City of Jacksonville Bills introduced 3/24/11


These are the bills that were introduced at city council this week.  Public Hearing with public comments on thse issues weill be on 4/12/11.


If you would like to look at the bills themselves the are available HERE.




Bill #




ORD-Q Rezoning 4788 Hodges Blvd (6.59± Acres) - PUD to PUD (Glen Kernan Ofc Park -Commercial Uses) - Anderson Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (Dist 3-Clark) (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11



ORD Apv Settlemt in Eminent Domain of Owner's Damages of $50,000, Atty's Fees of $15,532 & Recoverable Costs of $20,920 for Total of $86,452 which is $83,518 over Prev Deposited Amt re Condemnation of 2 Parcels for Ricker Rd Proj in Case # 2008-CA-10359, City of Jax v. Richard G. Oldham, et al. (Dist 12) (Duckworth) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


We have lost quite a few of these over the past year. Apparently we under paid this landowner in the amount of $50,000.



ORD Approp $4,250,000 to move Proj Budgets for Banking Fund Loans to Appropriate Capital Projs Fund, with such Projs to be Repaid by Gen Fund & not by Enterprise Fund Rev. (BT 11-064) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


Mickey Miller, CFO, can explain this process better. Here is how I understand it. When we know that we will have x dollars that we need to borrow for projects, we lump them all together and borrow the money once; which saves fees and has gotten us more variable rates. That money is put in the BANKING FUND and when the projects needs the money, they do a transfer.




ORD Approp $199,995 for Advanced & Specialized Training for Law Enforcemt & Correctional Officers & for Administrative Costs apvd by Criminal Justice Standards & Training Comm & Adopt Budget for 2011-2012 Fiscal Yr (7/1/11 - 6/30/12) for Criminal Justice Training Fund; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2011-2012. (BT 11-065) (McCain) (Req of Sheriff) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


Money is coming from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).




ORD Auth Dir of Public Works to Execute all Future Bills of Sale Donating Infrastructure in R/W to JEA only as to Certain Water/Sewer Improvemts related to City Propty. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


From the Research Dept


Bill Summary: The bill authorizes the Director of Public Works or his designee to execute Bills of Sale for donations of water and sewer infrastructure in City rights-of-way to the JEA, utilizing a standard approved form.


Background Information: The standard bill of sale form will allow the Real Estate Division to convey water and sewer mains, meters, fire hydrants, manholes and other related water and sewer infrastructure to the JEA after they are installed in City rights-of-way for City-related projects. JEA requires a documented transfer of these assets before they can be added to the JEA inventory and thereafter maintained. The standard bill of sale form will convey these assets administratively for a token payment of $1.



ORD Auth Appl to Fla Inland Navigation Dist for 2011 Grants for Specific Waterways-Related Projs; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2011-2012; Acknowledging Matching Fund Requiremts; Designate Oversight by Planning & Dev Dept. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


From the Research Dept


Background: The Florida Inland Navigation District consists of Florida counties on the Atlantic Coast and the InterCoastal Waterway; a portion of the counties’ ad valorem taxes are put into FIND. The counties, in turn, are able to apply to FIND for funds for waterways projects. All FIND grants require a minimum 50% applicant match, with some dredging projects requiring a larger applicant match. When applying, FIND requires the applicant counties to acknowledge their willingness to meet match-fund obligations. FIND is predisposed to funding projects that enhance public access to waterways such as dock facilities, ramps and launches. The Jacksonville Waterways Commission has a sub-committee that reviews waterways projects that merit FIND funding as a grant source. The committee prioritizes the projects and apprises the Administration of its recommendations. The two projects in this application are: Trout River Bridge South (construction), $410,000, of which the City match is $410,000; Ortega River Mooring Field and channel markers (design), $100,000, with the City match at $100,000.



ORD Auth Dir of Finance to Delete Certain Missing or Stolen Items from City's Tangible Personal Propty Records; Require Accountable Officer to Provide Report to Council Auditors at same time as Reported to Sheriff. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


From the Research Dept


Bill Summary: The bill authorizes the Director of Finance to write off unaccountable items of City tangible personal property determined to be lost or stolen during the period July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. The net remaining book value of the property is $40,478.16, with an original purchase price of $1,677,120.86. The bill directs the accountable officer(s) charged with custody of the property to file the required missing property report with the Council Auditor and the Sheriff’s Office.


Background Information: The property list includes 637 items, a large percentage of which are computers, printers, routers, copiers and other electronic equipment. Other items include cameras, microscopes and furniture.


Policy Impact Area: Tangible personal property write-off


Fiscal Impact: The bill authorizes the write-off of $40,478.16 in net book value from the City’s balance sheet.




