In the Saturday edition of The Florida Times Union there was an article that talks about Matt Schellenberg drafting legislation that would block reappointment of Parvez Ahmed to the City's Human Rights Commission without ever mentioning his name. Councilman Matt Schellenberg is asking the council to shrink the 20 member commission to 11 seats. He is asking that the council to act on an emergency basis, adopting the bill the same day that it is introduced, to avoid confirming Ahmed and three others Mayor Alvin Brown named for new terms last month.
Schellenberg said his bill is aimed at the board size, not the members. He stated that the vast majority of about 70 city boards have 11 members or fewer. Usually seven to nine.
If you are able to access the article in the TU it might be helpful to others if you could post it in the comment section below. I am not able to do so.
It is my understanding that this bill will introduced tomorrow night during the regular City Council meeting.
Again, if you are able to attend and be prepared to speak to the issue should the opportunity present itself it would be a show of support for the legislation which ultimately while even if unintended would prevent the appointment of Mr. Ahmed to the Commission.
I must admit that I am somewhat confused about this next piece of information and at this hour I have no way to verify and share the facts with you.
I am told that before any vote for "reappointment" (Mr.Ahmed) to the Humans Rights Commission could occur the issue would have to go back through the Rules Committee and then go on to City Council. (Which I understood might happen on 2/26). I have received an email tonight which indicates that in fact there will be a vote on the reappointment of Mr. Ahmed. So, will it go through Rules tomorrow morning? Will there be a vote on this tomorrow at 5PM? Why would you have an emergency vote to reduce the size of the HR Commission and then this vote? I am usually pretty good with logic but this one has me going in a circle.
With that all said one thing is for sure, the meeting begins at 5PM Tuesday (tomorrow) and it should be interesting. We need to have a presence in support of the emergency bill offered up by Councilman Schellenberg and in opposition should there be a vote on the reappointment of Mr. Ahmed to the Human Rights Commission. If there is an opportunity to speak to either of these issues please be prepared, and offer up your voice.
I am adding the following as supporting information should you be able to attend.
Most recent Channel 4 report on the issue of the emergency bill by Matt Schellenberg
The following information is copied from the message I sent out previously which explains the issues around the reappointment of Pavez Ahmed.
Please Review the following few documents and video and plan on being at the City Council to have your voice heard on this matter.
Human Rights Commission’s across America have been targeted by 57 Islamic Nations know as the Organization of Islamic Cooperative (OIC) to implement their “10 Year Plan” to among other things…criminalize any speech offensive to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, or Muslims irrespective of the veracity of the speech. Professor Parvez Ahmed, the former National Chairman of the Propaganda Arm of HAMAS in America known as (CAIR) is being considered for reappointment to the Jacksonville Human Rights Commission. As Chairman of CAIR, Parvez worked directly with the (OIC) and appears to be using his position to continue to further their objectives, objectives which are diametrically opposed to the United States Constitution!
Parvez Ahmed - Stealth JIHAD
Parvez Ahmed Opposition to Constitution
Parvez Ahmed Caught on Video Deception: States Sharia is NOT law/fails to denouce Sharia Law deny equality to women, fails to denounce writing of Sayyid Qutb a contemporary of the Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood which spawned HAMAS a group he represents in America.
Parvez Ahmed Writes Article of Huffington Post States SHARIA IS LAW and Bin Laden was killed in accordance with it??????
Quick Facts! Five Reasons Parvez Ahmed should NOT Be Reappointed!
1. Mr. Ahmed was a member of CAIR Florida for (6) years and the National Chairman for (4) years. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was designated as a Muslim Brotherhood Entity (specifically the Palestine Committee) in Federal Court (US vs. HLF Trial 2008). The Muslim Brotherhoods Palestine Committee (aka HAMAS) has established branches worldwide to fund HAMAS. HAMAS is on the United States list of federally designated Terrorist Organizations. As such, CAIR is factually a HAMAS entity in America.
2. Mr. Ahmed recently wrote an article calling to repeal certain aspects of the First Amendment if such speech offends Muslim Sensibilities; citing the Mohammad Cartoons and subsequent riots a reason to criminalize these freedoms.
3. Mr. Ahmed was formally halted from conducting "Islamic Sensitivity Training" to the FBI in 2009 and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) followed suit after CAIR was named a Co-Conspirator in funding Hamas.
