on behalf of the Tea Party Movement.  After the April 2009’s large tea party rallies across America, we were getting requests to speak at these large gatherings of DC insiders.  We think it was because they were intrigued with this outpouring of citizen activists.  I knew they wanted me to come with a sign in hand, buttons with crazy sayings on them and tea bags hanging from a large hat.  I usually left that stuff at home and came dressed as a “normal” person instead.  It took them off guard because the perception of what a Tea Party Member might look like or act like never materialized.


At this specific event, Herman Cain was there.  I had already met Herman at a prior event and was thrilled to see him there.  He was just beginning to talk about running for President.   He was there to meet the DC insiders and start his talks with them about his potential run.   They were cordial and everyone was professional.  What I noticed, however, was a lack of belief that Herman would make it.  The cocktail talk went something like this:  “He’s a nice guy.”  “He has a radio show, I believe.”  “He was the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza.”  “He has a long way to go to win.”  “He’ll have a hard time getting funding.”  They all liked him but they didn’t think he stood a chance against their guy at the time, Mitt Romney.  I remember standing in this beautiful resort among all the DC insiders and wondering why Herman didn’t stand a chance.  He was a great guy, a former successful CEO, he was well-polished and well-spoken and he was “real.” 


As a newbie to politics, I had a hard time understanding why Herman could not win the endorsement of the DC insiders.  And I wondered if we would have another 2008 win for Obama IF we continued business as usual in the GOP.  The thought of that scared me and it should scare all of us.  If Obama wins the 2012 election, we will finish our travels to Socialism, USA and our lives will never be the same again.    


We have never stopped pouring tea since the first tea party event in 2009.  Two and a half years later as the jobs disappear, the Tea Party Movement grows.  Two and a half years later, as the media and Hollywood continues to call us names, the Tea Party Movement grows.  Two and a half years later, as we watch our country destroyed by corruption and greed, the Tea Party Movement grows.  Two and a half years later, as we came together at a GOP establishment event, the Tea Party Movement sent a message  -- “Times they are a changing and the people are in charge.”


The people are rising up and the message is loud and clear – we want our government to leave us alone.  We want them to get out of the way so we can rebuild America from the mess they have made.  We want a leader who has the heart of the people.  We want someone who loves America and all it stands for.  We want someone who has worked hard and lived the American dream.  We want someone who respects us.  We want someone who is not an insider – we want someone who has been out here with us.


There were others on the stage who resonated with the Tea Party Movement too.  But last night, Florida sent a message that the pack is narrowing and a real leader is emerging.  As the GOP said the week before this straw poll – “Whoever wins this poll, will win the Republican Party’s nomination for President.” 


That has been the history of this straw poll.  Will history repeat itself?


The months ahead to 2012 will be paved with political maneuverings by strategic campaign consultants.  The media, too, will do their part to downplay this straw poll message.  It has already begun with William Kristol, a DC media insider.  He refused to give Cain the win and stated it was more a vote against the GOP instead of a vote for Cain.  (See the article here:  Sorry Cain, this is a vote against the GOP).  This will be the strategy of consultants and the media.  We wish them well as they blindly refuse to accept the American people are tired of playing games and they are taking their country back.


Miracles still happen and America saw one last night.  Herman Cain, an underdog and a Tea Party favorite, handed the flame of liberty back to the people.  It felt good to be a part of a miracle.


One of our friends in the car said, “Yes, We Cain!” as the text message came through. 


Obama stole our “can” from us.  Will Cain make America able again? 


To learn more about Herman Cain, go to:  http://www.hermancain.com/


We wish Herman well and all the others who stand for less government, free markets and moral leadership.  The road to 2012 will be paved with good intentions but what we really want is more than intentions – we want results.  The leader who can make results happen will get our votes.