ORD-Q re Waiver of Minimum Rd Frontage Appl WRF-11-1, 5100 Tierra Verde Ct, by Louis & Susan M LeCalsey, from 80' to 0' in RR-Acre Dist. (Dist 6-Webb) (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 5/3/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/26/11




ORD-Q Rezoning 2944 Edgewood Ave W. (2.833± Acres) - CO to CRO - Community Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (Dist 10-R. Brown) (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 5/3/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/26/11



ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Utility & Drainage Easemt at 4715 Roanoke Blvd at Request of Deelandon & Shannon Bankhead in Exchange for a Relocated Drainage & Utilities Easemt to Clear Title on Propty & Satisfy the Mtg Co. (Dist 10-R. Brown) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11



ORD Closing & Abandoning &/or Disclaiming a Utility & Drainage Easemt which was Rsvd to City of Jax by Ord 2008-323-E at Req of Shands Jacksonville Foundation, Inc & Shands Jacksonville Properties, Inc on Behalf of U.S. Veterans Administration to allow for Constrn of a new VA Medical Facility. (Dist 7 - Gaffney) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11



ORD Approp $147,295 Continuation Grant from Community Dev Div Lapsed Funds for FY 2007-2008 for (1) $94,700 to Fresh Ministries for Pre-Developmt Costs to Renovate 616 A. Philip Randolph Blvd & (2) $52,595 to Daniel Memorial for Roof Replacemts at 3725 Belford Blvd ($23,775) & at 4203 Southpoint Blvd ($28,820); Auth Funds Carryover from Yr to Yr. (BT 11-061) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


From the Research Dept.


Bill Summary: This ordinance concerns a continuation grant; it appropriates $147,295 from Community Development Division lapsed funds for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, in order to provide 1) $94,700 in funding to Fresh Ministries for predevelopment costs to renovate 616 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard, and 2) $52,595 to Daniel Memorial for roof replacements at 3725 Belfort Boulevard ($23,775) and at 4203 Southpoint Boulevard ($28,820), all as initiated by B.T. 11-061; the bill provides that the funds appropriated shall not lapse but shall carryover as appropriated funds from year to year until such funds are expended or lapse according to the originating federal grant program grant, as applicable; the bill authorizes the Mayor and Corporation Secretary to execute and deliver documents and take further action to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance.


Background: Lapsed funds are Community Development Block Grant funds that had been allocated in previous years for programs or projects that did not materialize; this legislation re-allocates those funds for other, current projects. The funding appropriated by this bill is allocated to three agencies for public facility improvement. Public facility refers to facilities that are generally open to the public such as homeless shelters.



ORD Approp $495,112.88 from Moncrief Creek Flood Control, Riverview Drainage Improvemts & VC Johnson Drainage Improvemts Projs to the Lincoln Villas Drainage Improvemt Proj, Phase 2; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2011-2012; Amend Ord 2010-558-E (CIP) to Auth Changes to said Projs. (BT 11-063) (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11




ORD Auth City to Apply for a $500 Florida Wildflower Grant & to Partner with the Florida Native Plant Society, IXIA Chapt, which will Match the $500, to Raise Addnl Funds for a Public Wildflower Proj. (McCain) (Req of Mayor) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


You can't have a plant sale to get the $500!!????!!!! The Florida Native Plant Society IXIA Chapter should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES!



ORD Waiving Sec 804.402 (Speed Limits), Ord Code, to Reduce Speed Limit of Bartram Springs Parkway from Race Track Rd to Cherry Lake Rd from 40 MPH to State Standard of 30 MPH. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/P Webb) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11



ORD Approp $500,000 from PW Rd Capital Projs - Banking Fund Other Constrn - Countywide Intersec Improvemts, Bridge Rehab for Funding Assistance to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc for Improvemts to Gate Parkway Intersec; Auth Funds Carryover to FY 2011-2012; Apv Grant Agreemt with said Corp. (Sidman) (Introduced by C/M Redman) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11



ORD Approp $1,500,000 from PW Public Bldgs Capital Projs - Upgrades/Maint Repairs, BF - Other Constrn to First Coast Soccer Assn, Inc to assist Funding Constrn of New Soccer Fields AT Patton Park at 2850 Hodges Blvd; Invoking Exception of 126.107(g), Ord Code, to Award Oversight & Mgmt of Soccer Fields Operation & the Funding Contract for Constrn of New Fields to said Assn; Auth License Agreemt with said Assn; Designate Oversight by Rec & Community Svc Dept. (Sidman) (Introduced by C/M Clark) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


The City's Charter does provide for “PARKS” but this is $1.5 MILLION! This deal is up in December...Let the new administration decide this one.


Bill Summary: The bill appropriates $1.5 million from the Public Works Public Buildings Capital Projects – Upgrade/Maintenance/Repairs – Banking Fund – Other Construction account as a grant to the First Coast Soccer Association, Inc. for construction of new soccer fields at Patton Park on Hodges Boulevard. The bill approves a park license agreement extension between the City and First Coast Soccer Association for the association to oversee the design and construction of new soccer fields at the park and to continue operating and maintaining the soccer complex and running the soccer programs at the park for a period of 10 years with three 5-year renewal options. The bill approves utilization of an exception provided in Sec. 126.107(g) of the Procurement Code to award the management contract for the park and soccer programs to First Coast Soccer without the use of a competitive procurement process. Finally the bill requests the Mayor to designate the Department of Recreation and Community Services as the oversight agency for the grant and operation of the soccer programs.