4. MR. Ahmed has used his position to influence many groups via “Sensitivity Training” since his appointment.
5. During Mr. Ahmed’s tenure on the HRC, The ACLU attempted to remove prayer from the City Council. (Note: Parvez Ahmed is a longtime AT Large leader of the Florida ACLU. In addition the HRC brought the 2012 “Anti Discrimination bill” supporting SPECIAL RIGHTS for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender Community. Counter Christian Culture!
Actions You Can Take to Stop Mr. Ahmed!
1. Call and email the Jacksonville City Council and tell them to Vote No on Bill 2013-75 Against Parvez Ahmed. Contact information below.
2. We need as many people as possible to personally attend this city council meeting. All meetings are in main council chambers at City Hall 117 W Duval St Jax FL 32202. Main Line 630-1377
Clay Yarborough 630-1389
William Bishop 630-1392
Richard Clark 630-1386
Don Redman 630-1394
Lori Boyer 630-1382
Matt Schellenberg 630-1388
Dr. Johnny Gaffney 630-1384
Denise Lee 630-1385
Warren Jones 630-1395
Reginald Brown 630-1684
Ray Holt 630-1383
Doyle Carter 630-1380
Bill Gulliford 630-1397
Jim Love 630-1390
Kimberly Daniels 630-1393
John Crescimbeni 630-1381
Stephen Joost 630-1396
Greg Anderson 630-1389
Robin Lumb 630-1387
Thank you as always for your support and efforts to protect and save the city, the state and the country for future generations.
This is the email that Beth Heath sent as an update to the meetings today. Thank you so much Beth for taking this on and being able to provide us with the information
The following info is provided to clear up some of the confusion over the "emergency" label on a bill to reduce the size of the Human Rights Commission. A lot of folks thought this bill was because of the proposed appointment of Parvez Ahmed to the Commission. Actually, if the bill is approved, it would affect any additional appointments to the already very large HRC.
I attended the public meeting on bill 2013-1386 (number of HRC appointments) and it was agreed this bill will not be taken up as an "emergency" tonight at City Council. Before the bill goes to full Council, it will make the rounds through Committees. Councilman Schellenberg said he labeled the bill as emergency out of frustration because he's been questioning the size of HRC a long time along with the need for all the commissions/boards/committees,etc this city has as a whole. Said he's been trying to get info and a review for a long time.
Councilman Schellenberg said most commissions/boards etc. are about 7 - 9 members. He picked 11 in his bill to be on the high end. He had a list of 25 different commission/boards/etc that have 61 vacant or expired appointments. He feels strongly that the need and size of all these groups should be reviewed to see if they accomplish anything productive and number of members actually required. Councilman Lumb agreed with the later.
Councilman Crescinbeni asked Schellenberg to agree to the pending appointments but he held his ground - Schellenberg feels strongly that the size of the HRC is just too large to be effective and doesn't want to appoint folks that are not needed. The Councilmen will hash this out at Rules Committee. Councilman Lumb said this matter should routinely go thru the Council Committee process (rather than bypass Committees review) I couldn't hear what Councilman Brown was muttering. Councilman Love said he thought HRC needed even more folks on the HRC because Jacksonville is so diverse!!!
Personally, I think Schellenberg's strategy is good but he's taking a lot of heat for it, especially the Times Union bias and its readers comments. By introducing 2013-86 as an emergency, he brought the matter to the forefront before appointments were routinely approved to a board that is already triple the size of other commissions/boards. Had he not made some noise, his bill could have gone to the end of the line and not receive as much attention. God bless you, Matt Schellenberg.
I hope you all will email Councilman Schellenberg at and thank him for presenting 2013-86 so that the Council and public can review and justify the size and accomplishments of HRC as well as other commissions, boards, committees/etc.throughout the city. It will surely benefit those who do volunteer to be appointed where they can accomplish something actually needed.
Hope this clears up some of the confusion over the "emergency" label and process.
Best regards,
Just found out that there is a public meeting with Councilmen Schellenberg and Love today, 2/12, at 2:30 in Conference Room A , City Hall. Bill # is 2013-1386 and it will just be introduced to Council at their meeting tonight.
This video, mentioned above is a must view if you are going to city council to speak against the appointment of Pavez Ahmed..
If you are still unsure of Mr. Ahmed's Un-American activities, why not contact the FBI and confirm Mr Ahmed's credentials? Mr. John Guandolo, a counter terrorism expert and former FBI Special Agent gave witness on that is alarming.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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