Views: 1616


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Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 3, 2011 at 8:28am
this is the only guy with the experience to know how to make the federal reserve honest and accountable. No more obummer funny money.
Comment by Derby Ulloa on October 2, 2011 at 11:01pm
Last Wed. Ken Stump compared Obama's  experience with Acorn to Cain's experience as CEO of Godfathers Pizza. I find the comparison not valid. Acorn was a partly government funded , liberal ,socialist not for profit organiation, and Godfathers Pizza IS A REAL FOR  PROFIT BUSINESS.  If Ken cannot tell the difference, I would not trust anything he says. Any Republican candidate would be better than Obama, but Cain is the only NONPOLITICIAN who embraces the Tea Party ideals.
Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 2, 2011 at 12:49pm
Tim Clark for Herman Caine campaign manager. present administration targeted for Hermanation. Go Caine
Comment by Tim Clark on October 2, 2011 at 12:33pm

Go Cain.  No Place for RINOS.  Put Allen West in Charge of the Defense Department.  Death to Tyrants!


Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on October 2, 2011 at 12:26pm
a successful member of the private sector for the last ten years plus,Herman Caine has made it crystal clear he believes that every American is the sole undisputed owner of the fruits of their labor and to tax people on what they spend ,not what they make is the only way to cut out the muddle man AKA government.
Comment by LOTTO NICK ! on September 29, 2011 at 1:55pm

I have an idea.

Lets dig up Ronald Reagan,Bo Schmbeckler and Woody Hayes and hope there is someting left in them to take us back to the good old times!!!!!

PS.... Don't go to the Jaguar Game this Sunday ,since they  have weather condition problems.I heard the SUN will be out brightly and may get in their eyes [ THE NFL  will not let the millionaire players wear THIER ONE OF A KIND STYLIST OAKLEY SUNGLASSES TO MAINTAIN THIER PREMODONNNA STATUS.   ITS NOT GO TIME ...ITS NO TIME... ON TICKET SALES !!!!! 

Comment by Doyle on September 29, 2011 at 8:16am

Strange that you would question the 999 Plan's impact on seniors, one of the arguments used by opponents of the FairTax.

Since you said you've read both FairTax books and support it, then the 999 Plan's benefits for seniors should be obvious to you.

If not, then I suggest you go to the Americans for Fair Taxation site and scope out the answer for yourself.
Comment by Doyle on September 28, 2011 at 4:48pm

We'll simply have to disagree.

Cain still says TARP was necessary, so no change there. He has, however, said repeatedly he disagrees STRONGLY on how it was implemented.

As for Cain's 999 Plan, it makes sense to me as a bridge between the current Federal tax system we're stuck with and the FairTax.

I'm in good company it seems. Neal Boortz, co-author of The FairTax Book, talked about it this morning on FOX:

Comment by Chuck Morrison on September 28, 2011 at 4:01pm
Guess we may as well give up now (since we aren't fed up enough yet) and wait for somebody else to start the revolution "someday" when the perfect candidate emerges from the diaphonus fog.  I;m going back to "I Love Lucy" re-runs.
Comment by Doyle on September 28, 2011 at 3:16pm
Ken Stump:

A few weeks ago I was where I think you may be now. I liked Herman, especially his strong support of the FairTax. Then, he came out with his 999 Plan. I washed my hands of him feeling like he was just playing politician like most of the other candidates had done before or were doing now. I felt lied to.

It might have been Chris Wallace who asked him, or it might have been someone else posing what he thought was a gotcha question. Why, Cain was asked, had he stopped supporting the FairTax and proposed the 999 Plan, instead.

With his usual clarity -- if there's any mangling of the explanation the fault is mine -- Cain explained that it's taken years just to get a congressional hearing on the FairTax. Once it's passed by both houses of Congress -- and he says he's confident it will be -- and signed into law, the states still have to pass the Constitutional amendment required by the FairTax repealing the 16th Amendment. And that ratification process, he said quite correctly, often takes several years.

Do we want the current tax system to remain in place while we wait? His answer was no, and the 999 Plan in the interim.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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