Background Information: First Coast Soccer Association has operated the soccer programs at Patton Park for 8 years under a license agreement originally approved by Ordinance 2002-82A for a term of 9 years which expires December 31, 2011. The agreement charges a token lease of $1 per year.



ORD re Dedication of Portion of Motes Rd Pursuant to Sec 95.361, F.S.; Making Findings; Auth Public Works to file Map with Clerk of the Court. (Sidman) (Introduced by C/M Corrigan) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


This is out of Corrigan's District so I wonder why he is involved, but here is what this is all about; from the Research Dept.


Background: Florida Statutes provides that where a road was not constructed by the entity currently maintaining or repairing it, or where it cannot be determined who constructed the road, and when such road has been regularly maintained or repaired for the immediate past 7 years by a county, a municipality or FDOT, such road shall be deemed to be dedicated to the public. The portion of Motes Road that this legislation addresses was built by the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) in the 1930’s as a timber road. The road straddles both Nassau and Duval Counties. The portion of Motes Road that the legislation addresses is located in Duval County; Nassau County has maintained this portion of Motes Road for over 7 years. By this ordinance, the City of Jacksonville accepts Motes Road as a public road. The dedication stipulates that Nassau County will continue to maintain that portion of Motes Road located in Duval County. The Public Works Department is authorized to file a map with the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court for Duval County that recognizes the portion of Motes Road, as noted in this legislation, as a public road. Motes Road is located in Council District 11.



RESO Requesting & Urging U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Dev to Suspend Issuance of Sec 8 Housing Vouchers for use in Eureka Garden Apts until Apt Owner & Mgmt take Substantial Proactive Steps to Secure Safety of Apt Complex. (Sidman) (Introduced by C/M Jones)




RESO-Q re Appeal by First Florida Credit Union of a Decision by the 911 Emerg Addressing Advisory Comm to Reassign an Address Out-of-Sequence from 4230 Southpoint Pkway to be 7026 Southpoint Pkway; Adopt Findings & Conclusions of TEU Comm. (Shaw) (TEU) TEU PH – 4/4/11




RESO Honoring & Congratulating Univ of Fla Gator Senior Basketball Forward Chandler Parsons upon being Voted SEC Player of the Year for the 2010-2011 Basketball Season. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/M Clark)





RESO Honoring & Congratulating Univ of Fla Gator Head Basketball Coach Billy Donovan upon being Voted SEC Coach of the Year for the 2010-2011 Basketball Season. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/M Clark)





RESO Designating May 20, 2011 as Bike to Work Day in Jacksonville. (Clements) (Introduced by C/M Redman)


Are you ready to BIKE TO WORK???? I wonder how many of the city employees who live in Clay, Nassau, or St Johns are going to be participating.



RESO Declaring Week of April 10-16, 2011 as Victims' Rights Week in Jacksonville. (Clements) (Introduced by C/M Johnson)




ORD Permitting 11 Perpendicular Parking Spaces on E/S of Oak St bet Margaret & Lomax Sts; Request Emerg Apv. (Dist 14-Corrigan) (Reingold) (Introduced by C/M Corrigan) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11




ORD-MC re Chapt 602 (Ethics Code), Ord Code, Creating New Part 6 (Office of Ethics, Compliance & Oversight) to Estab said Office to Coordinate Ethics Training, Compliance & Oversight Issues & to Staff the Ethics Comm. (Rohan) (Introduced by C/M Shad) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11




ORD Approp $175,000 from County Wide Park Upgrades/Maint Repairs to Install a Playscape & Fencing on Open Space at NW Corner of Pearce St & 3rd St W, Owned by Edward Waters College, Inc; Auth a Joint Use Agreemt with EWC; Designate Oversight by Rec & Community Svcs Dept; Waive Sec 106.315, Ord Code, that Bond Funds be used on City Propty. (Sidman) (Introduced by C/M Jones) Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 – 4/12/11


We the citizens are paying for playscape and fencing at a PRIVATELY owned piece of property.





RESO Declaring April 16, 2011 as "Helping Hands & Linking Arms Day of Service to Fill the Blood & Food Banks". (Clements) (Introduced by C/M Holt)

































































ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Amend to FLUM of 2030 Comp Plan - 8517 Cedar Point Rd (54.52± Acres) AGR(iv) to ROS - City of Jax. (Dist 11-Holt) (Reingold) (LUZ) (Rezoning 2011-221) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11





ORD-Q Rezoning 8517 Cedar Point Rd (54.52± Acres) - PUD & AGR to ROS - City of Jax. (Dist 11-Holt) (Reingold) (LUZ) (Semi-Annual 2011-220) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11





ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Text Amends to Future Land Use Element of 2030 Comp Plan re Max Density of Residential Uses in var Non-Residential Land Use Categories. (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11





ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Text Amends to Future Land Use Element of 2030 Comp Plan re Neighborhood Commercial Locations. (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11





ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Text Amends to Future Land Use Element of 2030 Comp Plan re Low Impact Development Manual. (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11





ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Text Amends to Future Land Use Element of 2030 Comp Plan re Family Homesteads. (Reingold) (LUZ) LUZ PH - 4/19/11 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 4/12/11 & 4/26/11

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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